Chapter 47

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"What time does Tara expect us..." I ask Chris softly... The atmosphere in the room had gone all tense and i felt really uncomfortable and confused about Scott his reaction... I dont know why Scott was so weird about this... "At 4..." Chris says and i look at my watch seeing it was only 11 in the morning... "Okay... I will go to my place to get some stuff, check the mail and such... Give you 2 some space to talk..." I say avoiding looking at Scott... 

"Ava... No, you dont have to..." Chris protests a worried look on his face and i sigh... "Yeah i think you should..." I say kissing his cheek before i finally look at Scott... "Ava... I didn't..." Scott starts to say but i hold up my hand shake my head and without saying a word i walk out... I grab a pair of keys from a one of the cars Chris owned... My car was still at my place we were going to get it tomorrow... I grab my purse checking if the keys of my place are in it and take another deep breath... 

"Seriously Scott! What the fuck is your problem!" I heard Chris yell at Scott as i walked out the door and into the garage pressing the button for the garage door... I sigh and get in the car driving it out and press the button to close the garage again... I took a deep breath and make my way out of the driveway and onto the road... The drive was short and about 15 minutes later i arrive at my place... I dont even know how i got here... The whole drive been in a daze...

I just couldn't understand Scott's reaction... I really had no idea... But i start to get angry... The audacity of him to ask if i was pregnant was staggering as if that would be the only reason Chris would entertain the idea of moving in with me... I had been on cloud nine for the last couple of months. Everything had been so easy the last couple of months and coming back to Boston was something i had looking forward to... With a vacation as a little break i was excited to getting back to normal life... Maybe it had been too easy in our own Marvel bubble... 

Maybe his family were not as happy about us being together as we both thought... Maybe it was all going to fast or maybe they just think i was okay for me to be his friend but was i not good enough to be his girlfriend... Maybe we got ahead of ourselves and being in the bubble in Atlanta had clouded our judgement... 

I sigh taking a deep breath and look at my house... I really dont want to go in... The last memories of this place making my stomach turn... I sigh and take a deep breath and get out of the car grabbing my keys and walking to the front door... I take another deep breath putting the key in the front door hesitating for a second as i try to calm my nerves... 

God this is my home... This is the place were i used to be happy and relaxed and know it felt like an awful place... Was that why i said yes to Chris asking me to move in... I hadn't thought about going home to my own place from the moment we had left for Atlanta... So that couldn't be it... Even when he asked me to move in i didn't think about that... He had even said we could move in here if i rather wanted that... I was just so excited and happy he wanted to wake up to me every day... On cloud nine... Happy... And now i started to doubt everything... 

Maybe we should wait... Maybe we should wait until his family was more on board seeing as they are so important to Chris... Maybe we should not force this on them... I did not want to be disliked by them... What if they thought i was using him... I had no idea where is should have used him for... I had a good career a steady income... I didn't care about the fame or the attention all i wanted was him and i couldn't care less about anything else...

I sigh and push open the door and step inside... The house is quiet and i dont get the happy feeling i normally had coming home... Dust is dancing in the little light coming through the curtains... I sigh and walk further into the house and close the door behind me... 

I go and get the mail and look through it... There was nothing important... But my eye fell on an envelope with my name... No address nothing... I open the letter and when i see the name at the bottom i just toss it away as it is from Josh... I sigh as i am not interested in what he has to say... I took the other mail putting it in my bag and walk into the house further grabbing some of the important stuff i wanted at Chris his house... The letter of Josh had reminded me of everything that happened and i just wanted to leave again... 

I just made the decision right there and then that even if we put moving in together off... I would move to another place some place not tainted by Josh... I make my way through the house and my phone buzzes and i sigh as it is Chris... 

"Hey..." I say answering and he sighs... "Are you okay angel?" He asks and i sigh... "Yeah i am fine... I grabbed some things and almost out the door again..." I mumble and Chris seems to let out a sigh of relief... "Scott was out of line... I want you with me Ava..." He whispers and i sigh... "I dont want to cause problems between you and your family Chris... Maybe it is too soon and they need to get used to us dating first..." I whisper and i can feel him take in a sharp breath... "No... It is not... Please come home so we can talk okay..." He says almost begging me... I can feel the tears coming because i feel so confused... "I am on my way..." I whisper and we say goodbye...

I walk outside and put everything in the car before i lock up the house again making a mental note to ask Tara to put it on the market when i see her later... I get behind the wheel and take a deep breath before starting the car and pulling out... But when i make the turn my heart sinks as on the side of the road i see him... Josh... He has an almost earie smile on his face as he waves at me... Nothing else... He doesn't come up to the car he doesn't seem to want to stop me... He just stands there and waves... 

My heart is beating fast and i press the gas wanting out of here and i speed off while he steps in the road waving me off... Still that smile on his face... 

I let out a sigh of relief as i had left him behind and he was now out of my sight and i want to slow down so i press the brakes... But nothing happens... I try again pressing the brakes as hard as i can but nothing and the realization sets in that my brakes dont work...

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