Chapter 106

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Chris is sitting next to me at the doctor's office... He is nervous his legs bouncing up and down... I try to ignore it... I take a deep breath and try to ignore the vibrations it is sending through me... I try to ignore it and not lash out... But instead of blocking it i can only focus on it more and i snap... "Sappy... You know i love you right..." I say and looks at me nods and smiles as i stare daggers at him... "I know angel..." He says and i take a deep breath... "Okay... So, keep that in mind when i tell you for the love of God... To stop bouncing your fucking leg... It is driving me crazy..." I say and he chuckles smirking and stops... 

"Sorry angel... Just nervous and excited to see our baby... I will stop..." He whispers kisses me and i let out a deep breath again... "No i am sorry i shouldn't have snapped..." I say letting out a sigh and i feel the tears coming... "Oh angel dont cry..." Chris whisper putting his arm around me and comforting me... "It is okay..." He says and i take a deep shaky breath...

We are here for our checkup... The day after the wedding we went for the first one and today is our second checkup... I am about 12 weeks along now... I have been okay overall... I had good days and bad days, but Chris really had been amazing spoiling me, helping me... Comforting me, holding my hair when i was throwing up and rubbing my back... He has also been annoying and getting on my nerves... Most of the time he didn't know what he did to annoy me... Hell sometimes i didn't even know myself... 

The only one who could do no wrong at this point was Jack... I had been tired a lot and he loved to cuddle with me on the couch taking naps... The reason was heart breaking though... His mom had been pregnant when she died... He told me she had a big belly right before she was gone so it was safe to say that the baby had not survived either... I just held him extra tight after that and cuddle with him and explain every detail what was going on about the baby... He loved it all... I had not expected him to be this happy about having a brother or sister... But he was excited and had even asked if i could hurry... We had chuckled and told him that we had no say in the matter and that it was going to be a while for the baby was going to be here... 

The door opens and the doctor walks in looking at some papers... "Mrs. Evans... Mr. Evans... It is nice to see you again..." He says smiling and he shook our hands... "So how are you feeling?" He asks me and i sigh... "I am feeling everything... Having good days and bad days... But i am tired a lot and very emotional and easily annoyed..." I say in a soft tone blushing and the doctor chuckles... 

"That is all normal... But seeing as it your first pregnancy i can understand it is all overwhelming..." The doctor says and i nod... "How is Jack handling it all...?" He asks and i smile and tear up and Chris takes my hand... "He is very clingy towards Ava... He loves to cuddle with her, and he is amazing... Better than we had ever could hope for... But the reason as to why is heartbreaking because we found out that his biological mother was highly pregnant when she died... So, the baby died to..." Chris says and the doctor looks at us shocked... 

"I dont mind the cuddling and clinginess Jack is the only one who can't seem to get on my nerves..." I say blushing and the doctor chuckles... 

"Okay but other than irritable and tired you are feeling, okay?  Did the morning sickness die down?" He asks and i sigh... "I think so... I feel good overall... I take a nap every day... Take my vitamins... and try to watch what i eat..." I say and the doctor nods... "Beans, whole grain cereals, quinoa, berries, and green leafy vegetables are all great energy boosting foods... Sugary things will not help you will crash after an hour or two... So, try to avoid that..." He says and i scoff... "Hate anything sweet at the moment... Didn't even eat a piece of our wedding cake..." I mumble and he smiles... 

"And how is dad doing...?" He asks Chris and he smirks... "Apparently i am very annoying..." He says with the biggest grin on his face as if it the best thing ever and i blush... "I told you i was sorry..." I mumble and Chris takes my hand kissing the back of it... "I am fine... Excited, nervous..." He says and i smile...

Chris had been reading books and everyday he came to me with a new fact about or baby... It was so cute... Every week he would come home from grocery shopping with a piece of fruit to show how big the baby now was... It was the cutest thing ever... 

"Okay well i checked your bloodwork and something came up so i have to check... If you can lay down and lift your shirt..." The doctor asks and i look at him worried... "Is our baby, okay?" I say feeling scared and the doctor smiles... "There is no need to worry... I just have to check..." He says and i nod and stand up and walk to the table... Chris helps me up and i lift my shirt trying to fight my tears... Chris holds my hand kissing it as the doctor squirts the jelly on my stomach... 

The doctor looks at the screen as he moves the cold jelly around with the ultrasound thing... He was staring at the screen and i was getting more nervous... All of a sudden, he turned the screen towards us and smiled... "Congratulations... You will have to buy two of everything... You are expecting twins..." He says and Chris and i look at him in shock...

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