Chapter 140

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It has been a busy and stressful week. They have started on the house 2 days ago. We have had a few interviews with police. The news had gotten out, God knows how. The team had gotten hundreds of phone calls asking for a comment. We told them we had none... Mainly because Josh had still not been found and the investigation was still ongoing... I dont know why though from what i heard from Chris it was clearly him on the video and our master bedroom had provided so much DNA from him that i was contemplating just burning the house down...

But after a walk through on what we wanted we decided to change the whole upstairs into a different lay out. I hoped that that would help... The week had been busy with the babies, Jack and picking out new bathrooms and a kitchen and God knows what else... 

We were still staying at Lisa's. She was nothing but wonderful and i love her so much for taking us in... She is amazing. But today after days of running around i wanted to do something to relax me so i told Chris to load up the twins and Jack in the car we were going to do something i wanted to do for a few days now... I had put them all in these adorable outfits i bought yesterday including Chris and myself. It was the first day since giving birth i put on a nice dress and did my makeup. When they were in the car i told Chris to drive to my studio...

"We are going to take family pictures..." I said smiling as i sat in the passenger seat and Chris's face lights up... I smile looking at the back seat Jack sitting between the twins cooing to them. We drove to the studio and i let out a sigh with a big smile on my face when we walked in. Melissa runs up to me hugging me tightly catching me by surprise and i greet Sean who had i now had hired as a full-time photographer... People loved him and loved his work, so it was perfect. I look around smiling and Jack just looks around his eyes wide... 

"This is all yours, mommy?" He asked and i nodded getting down to his level. "Yes, this is all me... This is where i used to work. This is where i met your dad..." I say and he hugs me... "You met dad taking pictures of him...? Can i see...?" He asks and i nod and stand up. I walk to the wall and show him the first photo i had ever taken of Chris... "Are there more?" He asks and i nod and look at Chris who is smirking at me. Melissa is cooing at the twins a big smile on her face... While Chris is talking to Sean. 

"Can i see the others?" Jack asks and i chuckle a little... "When you are a little older..." I say and Jack looks at me confused. "Why?" He asks not understanding why he can't see a photo of his dad... I get down to his level again... "Do you remember when we had the talk about watching some of dads movies when you are older... Because you are too young and the movies to scary..." I said and Jack nodded... "Well, those pictures are too scary to..." I said and Jack nodded... "Okay..." He said and pointed to another picture thank God not pushing on why the pictures are scary... They are not but they are certainly not for kid's eyes... "Who is that?" He asks and i chuckle... "I forgot... I took so many pictures that i dont know everyone's name anymore..." I say and Jack giggles... 

Jack and i walk over to where the others are and i hug Sean. We talk a bit before it is finally time to get to work. We walk to the back of my studio and i smile as Jack runs around squealing all excited... Chris stands beside me and kisses my temple and points out the bathtub... "Good memories..." He mumbles and i giggle... "I know... I still got the pictures..." I say and he grins... 

"Mom! There is a bathroom!" Jack squeals and Chris and i both burst out laughing... "Yes bud... But it is not a real bathroom!" Chris yells after him and Jack runs to another set... "Maybe we should get the same tub at home..." Chris murmurs in my ear and i smirk... "To small... You dont fully fit in it and i need space..." I whisper back and Chris laughs...

"Okay Jack! Can you come to take some pictures?" I yell and Jack runs towards us... The next few hours is spend taking pictures of Jack with Owen and Aiden and some with Chris to... I smile at the pictures of my boys on my little screen... Big smiles as both Jack and Chris hold one of the twins... Then it is time to take some pictures of the twins alone for the announcement... I then call in Sean so he can take some pictures of all of us as a family... I was going to surprise Lisa with one i know she would love that... 

When we are done i put all the pictures on my laptop to work on them at home. It is almost dinner time, and we invite Sean and Melissa to dinner with us in the little diner were i ate many times when i was working at the studio... Jack is loving the attention he is getting from Melissa and Sean and i smile as he talks a mile a minute... I realize once again how far he has come and how much he has grown... We had a checkup for him yesterday and the doctors where amazed at how good he was doing which made me so proud. 

I am exhausted when we finally come back home or at Lisa's place and after putting the twins down and Jack to bed i crawl in the bed Chris and i are sharing and as soon as my head hits the pillow i am out... 

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