Chapter 153

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Chris pov...

I am holding Ava as we watch Jack being rolled off to the operating room for the biopsy. The nurse that stayed with him yesterday when we got the news by his side as we were not allowed to come with. They had done the CT scan again and it was there for a split second i had the hope it had been a glitch... That they would tell us good news there is nothing there... But no... The spot was still there. So, they explained what was going to happen next... And that was happening now... They had wheeled our boy off for the biopsy... I take a deep sigh as Ava shivers next to me. 

 "Do you want something to eat or drink angel?" I ask and she shakes her head. "Angel, you have barely eaten something since lunch yesterday..." I whisper kissing her temple... 

"Too anxious to eat..." She mumbles and i sigh... "Come here angel..." I say standing up myself before pulling her up from her seat and sitting down pulling her into my lap... "Angel you are of no use to Jack if you dont take care of yourself..." I say rubbing her back up and down as she feels so cold. She sighs... "Just let it go Chris... I am to anxious and nauseous to eat..." She mumbles and i sigh. I dont push any further as i know it won't work as she is stubborn and i dont want to put her under more stress. I will just get lunch later and see if she wants something to eat... She has to eat something sooner or later...  

"I am scared Chris..." She whispers and i kiss the top of her head... "I know angel. I am to..." I mumble and she cuddles into me... We sit there i dont know for how long... Neither one of us says much. We are both anxiously waiting for news and i can't stop looking at my watch. It it like time is standing still... I texted ma asking how the twins were doing and she send some pictures. They were sleeping and were doing great which was a relief. Ava and i both feel a bit guilty about not being around so much now. 

About 2 hours later a nurse and doctor come in smiling. They tell us everything went well, and we could follow the nurse to the recovery room to be with Jack when he was going to wake up. We are warned he could be a bit groggy. We follow her and when we walk in Jack is still out... I sigh as he looks so small and vulnerable in the big bed. Ava walks over to him and sits down next to him immediately, taking his little hand in hers... 

"I think i have some good news..." The nurse whispers to me and i look at her. "If he comes out of this well. I think you are going to be able to take him home tonight. No promises though..." She says and i feel a sliver of hope that we could all be home tonight in our own beds... Well i am sure that if we could take him home Ava would want him in our own bed if that was safe. 

I thank her and she tells us to call if we need anything. To just press the button when he wakes up. I dont tell Ava what the nurse said as i dont want her to get her hopes up. But the idea we got to take him home tonight was a nice one... 

We sit at his bed waiting for him to wake up. The had shaved a patch of his head and bandaged it up now. Ava hates that he had to shave part of his head. She loved his curls... All of a sudden Jack moves and i smile as he groans a bit... Ava has tears running down her cheek... "Hey sweetie..." She whispers standing up and kissing his cheek. "Welcome back..." She whispers and i press the button for the doctors and nurse... 

After they have done some checkups, he has to stay for a few hours for observation and gets moved to his room. But what the nurse told me happens, and the doctor says we can take him home until we get the results. To keep him calm and comfortable... Ava is over the moon and even while Jack is still a bit dazed, he seems happy he doesn't have to stay in the hospital tonight. 

I go to call ma and tell her the good news. We get to take him home and that was not what we had expected this morning. Ma is ecstatic and tells me she will go get his room ready and set up the couch so he can be comfortable. When i walk back into the room Jack is smiling talking to Ava... He is such a good boy and Ava is his hero i know that... Everyone always says that i am but i know Ava is his favorite and i dont mind. She is my favorite to... She is the one who saved him. She is the one who loved him from the moment she walked into that hospital room the first time... We had hoped we didnt have to come back here but i know with Ava by his side he will make it... He has to... 

When it is time to go home, he is much more awake and himself and i am surprised at how upbeat he is... He asked if he could watch cartoons when we got home and of course he can if he is up for it. We get instructions and are sent on our way. Ava sits with him in the backseat... She hasn't left his side... When we come home ma is cooking all the things that are Jack's favorites... I am carrying him and after he hugged ma, we put him on the couch to watch his favorite cartoons...

We catch ma up and tell her we will get the results in a couple of days, and we will see how to go from there... That we have to wait for the results to see what the next step is. I am even happier when Ava eats more than she has in the last 24 hours. She is just happy to have him home. And although we dont exactly know what the future hold which is scary i am convinced we will get through this. 

"I am going to check on the twins..." Ava says and i smile and nod. I go to sit down next to Jack on the couch happy he has eaten something as well. He is giggling, watching TV eating his ice cream. I smile as Ava comes down with Owen handing him to me before she goes to get Aiden. The rest of the evening is spent on the couch with my beautiful wife our boys and ma. 

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