Chapter 15

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"I need you to be honest... No bullshit..." I said and Chris nodded the look on his face even more worried and confused as we stand in his kitchen... He is nervously picking at the label of his water bottle and i take a deep breath... "Is there something you want to tell me...?" I ask and he takes a deep breath to... "Like what?" He says with utter confusion on his face... "Like something to do with my career... My business...?" I say and i see if this gets a reaction to whether or not he has something to do with it... "What about your career and business...? I am confused..." He says and i sigh refraining myself from rolling my eyes... "Ava... I swear i have no idea what you are talking about..." He says and i think he is telling the truth... I know him and he can't lie to save his life... 

I hesitate if i should tell him what is going on but his utter confusion making me believe he does not know... "Ava... Can you please tell me what is going on... I am getting worried here my anxiety level is getting higher so please just tell me..." He says and i take a deep breath... He is going to find out either way and my assistant is right... This is too good of an opportunity to pass up... Maybe it is better that he knows... I dont want me showing up on set out of the blue to interfere with his career... I mean he needs to be focused and there will be stunts and i dont want him to get hurt no matter where we stand... 

"So, i got an interesting call today... From some people you are familiar with..." I say taking a deep breath and he looks at me... "Okay..." He says shrugging his shoulders and i see no sign of him holding back that he knows about it... "Apparently the guy who normally photographs everything behind the scenes and does the promotion photoshoots has broken his leg... So, this means he will not be able to do it this time and they asked me to replace him..." I say and Chris his face lights up and for a moment i think it is because this means i will be around him almost 24/7 but no... 

"Ava that is amazing!" He says all exited and i blush... "You are going to do great that is such a big deal..." He says smiling... "You had nothing to do with the Russo brothers calling me?" I just bluntly ask, and he shakes his head almost violently... "I promise you i haven't... You got this all on your own... I mean you are good at your job... And that shows... The Russo brothers would not hire you if they didn't think that... They dont do nepotism... They are kind of perfectionists and when it comes to their work, they dont mess around... They wouldn't be offering you the job if they think you are not up to their standards... No matter if i had asked them or put in a good word... Which i did not... I dint not even know that Gary broke his leg..." He says giving me a big genuine smile and i let out a little sigh of relief... 

"Omg this is amazing... Ava do you have any idea how much of a big deal this is..." He says again smiling and before i can even stop him he hugs me and i want to protest and push him away but for a moment everything feels normal and i love it... For a moment it feels like everything since the party didn't happen and everything is back to normal...

"I haven't accepted it yet..." I mumble and Chris lets me go and looks at me as if i am crazy... "I have 48 hours to make a decision..." I say and blush. Chris sighs... "You're hesitating? Why?  Because of me...?" He asks looking at me shocked and i look away from him... "Among other things..." I mumble and he lets out a deep sigh...

"Ava look at me..." He says the tone of his voice serious and i look at him... "I promise you i will behave... I will not interfere with your career besides i am working long hours to... There are plenty of people around, so we are not alone... But this is a big deal and good for your business... Besides it pays very well and will look amazing in your portfolio... You know most of the actors already and they like you and trust you which makes it even better so what is there to think about? What else is holding you back..." He asks and i sigh and start to pace up and down... 

 "I have to cancel things... It is 4 months or even more... Josh is not going to like this..." I blurt out and freeze on the spot now knowing if it was smart to tell Chris this... It just like sort of slipped out in frustration and Chris looks at me worried... "What about Josh... He should be thrilled for you... This is a once in a lifetime opportunity..." Chris says and i sigh now leaning with my elbows on the counter and putting my hands in my hair letting out a groan... "Ava... What happened...?" He asks and i groan again... "I shouldn't be talking with you about this..." I mumble... "I shouldn't even be here..." I say letting out a sigh... "Ava..." He says in a stern voice because he knows me well to and he notices i am about to spiral... 

I stand up and look at him... "It is nothing..." I mumble but he is not having it... "No... It is something..." He says and i take a deep breath... "Apparently you have been running your mouth about me.... This somehow got back to him... It got to him... Then the article in the magazine came and he well let's say he didn't like it... He had the audacity to tell me what i could and could not do work wise, saying it was not normal for me to do those kinds of shoots and we had an argument about it... I told him straight up that he was out of line and had no say in which projects i take on, but he was not happy..." I say letting out a deep sigh and Chris looked at me shocked... 

"Ava... That is not..." He starts to say but i hold up my hand... "I am sorry i shouldn't have dumped this on you... I am not being fair... I have to go..." I say and he sighs knowing that holding up my hand is my signal for i am done talking... "Can you at least let me know if you are going to take the job..." He asks and i look at him... "I am going to take the job... Like you said it is too good to pass up..." I mumble and he smiles... "Well in that case... Looking forward to working with you again Ms. Watts..." He says holding out his hand and i blush... I ignore his hand and hug him catching him by surprise... "Thank you..." I whisper and i let him go... He smiles at me and nods... "I have to go now... A lot of things to do..." I say smiling feeling myself get more exited... Chris chuckles and walks me to the door... 

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