Chapter 119

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"Blue...!!" Jack squeals jumping up and down as the whole room turns blue with balloons, confetti and ribbons covering everyone in a blanket of baby blue... "Boys... We are having boys..." I whisper in tears in my eyes as i look around the room people cheering and clapping, and Chris smiles pulls me in his arms and kisses me... "Boys..." He says grinning because he guessed right... "You are going to outnumbered momma..." He says softly grinning in our little moment... and i chuckle with tears in my eyes... "You and the boys are going to drive me crazy..." I whisper and Chris smirks... 

"Mommy... Blue!" I hear as i feel Jack pull on my dress and Chris chuckles and grabs him lifting him up in his arms... "Yes, bud blue... You are getting two brothers..." Chris says smiling kissing his cheek and i wipe away my tears... 

"What do you think about that sweetheart..." I ask him and he gets the biggest smile on his face... "I like it mommy..." He says and i chuckle again... The firsts to interrupt our little family moment are Seb and Mackie and i am crying as i hug them... "Thank you, thank you so much it is amazing... Everything is amazing you both did amazing..." I whisper and Seb cups my face smiling... "Your welcome mommy... You are going to be in so much trouble with 4 boys around..." Seb says and Chris looks at him rolling his eyes as he counts Chris as a kid to and i giggle... "Yes, so you better have my back every now and then..." I whisper and he chuckles and hugs me... "I always got your back..." He whispers and i start to cry again... 

Seb lets me go to go hug Chris and Mackie smirks and pulls me in a hug next... "Congratulations mom... Two more boys..." He says and i smile... "Are you going to tell me i am going to be in trouble to?" I ask and he smirks shaking his head... "Nah... I dont need to tell you... Besides you are going to be a great boy mom..." He says laughing and i chuckle... 

When he lets me go to go hug Chris, Lisa appears with tears in her eyes and we both cry as she hugs me... Happy tears all happy tears... "I am going to need some girl nights to combat all the testosterone that is going to flood our house over the next years..." I whisper with a smile on my face and Lisa chuckles... "Deal..." She says and i hug her again... "I am so happy for you all... You are going to do amazing..." She whispers and i smile and start to cry again... I look over my shoulder to my boys... Mackie and Seb are tickling Jack and i he is squealing begging his dad to help who steps in to save the day... 

"But i know i will be okay... Because who can look at that and think... Nah... I dont want more of those..." I whisper and Lisa chuckles... The next in line is Scott... "BOYS!!" He yells and i laugh as he is twirling around pointing to his baby blue suit... "Oh yeah... I got it right..." He says smirking and i laugh... "Yes, you did... But to be fair... So did about half of the people here Scott... I mean you had 50/50 chance..." I say and he laughs and pulls me in a hug... "Dont ruin this for me... I am happy i got something right..." He mumbles and kisses my cheek... "Okay fair enough... Yeeeyh Scott...!" I squeal and we both laugh... 

Scott moves on and next are Carly and Shanna... "Where are the kids?" I ask Carly and she smiles... "Home with Ryan... They have school..." Carly says smiling and i blush... "I am sorry of course..." I say and she chuckles... "Congratulations sweetie..." She says whispers and i smile before she walks on to Chris... I smile as everyone congratulates Chris and Jack to...

Shanna and i hug as she congratulates us and then follows a slew of people... There are so many people and having them all congratulates takes long and my back and feet hurt when the line finally clears... "Come on angel sit down..." Chris whispers in my ear pulling up a chair and i sit down thankful to be off my feet... All of a sudden i see King enter and i chuckle... With all the massive guys in this room he still stands out... But to my surprise following behind them is this little woman with 3 kids and i smile before asking Chris to help me up... 

They walk over and they look at me awkwardly... "Sorry we missed it..." He says and i shake my head... "You are here that is more important to me than anything..." I say smiling and he smiles back at me... "Uhm Chris... Ava... This is my wife Jessica and my 3 kids... Leon, Calvin and Maggie..." King said and i smile waving at them and they shyly smiled at me back. 

"Jack... Why dont you show them where the cupcakes are..." I said smiling and 3 faces light up and Chris put Jack down and i smiled as they all run off... "You have cute kids..." I say smiling at King and Jessica... "Thank you..." They both say smiling... "How are you feeling?" Jessica asks and i smile... "I am feeling good... Things are getting harder, but your husband is a big help... I am really thankful..." I say and she smiles... "I am happy to hear that..." She says and i smile... 

"He has good practice..." She says smiling and i laugh and i smile as Jack plays with their kids running around... "You should bring them to set one day they will have a blast..." Chris says and King and Jessica look surprised... "Yeah seeing the superhero's in action..." I say and they both smile. "And you and i can have lunch together while our husbands entertain the kids..." I say smiling at Jessica and her face lights up... "That sounds amazing..." She says and i smile...

The party continues but after two hours it is too much and i am exhausted and Chris goes around telling everyone goodbye but to please stay and enjoy the party... Jack wants to stay and play with King's kids, so Seb and Mackie offer to take him home which we accept. Lisa decides to come with us which makes me happy so when Chris is done saying goodbye, he helps me up and we leave... I am so tired and listening to Chris and Lisa catch up slowly lulls me to sleep on the back seat.

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