Chapter 30

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We are 4 days into filming when i see a woman walking up to me smiling and i start to laugh as she pulls me into a hug... "Ava! God i haven't seen you in forever... How are you..." She says and i smile hugging her back... "I am good Scar... How are you..." I say and she releases me from the hug. "I am good..." She says and looks at my face and i sigh... "What happened there?" She asks and i sigh... "A little disagreement with the guy i was dating..." I mumble and she sighs... "Was dating i might hope..." She says and i nod... "God yes... Trust me..." I say and she smiles... "What did Chris say...?" She asks and i sigh... "That he will kill him..." I mumble and Scarlet sighs... 

"I dont know when he will come to his senses and stop dating those airheads and finally admit..." She says and i smirk as Chris is standing behind her... "Admit what...?" Chris says interrupting her and Scarlet turns around blushing... "Chris...!" She says hugging him and he hugs her back winking at me over her shoulder and i chuckle. He releases her and walks over to me and steps beside me wrapping his arm around me resting his hand on my hip giving me al little squeeze and Scarlet's eyes go wide... "Really?!" She squeals and Chris nods with a smirk on his face... "Finally!!" It took you long enough..." She says punching his shoulder... "Ouch..." He says smirking rubbing his shoulder and i giggle as Scarlet shakes her head... "Oh stop being a baby..." She says smirking.

"I am so happy for you both... You two belong together..." She says smiling and i blush... "Thank you... But we are taking things slow..." I say and Chris nods, but Scarlet rolls her eyes... "Right... Well, it doesn't matter as long as you are together..." She says and i blush... 

Chris gets called back to set and i go with Scarlet as she is going to be transformed into Natasha... She arrived yesterday in Atlanta as she was nod needed earlier... When she is done i take a few photos and talk about her family before going back to set and walking around taking photos... 

They are doing some stunt sequence and it is not going to the Russo brothers liking... I am walking around snapping pictures and i stand close to them as they are discussing why they dont get it the way they want it to be on the screen. 

I listen in, as it interesting meanwhile looking through my camera and i wonder... They are discussing different options with the stunt team and crew when i walk up to them... "Sorry to interrupt..." I say and they all stop talking looking at me and i clear my throat... "Can i show you something?" I ask and they look at me utterly confused but nod... "I didn't mean to eavesdrop or tell you how to do your job because god knows i know nothing about making movies but... What i overheard you want... I think you can get if you move to... there..." I say showing them the sequence of photos i had taken... 

"Holy shit... Joe look..." Anthony says and i hand my camera over to Anthony... I look up and see Chris smirking at me and i smile back at him... More and more people of the crew surround us and i take a step back to let them figure out what to do... When i eventually get my camera back Joe looks at me and smirks... "You really got an eye for this..." He says and i smile... "Happy i could help..." I say and he smiles back at me... "Ever thought about working in the movie industry?" He asks and i laugh... "Oh no i am happy with what i do... I love photography..." I say and he smiles... 

A few minutes later Chris walks over to me and i smile... "What's up?" I ask and he grins... "We get to go home..." He says and i look confused... "Why?" I ask and he chuckles. "Because they have to reset everything and do run throughs to make sure it is safe... Because someone showed them a way, they like..." Chris says and i blush... "Sorry..." I mumble and Chris laughs... "Dont be... You helped..." He said hugging me and i smiled... "Now let me get changed and we can go home..." He whispers and i nod as he takes my hand and walks with me to his trailer to get changed... 

"Do you need help Chris?" One of the wardrobe girls says and i ignore it as she seems a little too eager in my eyes... I just keep reminding me that this is how it works... She is just doing her job and to not take it too seriously... I know women love him and how can you not... But sometimes it is hard seeing them flirt with him not caring i am there... Or maybe it was flirting in my head and was i making it a bigger deal in my head than it really was... Whatever it was... Sometimes i just had to take a deep breath and ignore it otherwise it would drive me insane... Besides... We are at work so no starting drama...

"No... Ava can help me... I'll put the suit on the couch you can get it later after we have left..." He said and he took my hand and i squealed as he pulled me into the trailer. I giggled as he pulled me into a gentle kiss still scared, he would hurt me... It did still hurt a little but fuck his kisses were worth it... 

He started to take the suit off and i grinned taking a few steps back and snapping a photo... He lifted his head and put his hands on his hips shaking his head... He is standing there in only the pants of the suit his chest bare as i still smirked taking another picture... "Angel..." He says with a grin on his face... "Yes Captain..." I say batting my eyes at him... "Those pictures better not show up on the extra's..." He said smirking and i laughed... "Oh dont worry... They will go in the safe with the other ones... For my eyes only... Captain..." I say smirking and he chuckles... He took of the rest as i giggled snapping photos and he got dressed again... 

"Let's go home..." He whispered and i nodded before he kissed me again his hand roaming my body and i let out a little moan as my body was reacting to his touch. We met up with the others and Alex drove us home... I walk into my office first loading the pictures on my work laptop and putting the private ones on an external hard drive i had for personal use making sure the pictures were not accidently going to appear between the others... I checked a few times but i got them all and i smirked locking it away in my work case... 

I walk to the kitchen where the guys are sitting all freshly showered and changed. "There she is our new director..." Seb says and i blush... "Stop it..." I mumble and they all chuckle... "Well i am going out tonight... Who is joining me..." Seb says and i shake my head and point at my face... "Nope... Work and home that is all i am doing looking like this..." I say and Seb sighs... "Sorry gotten used to it so i forgot..." He mumbles blushing and i chuckle. "It is okay... "You boys have fun... Dont stay home on my account..." I say and Seb and Mackie look at Chris who shakes his head... "I am staying home... I am not going to pass up a night alone with my girl..." He says smirking and i blush... "You can go if you want to... I dont mind..." I whisper and he shakes his head... "No i am staying with you..." He whispers and i smile...

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