Chapter 89

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"Hey bud...! Can you come to the kitchen really quick!" Chris yells and Jack comes running in... "What's up buttercup..." Jack says and i roll my eyes... He had heard Chris say it to me yesterday and he found it hilarious and had been saying it ever since... "We need to have a little talk..." Chris says smirking. Jack looks at us... "Was i bad...?" He says and sits down on one of the barstools... "No bud... Having a talk doesn't automatically mean that you have been bad..." He says smiling and Jack relaxes. 

"We just wanted to let you know we are going on a little trip tomorrow..." I say smiling and Jack's face turns sad... "I have to stay here alone?" He asks and we look at him shocked... "No... Of course, not... You are coming with us sweetheart... We would never leave you home alone..." I say walking over to him cupping his face with both hands and planting a kiss on his nose making him giggle... "Like a vacation?" He says and i nod... "Yes, a little vacation... We are going to meet some of your dad's fellow actors... Dad's friend Robert is having a party... Seb and Mackie are going to be there to... Do you remember them from the hospital..." I say smiling and Jack nods... 

"Like a birthday party?" He asks and Chris chuckles... "Like that but it is not his birthday... But i want to bet there is going to be cake..." Chris says... "So, i need you to pick out 3 toys to take with you... To put in your suitcase... So, nothing to big..." I say and Jack jumps off the barstool and runs off... "Okay!" He yells as he is running upstairs and i chuckle... 

"Do you think he has been left alone before..." Chris says looking at me and i sigh walk over to him and hug him laying my head on his chest... "I dont know... It wouldn't surprise me..." I say and Chris shakes his head... "I know his mother was sick and that it was an addiction but sometimes i just..." He says and is sigh and walk over to him and wrap my arms around him... "It is over... He is safe and he never has to be alone at home again..." I say and Chris sighs and wraps his arms around me and kisses the top of my head... 

"Sometimes i just forget he has a difficult past and then he goes and says something like that..." Chris mumbles and i hug him a little tighter... "I know sappy... I know..." I whisper and plant a kiss over his heart... He chuckles and lets out a sigh... "Can you go check that there is still going to be room in his suitcase for clothes..." I mumble and Chris laughs... "Sure..." He says and kisses me before walking upstairs... 

I am making Jack a snack for when he comes back downstairs and get myself something to drink... I smile when Chris and Jack come back downstairs, and Chris has the biggest grin on his face... "Dad said i couldn't bring the racetrack..." Jack says looking annoyed and i laugh... "Sweetheart if you put that in your suitcase there is no room for your clothes..." I say and he huffs a little... "Stupid suitcase..." He mumbles and can't help but chuckle at his little moping session...

"Come sit and eat your snack..." I say and this makes him feel a bit better... "No snack for me?" Chris asks pouting... "No, you have been bad..." Jack says with a grin on his face and i laugh... "Have i...?" He says and he lifts Jack off the bar stool and starts to tickle him.... 

"Stoooop daaaaad... st...stooop that tickles..." He says squealing and wriggling around trying to get out of Chris his grip and i just laugh... "Moooommmm  help...." He squeals and i shake my head... "Oh no... Then he is going to tickle me to..." I say and Chris stops and whispers something in Jack's ear and i know what it is because he puts Jack down and the start to each walk around a side of the kitchen counter boxing me in... "No... No... I did nothing wrong... I am innocent..." I barely can get out as they jump me and both of them start to tickle me... I wriggle my way out of their grip and run away and i hear laughing behind me as Chris and Jack follow... 

I lock myself in the bathroom and i laugh as they both knock on the door... "Come out mommy... We won't tickle you anymore..." Jack says but he can't stop giggling... "Promise?" I say... "Promise..." Chris says but Jack still can't stop giggling and i just shake my head.... But i dont feel like sitting here for hours so i open the door to be jumped again and i let myself sink down to the floor and pull Jack with me in my arms and start to tickle him back... "Daaad help..." He squeals and Chris lifts him out my arm and they both look at me as i am lying on the floor... Chris grins holding out his hand and he pulls me up... 

"Okay enough playing around... Snack time..." I say and Jack smiles... Chris puts him down and he runs back to the kitchen to finish his snack... I want to walk after him, but Chris grabs my arm and pulls me against him kissing me passionately... "It is too bad he doesn't take afternoon naps anymore..." He growls as he lets his hands roam my body... 

"Yeah... Too bad..." I whisper letting my hand glide down his body and i rub him through his pants and he instantly grows hard under my touch... He growls and pushes me back into the bathroom locking the door behind him... "We dont have much time angel..." He growls and i smirk and get down on my knees pulling his sweats down with me his dick springing free... I dont waste time... So, i immediately wrap my hand and lips around his dick and bob my head up and down taking him so deep as i can playing with his balls in my hand and he grips the counter letting out a groan.... "Fuuuuck angel you are going to unman me..." He growls and i look up at him and smirk as i suck him in even deeper... 

I lick suck and hum bobbing my head up and down while my hand is around his shaft working in perfect sync... He runs his hand through my hair and grabs a hand full as he starts to fuck my mouth... "Shit, shit, shit..." He growls and i feel him find his release his hot load shooting deep in the back of my throat... I swallow it all before i release him with a pop... I look up at him and smirk wiping down the corners of my mouth...  "Best snack ever..." I say and he grins pulling me up and kissing me passionately... 

I check myself in the mirror and giggle as i walk out of the bathroom Chris slapping my ass on my way out... I leave him behind to pull himself together and i walk to the kitchen... 

I get myself a drink and a few minutes later Chris comes walking in... "I am going to order pizza for dinner... I am hungry..." Chris says and Jack cheers "YESSSS! PIZZA!!!" Jack yells and we both laugh...

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