Chapter 52

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I moan as i Chris is deep inside of me... He is sitting with his back against the back of the couch, his hands on my ass as i am straddling him pushing myself up and down... His face is in my hands my lips attached with his... We are barely undressed as just wanted to be connected and waste no time... After this weird day this was the perfect way for it to end... 

I moan into the kiss as he starts to thrust up his hips hitting me deeper finding the sweet spot over and over again... His little grunts sending shivers through my spine... I love the sounds he makes as he almost comes... I smile into the kiss... "I love you Chris..." I whisper and he smiles running his hands up my back and into my hair running his fingers through it... "I love you to angel..." He grunts breathing heavy... "I love the way it feels being buried deep inside you angel..." He groans and i smile... "Yeah, baby do you like it when my tight pussy squeezes your big dick..." I whisper and he groans kissing me harder... 

"God yes... I am addicted angel..." He whispers and i smile... "Are you now...? Well, it is your pussy baby... All yours... Forever..." I whisper and he groans again... "Thats right angel... All mine... Just like i am all yours..." He groans as he reaches between us and starts to rub circles on my clit making me whimper... "Oh baby feels so good... Dont stop... Please whatever you do dont stop..." I whimper and i kiss him again our tongues doing their dance exploring each other... I moan into the kiss as my body starts to tremble while my orgasm washes over me... "Fuuuck so fucking tight squeezing me so good angel..." He groans and he grabs my hips holding me down tightly his dick buried deep inside of me as he finds his release... 

We kiss and kiss i can feel him go soft inside of me... But i dont move loving the connection and he doesn't seem to be in a hurry either... I cuddle into him getting comfortable against his chest... I hum as his hand runs up and down my back under my shirt... It makes me feel all tingly inside and i smirk as i start to kiss his neck... He chuckles as his rubbing starts to turn more into a massage grabbing me everywhere he can... He groans when i suck on his earlobe and i can feel him get hard inside of me again... "I think i am going to like this whole living together thing..." I whisper in his ear before i kiss my way over his face until i finally find his lips again... 

He chuckles... "You are going to be the death of me angel..." He mumbles into the kiss and i smile... "Admit it... Fucked to death is not a bad way to go... I can already see the headlines..." I say circling my hips making him groan... "Christopher Robert Evans died while buried deep, deep inside his girlfriend with his big dick..." I whisper and he laughs making me whimper as the movement of his laughing feels so good... "That is what it is going to say huh... Even with the big dick part..." He says bucking his hip up making me whimper... 

"Oh, i will make sure of it baby..." I groan... "I tell the world you went out making me feel sooo good... So full..." I moan circling my hips again making him laugh again... "I'll even put it on your fucking headstone... Here lays Christopher Robert Evans... Beloved son... Brother... Boyfriend... Owner of my heart and a massive dick..." I groan as i kiss him again and he laughs into the kiss again... "But just dont die yet... Maybe when you are 120 or so..." I whisper and he smiles... "Deal..." He whispers and i smile... 

I squeal when he lifts me up and lays me down on the couch never leaving me. He trusts his hips forward making me whimper while he kisses me again... "Chris..." I moan softly as he thrusts into me again... "It's okay angel... let me hear you... Nobody here to be quiet for..." He says with this boyish grin on his face... "You want me to scream... You better earn it..." I moan antagonizing him... He growls the look in his eyes going dark... "Challange accepted..." He growls pushing himself up grabbing my legs pushing them up to my chest folding me in half as he starts to pound into me... I moan as he hits the sweet spot again sending little jolts through my body... 

"O Chris again..." I moan and he smirks repeating what he is doing over and over again... He spreads my legs and lays his body on top of mine as he keeps pushing as if he wants to dig deeper... "O god Chris..." I moan as he buries his head in my neck grabbing my hands pushing them above my "Oh... Ooh... Oooh... Ooooh Chris... Fuck feels so good dont stop keep going just like that... Feels so good..." I moan loudly as he keeps grinding into me... 

"Chris!" I scream before i bite down on his shoulder making him groan... I can't help it my body has a mind of its own as the orgasm washes over me again making my body tremble... "OOh fuck angel... Fuck, fuck, fuck..." He growls as he finds his release again... He groans as he lays on top of me and giggle... I pull my hands out of his and run them through his hair... 

"You should shave it off..." I whisper and he hums... "You want me to shave my hair off...?" He mumbles as he plants kisses in my neck making me giggle... "It will make you, you again..." I mumble and he lifts his head... "Okay..." He says pushing himself up and pulls out of me making me whine... He gives me a quick peck on the lips before he grins stands up and pulls up his pants..."Where are you going?" I yell after him... "To get the clippers so you can shave my head!" He yells and i get off the couch and pull my pants back on and straighten out my shirt... 

I chuckle as he comes back and grins holding the thing up... "Yeah not in the living room..." I say grinning and i grab the clippers and take his hand feeling al giddy pulling him to the bathroom... I grab a chair along the way and order him to sit down while i plug the thing in... "Are you sure about this?" I ask and he nods with a grin on his face. I start to run the clippers over his head getting rid of the Steve Rogers blond... 

He is looking in the mirror smirking as i keep going and i smirk back at him. I shave it all off and smile running my hand over the stubble... "Feels nice..." I whisper and plant a kiss on his head making him smile... "Well maybe i will keep it like this then..." He says and i shake my head... "No...!" I say loudly and he laughs... "I like something to hold on to..." I whisper in his ear, and he stands up... "Time for a shower..." He growls lifting me up and i squeal as he walks us fully dressed in the shower and turns on the water making me squeal as it is ice cold... "Christopher!!! We are still dressed, and this is..." I squeal but he shuts me up by kissing me with a grin on his face thank God the water gets warmer...

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