Chapter 121

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"Chris... Chris..." I whisper shout, shaking him as he is sleeping... "The babies are kicking!" I whisper shout and Chris hums still half asleep... I roll my eyes and take his hand and put it on my belly letting him feel the babies kick and all of a sudden he is wide awake... "Wow..." He mumbles pushing himself up and looking at my belly... I smile tears forming in my eyes... 

"Wow..." He says again as the babies kick again and i chuckle as a tear is now running down my cheek... "Does it hurt?" He whispers still looking at my belly with big eyes and i shake my head... "Not really... It feels weirdly comforting... As if you know as long as they are kicking, they are okay..." I whisper and Chris smiles... He looks at me and he has tears in his eyes... "There are babies in there..." He whispers with wonder in his voice... I look at him stunned and i try to keep a straight face but fail miserably and i start to laugh... I can't stop laughing and tears are running down my face...

"Wh.. What did you think was in there before this?" I ask wiping my tears away and he blushes turning bright red and guilt washes over me... "Oh sappy i am sorry i didn't mean to laugh at you and make you feel bad..." I say cupping his face and i kiss him and he tears up... "I knew that there were babies in there... It's just... It somehow becomes real right now... I can feel them..." He whispers and i start to feel even more guilty... "I am so sorry baby... I am so sorry i didn't know you felt like that..." I whisper caressing his cheeks with my thumbs wiping his tears away... "It's okay... I know it was a funny thing to say..." He mumbles and i shake my head... "No sappy... It is not okay... It is just i carry them with me the whole day being aware of them... I sometimes forget that it is so different for you..." I whisper and he takes a deep breath... 

I take his hand again and scoot down to get comfortable while laying his hand back on my belly again... The babies kick again, and he smiles and kisses my belly as i run my hands through his hair... "I think Jack is going to be amazed feeling this..." Chris whispers planting another kiss on my belly and i smile... "I think so to..." I whisper and Chris chuckled... "What?" I ask and he shakes his head... "Just thinking about when Jack came home with Seb and Mackie... All hyped up on sugar..." He mumbles and i groan... "God he didn't want to go to sleep... I never had so much trouble getting him down for bed..." I mumble and Chris chuckles again... "At least he had fun..." Chris whisper smiling planting another kiss on my belly and i smile again... "Yeah it is worth it to see that smile on his face... But next time they feed him that much sugar they can also put him to bed..." I mumble and Chris chuckles... 

We lay there for a while as the babies kick a few more times and i sigh... "Have you thought about names yet?" I whisper and Chris looks up and smiles... "What about Aiden and Thomas..." He whispers and i sigh repeating the names in my head... "Maybe..." I mumble... "Did you think about names?" He asks and i smile... "Oliver and Owen..." I say and he hums... "You dont like it?" I ask and he hums... "Maybe..." He mumbles and i giggle rolling my eyes... "What about Zane and Xander?" He asks and i shake my head... "Kayden and Kyle?" I ask and he shakes his head... "Simon and Noah?" He says and i let it run through my head again... "Maybe..." I mumble again and he pushes himself up and kisses me... "We dont have to decide now..." He whispers and i smile...

"Chris?" I say and he looks at me smiling... "Should we think of girl names to... Just in case..." I whisper and he looks confused... "Just in case of what?" He asks... "Just in case the doctors were wrong..." I mumble and he sighs... "We can think of girl names angel... But the doctor was pretty sure..." He says and i nod... "I dont know why i am thinking like this..." I say feeling tears come... "I just was so sure it was girls... I can't explain it... Dont get me wrong i dont care either way... I just want them to be healthy, but my feeling said it was girls..." I mumble and Chris sighs laying down and pulling me in his arms... "We can think of girl names to angel... Just in case..." He whispers and i let out a sigh of relief... "What about Sophie and Sarah..." I whisper and he smiles... 

"I love those names..." He whispers and i start to cry... "What is wrong with us... It is boys and girl names come easier..." I say sobbing and Chris hugs me tighter... "Dont cry angel... That is because it is boys and there is not that much pressure..." He whispers and i sigh... " Maybe you are right..." I mumble... "What about the name Scott... After your brother?" I ask but Chris shakes his head... "I dont want to name the kids after anyone..." He mumbles and i nod... 

"So, Sebastian and Anthony... Is out of the question?" I joke and Chris laughs... "Yes... Absolutely..." He says and i giggle... "We will find the perfect names angel... Perfect names for perfect babies..." He whispers and i hum again... "I love you..." I whisper and Chris smiles and kisses my forehead as i am wrapped around him... "I love you to angel..." He whispers and i smile as he is playing with my hair... It is comforting and making me feel sleepy and soon i drift off to sleep again...

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