Chapter 143

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Chris pov...

"What happened...?" I ask ma totally flabbergasted as Ava had stormed off visibly upset with Aiden in her arms... I was so confused. One moment she was okay and taking care of the twins upstairs and the next i find her screaming at ma in the kitchen... 

"What did you say?" I ask her and she looks at me shocked... "Nothing... I just offered to hold Aiden while she made him his bottle..." Ma says. "She was crying and holding Aiden while making a bottle... I just wanted to help and when i wanted to take him she just went off... I thought she just needed help..." Ma says and i sigh... "Really ma?  She yelled because of wanting to hold the baby?" I ask a little annoyed... 

"Yes! She just went off at me like some..." Ma says throwing her hands in the air letting out a sigh of frustration but swallowing her words as she cuts herself off mid-sentence... "About the hysterectomy thing... Something about you knocking up someone else because she didn't want to carry babies anymore... That i wanted her to go through the pain and bodily changes to save your precious... sperm..." She says whispering the word sperm looking all offended as she thinks back at Ava yelling at her and i sigh... But before i can even respond Jack speaks up.  

"Is mommy sick?" Jack asks and i take a deep breath knowing this is not a conversation for an 8-year-old... "No bud... Mommy is not sick... She is just a little upset... Let's get you some breakfast and give mommy some space. I will talk to her later..." I say as Jack looks worried... "Maybe we can as auntie Carly if you can come to play with your cousins..." I say and Jack smiles and sits down at the table... I quickly text Carly as ma gives Jack his breakfast and Carly almost immediately texts back. She told me she was just about to text me as she was going to the aquarium with her kids and wanted to ask if Jack would like to come along... Jack was excited and i texted her he would love to... So, we agreed she would come and pick him up in an hour... 

After having breakfast i tell Jack to go put on his shoes and get a coat... He runs off and i look at ma... "I did nothing wrong Chris... I am your mother and i just want the best for you..." She says and i sigh shaking my head... "Ava is what is best for me... And i know you know that... And maybe you did not intentional hurt her ma... But that whole vasectomy, hysterectomy comment probably got more to her than she initially let on..." I say and ma sighs... "I didn't intent to hurt her..." Ma mumbles looking at her fingers and i sigh... 

"I know... But i just dont get why you were so against the vasectomy... You know her body went through a lot, that she was miserable most of the time, it was not an easy pregnancy... You have 4 kids yourself you know better what it is like than me... Why on earth would you suggest her getting a hysterectomy... Why is it any of your business... I decided i wanted a vasectomy... She didn't bring it up... I did... I dont want to put her through another pregnancy or the recovery and bodily trauma of a hysterectomy... She gave me the twins... The least i can do is go through the mild inconvenience of the snip..." I say and ma sighs and rolls her eyes... 

"I just think it is too early to make that decision... What if..." She says but stops talking and swallows her words... But i know what she means and i feel myself getting angry... My blood starts to boil and i give her a look... "But it is your decision and i will respect that..." She quickly says as she notices that i am getting angry. I hold up my hand for her to stop talking... "She doesn't want it ma... I can't force her... The safest way to make sure she doesn't get pregnant is me getting the snip... That is my decision, and it is final... It has nothing to do with you and you have no say in this... We will have a bigger family but just not biological... But we will love them all equally... Just like Jack... We love Jack like he is our own... I know you love him to death..." I say putting my foot down setting a clear boundary not wanting her to get involved in this... It is none of her business and i just want her to know it was all my decision... 

But before we can talk about it more i hear honking outside and i stand up and go to get Jack... Ava still hasn't come downstairs and i was getting increasingly worried... 

Jack runs to the car hugging Carly and thanking her for letting him come with... He then gets in the car greeting his cousins... Carly chuckles... "That kid is too polite for his own good..." She says smirking and i force a smile... "What is wrong?" Carly asks and i let out a deep sigh shaking my head... "I dont want to talk about it... Just ma and Ava having a little misunderstanding..." I mumble and Carly sighs... "Chris... I know you can't go home yet... But can i give you a little advice..." She says and i just nod... 

"Rent... Rent something for the time being... Get out from under ma's roof. It is not healthy living like this... You have two newborn babies and a son, and you and Ava should have this uninterrupted bonding time with the twins and Jack... I know ma stayed with you in Atlanta for a few weeks... But before you know it ma will go my house my rules on you..." Carly says and i just look at her stunned. 

"Ma means well with everything... But dont let her take over or ignore the boundaries you have set... Ava is still vulnerable... Maybe even more so now that the babies are here... Being a new mother of twins... Well, it is exhausting and the hormones dont just disappear when the babies are out..." She says and i start to think she has the house bugged. She is spot on...

I wave Carly and the kids off before taking a deep breath and i go back inside. 

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