Chapter 7

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I go over everything again checking my cameras again when my assistant comes up to me... "Are you okay?" She asks me and i look at her... "I am fine why?" I say looking at her confused... "Well i feel some tension..." She mumbles looking a little embarrassed to even bring it up... "I am fine... Can you ask if they are almost ready?" I ask and she sighs but nods and walks off again... I walk into the big hall and take some shots in the place we are starting to see how the lighting will be... 

I hear the door open and people coming in and i turn around... I look Chris up and down and he smirks... "Something is off..." I say and the smirk disappears... "Do you have a jacket for him or something..." I ask and the wardrobe girl nods and leaves appearing with a few options for a jacket... 

I let him try them all on and sigh... "I dont really know... Megan what do you think..."  I mumble and she shrugs her shoulders... "Something is off..." I mumble again... "What do you think Mr. Evans?" I ask and he sighs... "I dont know you are the photographer..." He says... "The brown jacket and you can go and stand over there..." I say and he changes jackets and walks over to were i want him... 

I take a few shots even though he is not even ready and i look again if the lighting is right... I tell him to just act natural and he smiles and i snap a few shots... He is a little anxious and i sigh... "So, talk about you next project..." I say in an effort to loosen him up a bit... "Cant... It's Marvel... You know how it goes..." He says and i chuckle thinking about how i always tried to pull it out of him trying to let him slip up... "Come on Chris... You can tell me... You know i am like a vault..." I say smirking and he laughs... I take a few shots as he starts to relax and move around being his charming self, more and more but it is all a little to... Mundane... It is like so many pictures of him before and all of a sudden i start smirking... 

"How is Sebby doing?" I ask and his eyes go dark and i smirk taking a few shots... "Why do you want to know Ava..." He growls this dark sinister look on his face as he takes a few steps towards me, and it is perfect as i keep snapping pictures...  "Okay you can change now... Something more... Darker... Not in colors perse but in mood... Something more... dominant-ish... But keep the jeans..." I tell the wardrobe girl... She nods and Chris looks at me confused a blush on his face but follows the girl...

"I see what you did there..." Megan says smirking and i smirk back... I look back at the pictures showing Megan and she chuckles... "You play him like a fiddle..." She says smirking and i laugh... Chris comes back in and looks at me and Megan... "What is so funny..." He says half weary and half smirking... "Just how she knows how to play to get what she wants out of you..." Megan says joking and Chris and i look at each other each of us blushing... I shake it off and look him over and he seems to shake it off to and turns around... "Approved?" He says and i nod... 

He goes back to his place and i tell him to sit down against the wall... I take picture after picture as he is laughing and talking with me and Megan and for a moment it feels normal as if nothing has happened... I lay down on my stomach for another angle and he smirks at me and i roll my eyes as i keep taking picture after picture... I have to admit the camera does love him and it was no punishment to have to work with him... "So about Seb..." I say and his aura changes and i take more pictures smirking... "God i love to get him in front of my camera..." I say wanting more out of Chris and i can hear Megan snicker behind me as Chris his look goes darker by the second... "Stop it sweetheart..." He growls and i chuckle ignoring the goosebumps as he calls me sweetheart...

I push myself up and crawl closer and he smirks at me... "God you look good crawling on your hands and knees towards me..." He whispers so that no one else can hear and i roll my eyes but can't help but smirk... "Mind out of the gutter Evans..." I mumble snapping a few more shots and he laughs... I push myself up on my knees take a few more before i stand up... I look behind me and the wardrobe girl seems to be staring daggers at me and i roll my eyes... 

"Okay! Everyone can leave we are moving on to the bathroom setup..." I say and the wardrobe girl wants to protest but Megan starts to push her out of the room... Chris stands up and the both of us walk to the setup... "How do you want me..." He says and i sigh ignoring the dirty thoughts that pop up in my head... I walk over to the sink and look around... "Okay my thought was you standing here and taking off the jackets and shirt while i take pictures... Dont rush it so i can gets some good shots..." I say and he walks up to me standing in front of me... 

"Is that really why you dont want me to rush..." He whispers pushing a strain of my hair behind my ear and for a moment i close my eyes reveling in his touch but i snap out of it and step back... "Yes... Now stop it and keep it professional..." I say and he sighs hanging his head... "Ava..." He whispers the way he says my name makes me shiver... My body is betraying me as dirty thought of him bending me over the sink and fucking me into oblivion while slapping my ass flood my mind and i press my legs together as i feel my core start to heat up and throb... But i shake my head and walk further away from him... 

"Let's continue..." I say and he sighs and nods but has this evil grin on his face... "So now that we are alone you can tell me about your upcoming movie?" I say trying to lighten the mood and he chuckles shaking his head as he is about to take his jacket off... "Shouldn't my shoes be off?" He says stopping... I look confused... "I am in a bathroom..." He says and i nod... "Okay... Just start to undress like you normally would do..." I say and he smirks and nods... 

I take a deep breath... This was going to be way harder than i imagined... Fuck what have i gotten myself into...

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