Chapter 139

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I walk down the stairs and open the door... "Mrs. Evans?" A man says and i nod shaking his hand as he introduces himself as Terry... I sigh and hesitate for a second to let him in as i feel a bit embarrassed of the state of my house and he seems to notice. "It is okay Mrs. Evans... We deal with this kind of thing all the time... No need to feel embarrassed..." He says giving me a reassuring smile. "I know it is just... It is bad... It is the whole house and i just found out that the master bedroom is a biohazard..." I say in a sigh and stepping aside... He looks around not even batting an eye... 

We talk a bit and i tell him that other than the photos and some things i had pointed out along the way they could just get rid of everything. "We just want a fresh start and anything he has touched gone..." I say and the man nods making a few notes on his tablet... "Is it okay if i put a few containers in front of the house... It can damage the lawn a bit..." He says and i nod... "Of course... We will deal with the aftermath when we can get back into the house..." I say and as i just want to show him the upstairs the doorbell goes... "Oh i am sorry... That is the contractor..." I say and Terry nods... "That is good maybe we can work together..." Terry says smiling and i nod as i walk over to the front door... 

I introduce myself and the contractor shakes my hand... "Mrs. Evans... I am Jerry..." He says and i chuckle and he looks confused... "Oh i am so sorry... It is just..." I say stepping aside letting him in... "This is Terry, he will clean out the house..." I say and Jerry and Terry now both chuckle... "They shake hands, and they both follow me along as i show Jerry the downstairs to.... I tell him i want everything stripped... "All the walls, the kitchen, bathrooms, The washroom, my office... But in my office is a safe i will empty it so you can work around it..." I say and now both men nod and make notes... "When everything has been stripped me and my husband will come by to discuss how we will rebuild, if we want any changes..." I say and Jerry nods smiling... 

"There is one other thing though..." I say taking a deep breath as we are standing in front of the master bedroom... "I am guessing you both know who my husband is..." I say and they both chuckle and nod... "I would really appreciate discretion... I dont want pictures or Tik Tok's or anything of that in my home... This is... was... our little safe space... Were we could hide away from all the craziness that comes with his job... My boy's home... My 8-year-old and our week-old twins..." I say shamelessly using them to drive my point home...

They both nod... "We can put that in our contract..." Terry says and Jerry nods... "Dont worry Mrs. Evans we will make sure it is in the contracts and make sure our staff will adhere to that... We understand..." Jerry says and i have to bite back my tears... "I am sorry... The hormones are still ruling my emotions..." I say and Jerry chuckles... "Dont worry Mrs. Evans... My wife is pregnant... I get it..." He says and i smile... "O please call me Ava..." I say and take a deep breath... 

"If you dont mind i will not go into this room as it is just... Disgusting... This room has the biohazard i told you about..." I say and they both nod a i push the door open and even then, the stench hits me in the face and just want the world to swallow me whole when i see the shocked looks on both men's faces...

"Okay... This guy is a psycho..." Terry says and closes the door quickly again and i sigh... "Really? Now you think he is psycho.... Have you seen the rest of the house? " I say raising an eyebrow and he chuckles... 

"He is psycho, psycho... But dont worry we will deal with it for you..." Terry says smirking and i let out a sigh of relief... We walk downstairs... We talk some more things through and i smile as Terry and Jerry decide to work together in order to get it all done faster. 

After i showed them out i take a deep breath and look around to the chaos... I smile... "It is going to be okay... We are going to be okay..." I mumble and i walk upstairs and open the safe emptying its content into my bag leaving the safe open, so the contractor knows where it is... I walk downstairs and outside closing the door behind me... I get in the car and drive back to Lisa's...

As i walk through the door i smile as Jack runs up to me hugging me and i hold him a little tighter... "Hey sweetheart... Did you sleep okay?" I ask and he nods a big smile... "Grandma made pancakes for breakfast..." He says all excited and i chuckle... "Your favorite!" I squeal back and hug him again... I then look up and Chris stands there, and he looks at me concerned and i smile... "Go play..." I say kissing Jack's cheek and he smiles and runs off... 

"Are you okay? Where have you been?" He asks... "Ma said you had an appointment... Are you good... Did you go to the hospital or something..." He says rambling and i walk over putting my hand on his mouth shutting him up... I remove my hand and kiss him with everything i got and he relaxes and wraps his arms around me pulling me against him our bodies melting together... "I am fine sappy... How did you sleep?" I ask and he blushes... "Long..." He mumbles blushing and i chuckle... "You needed it..." I say and he sighs... "Angel were where you..." He says and i smile... 

"I went to the house... They are going to start tomorrow on clearing everything out... A cleaning crew and a contractor.... They are going to strip the whole house... I just told them to get rid of everything only saving some of your Marvel collection... Well, the things that have not been destroyed... and the photos... But the rest it has to go... Everything he touched... It has to go..." I say and Chris looks at me shocked... "You what?" He says softly a little in disbelief...

"I started the process and hired people... We have to go to the house tomorrow to sign contracts... You will like Terry and Jerry they are really nice and understanding they even will put privacy clauses in the contracts meaning that there will be no pictures or whatever all over social media..." I say and Chris just looks at me in utter shock... "I am sorry sappy... I just... I wanted to get the ball rolling and seeing you so sad and broken... Well i just wanted to fix it... And..." I say but he cuts me off and cups my face with both hands kissing me passionately...

"You are amazing..." He whispers and i smile... "How are the little ones?" I ask as we break the kiss, and he smiles... "Asleep..." He whispers and i sigh as all of a sudden, a wave of exhaustion hits... "Come my time to take care of you... Ma saved you some pancakes... Go get in bed and i will bring them up to you and after that you can take a nap..." He says and i smile... 

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