Chapter 81

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"Did you have a good day today?" I ask Jack as i tuck him into bed. He nods smiling as i put Maggie in his arms... "Ava..." He whispers and i look at him and smile as his eyes start to close... "Yeah sweetheart?"  I say and he lets out a sigh... "You feel like a mom..." He mumbles as he can barely keep his eyes open and i tear up and smile at him... "That is sweet of you to say sweetheart... You are such a sweet boy..."  I whisper and kiss his forehead... I turn on the night light and leave the door open. I look over my shoulder before walking out and he is out like a light. I walk downstairs joining Lisa and Chris who are sitting in the kitchen... 

"What is wrong angel?" Chris asks a little worried as i wipe away a few tears... "Apparently i feel like a mom..." I whisper smiling through my tears and both Chris and Lisa look at me and smile... "He said that...?" Chris asks and he walks over to me wrapping me in his arms... "He is such a sweet kid..." Lisa says... "I can see why you two love him so much..." She says and we look at her and smile...

We talk for a bit with Lisa asking for her advice on how to introduce him to the rest of the family... She suggests a family barbeque... He will have Carly's kids to play with to get some of the pressure off of him. We can leave if it is too much. She suggests she updates the family so that they won't overwhelm Jack too much... Chris looks at me to see what i think... "I think it is a good idea... It is a good way to see how he does with new people... Seeing as we want to take him with us to Roberts party..." I say and Chris nods... "I just want to make clear at any moment he gets overwhelmed we are taking him home though... He is still recovering, and his energy gets drained very easy... I dont want him meeting everyone be a bad experience..." I say and Chris smiles and nods... "Anything you want Mrs. Evans..." He says grinning and kisses me...

"Okay that is my cue to go home..." Lisa says and i blush. I hug her goodbye... "You two do owe me a wedding though..." She says smirking and we both nod smiling as we show her out... Chris buzzes the gate open for her and we watch her drive off... Chris closes the gate again and i smile and pull him into me... 

"So, i think we have some unfinished business..." I whisper in his ear brushing it with my lips and Chris grins... "Upstairs... And you better be naked when i get there..." He growls in my ear and i giggle walking up the stairs as Chris goes to close up the house... I check up on Jack who is out like a light and i walk to the bedroom and get my clothes off in record speed and i lay down on the bed...

A few minutes later Chris walks in and he grins looking at me... He closes the door behind him and pulls his shirt over his head. I bite my lip as he undresses further. "Finally, alone..." He growls and i giggle as he crawls over me, and he wastes no time spreading my legs settling between them and i wrap them around his waist... He attaches his lips with mine as he grinds against me, and he deepens the kiss... His tongue is exploring my mouth and i moan as his dick glides between my folds... I can feel him grow hard and my pussy starts to throb, and my juices start to flow as it feels amazing... A tingling sensations spreads through my body as he lowers himself down on me, our bodies melting together... His sent and body heat surrounding me and i let my hands run all over him wanting to touch every inch of him...

I gasp and let out a soft moan as he without warning pushes into me... "Always so fucking tight..." He groans pressing his forehead against mine pausing for a second. "If anyone ever asks in an interview what my favorite place to be is i am going to tell them... My wife's pussy..." He growls and i giggle and i squeeze my walls around him making him groan and he snaps his hips forward grinding into me... "Shit Chris... Fuck..." I moan and he kisses me... He starts to move grinding into me and i start to move with him... "God i love that dick of yours..." I moan and he growls... "You were made for me angel... We fit perfect together..." He groans before he attaches his lips with mine again... 

He keeps moving... Grinding into me our bodies sweaty sticking together... Every fiber of my being is buzzing... Every fiber of my being is his... His hands glide up and down my body and everywhere he touches me my skin reacts... He keeps kissing me as we stare into each other's eyes... "I love you so much Chris..." I whisper and he smiles... "Love you to Ava..." He whispers and after a few more thrusts we come together... It feels like fireworks going off as the pleasure washes over me... I just cling onto him my body shaking as he stills his movements finding his release deep inside of me... 

I love the sounds he makes when he comes... It sends shivers through my spine... He lays on top of me and he wants to move but i hold him tight... He is like a comforting blanket and i dont want him to leave me yet... I just love the connection... "We should get dressed..." I whisper and he chuckles... "What happened to never sleep with clothes on..." He whispers and i chuckle... "That went out the window when Jack moved in... What if he comes in the room in the middle of the night... I am not saying we have to wear pajamas... But we should have at least something on..." I whisper and he chuckles to... I whine as he pulls out of me... He leans down and pecks my lips... We get out of bed, and we go to clean ourselves up... Chris steps behind me as i just had brushed my teeth... 

"What?" I ask and he wraps his arms around me hugging me from behind as he looks at me through the mirror. "Let's set a date soon..." He says and i look at him and smile... "Okay..." I say and he smiles planting a kiss in my neck. "I always dreamed of a spring wedding..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "After Roberts party we will go venue shopping and pick a date..." Chris says and i nod and smile... "If you want a spring wedding you are going to get a spring wedding..." He says and i my smile grows... "I can't wait to marry you again..." I say smiling and he chuckles... I squeal as he lifts me up and carries me to bed... 

He lays me down and crawls into bed next to me pulling me into him hugging me tightly... We quickly drift off to sleep... I dont know how long i have been sleeping when i hear my name softly being whispered and i open my eyes... Jack is standing next to the bed... "Can i sleep with you?" He whispers and i smile and lift the blanket so he can crawl in... He giggles as i plant kisses all over his face. "Did you have a nightmare again...?" I ask him and he nods his little head... "You want to talk about it...?" I whisper hugging him closer... "I see mommy in my dreams... She is asleep with her eyes open...  She won't get up..." He whispers and it slowly sinks in... He was with her when she died... 

I hold him a little tighter and kiss his little head. "I am sorry sweetheart... That sounds scary... But you are safe... Chris and i will keep you safe..." I whisper and he cuddles into me more... Chris mumbles something in his sleep about trains... and Jack and i look at each other and start to giggle again... "Chris is silly..." Jack says and i chuckle... "Yes... Sometimes he is..." I say smiling... Chris groans in his sleep turning around and, in his sleep, he cuddles up to me putting his arm over me and Jack pulling us closer... 

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