Chapter 20

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"She doesn't want to Seb... So, what can i do... I can't force her to press charges... She doesn't want me to handle it myself... She practically freaked out when i told her i would kill him... And not because of him but because of what it would do to my career..." I hear Chris say in the distance as i am still in my drug and sleep induced daze... I am laying with my head in Chris his lap he is still playing with my hair... I had fallen asleep for a bit and i just kept my eyes closed enjoying the comfort of Chris his lap and him playing with my hair...

"It looks so bad Chris... She looks like she has been used like a punching bag..." Seb whispers and i sigh... "Just one punch... Didn't see it coming... Fell of chair... Nose broken..." I mumble and i can feel Chris stop playing with my hair and i whine... "Noooo... Dont stop so comfortable..." I say patting his hand and he continues playing with my hair and i let out a satisfied sigh... 

"Did he say anything...?" Chris whispers and i dont have a filter anymore due to the painkillers and Chris is using this to get information... "I am naive... Only got the job because you want to be in my pants... Wanted to forbid me from going... I belonged to him... Told him i was going and he punched me..." I said and i hummed as Chris started to massage my scalp a little making me relax even more... It was silent for a moment... "Oeh and i was whore... was going to be shared by you and your buddies..." I mumble and i can feel Chris tense up.

"A worthless whore... A worthless whore who only got the job because Evans wants to get into my pants..." I say in a soft singing tone... "Ava... I really had nothing to do with it... And you are not worthless and definitely not a whore..." Chris mumbles and i chuckle... "Dont care anymore... Going to do my job and proof that asshole wrong...  And i never charge money when i sleep with someone so i know i am not a whore..." I mumble... And i can hear Seb chuckle... "I am worthless because of my fat ass..." I say letting out a sigh... "Do i have a fat ass...? Yes... i... do..." I say all loopy and out of it and it is silent for a second... "Oh come on that was funny..." I say and i giggle... "Drugs gooooood..." I whisper and Chris and Seb laugh... 

"Pssst Seb... Can i tell you a secret..." I whisper and he chuckles... "Sure... What is your secret..." He whispers back and i grin... "I have naked pictures of Chris..." I say with my eyes closed and a grin on my face... "Uhm excuse me..." Chris says and i open my eyes for a second and he is leaning over me with a grin on his face... I grin back... "Hey... You were the one who got up out of the water... Showing everything... I just did my silly job and kept taking pictures..." I said booping his nose. I giggled and Sebastian was now laughing... "Angel... Where are those pictures now?" Chris asked and i smiled closing my eyes again... "Save and sound... Locked away in a safe... On a USB stick that is password protected..." I mumble and i giggle when Chris lets out a sigh of relief... 

"Pssst Seb... Can i tell you another secret..." I whisper and Seb laughs as Chris groans... "Sure..." He says and i grin... "People think he was wearing something in the tub... But nope..." I said and Seb laughed again... "I kind of figured that one out myself Ava..." He says... "So smart..." I whisper and they both laugh... "Hey you can tell me things now... Have to sign an NDA before i start..." I mumble and Chris chuckled... "Oh that is why you said yes to the job... And here i was thinking you would like to work with us..." Chris said and i chuckled... 

"Do you guys want something to drink or eat..." I heard the woman who brought me the icepacks before we took off... "Coffee... I need coffee..." I mumble and i pushed myself up opening my eyes... "Sorry that was rude... Can i please have a cup of coffee Ms..." I said and Chris, Seb and the woman laughed... "Painkillers..." Seb whispered to the woman who smiled at me... "Loopy..." I mumbled and i laid my head on Chris his shoulder again and he kissed the top of my head... "She likes her coffee black and maybe another bottle of water for her and for me a coffee and water to please..." Chris said... "I'll have the same..." Seb said and she left to get us what we wanted... 

She came back with our coffee and water putting it down for us and i blow on my coffee before taking a sip... "Hmmm caffeine..." I say with a smile on my face... "So, Seb and i wanted to talk to you about something..." Chris said and i sighed... "No... I dont want to do a threesome..." I mumble and Seb who just had taken a sip of water almost choked and i giggled... "Noooo... That is not it, silly girl..." Chris said rolling his eyes and i grinned... "Then what?" I ask smirking and Chris rolls his eyes again... 

"I told you before that Seb and i rented a house... We have plenty of room and we think you should stay with us instead in a hotel room alone... You get your own room with bathroom, and you will have a room to use as your office..." Chris said and i sighed... The idea of having a space to work in sounded nice but i dont know if it was wise... "Come on it will be fun... We can annoy Chris together i need a partner in crime..." Seb said smirking and i chuckled... 

"Keep the hotel room so if you dont like it you can always stay there no hard feelings..." Chris said and i grinned... "Sometimes you have hard feelings..." I said smirking slapping my hand in front of my mouth as i couldnt believe i brought that up... I hurt myself in the progress and wincing... "Really Evans...? Do tell..." Seb said smirking winking at me... "Shut up Stan..." He growled... "Yeah Evans... You never told me... Only that it was happy thoughts..." I mumble smirking at him, and he groaned again... 

"What do you say Angel..." Chris asked ignoring everything said before and i sighed... "Okay... We can try..." I say and Chris has the biggest smile on his face... 

After i finished my coffee i laid back down again and Chris started to play with my hair immediately making me drift back off to sleep listening to their voices as they talked about schedules and whatnot... I had no idea how long i had been asleep when Chris woke me up saying we were about to land... I smiled as he helped me with my seatbelt again and i took his hand as we started to land feeling a little nervous... 

We waited in the car as our bags were being loaded in our car and an extra car for all my stuff and about half an hour later, we drove off making our way to our home for at least the next 4 months...

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