Chapter 154

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Chris pov...

I look at Ava who is on the phone... "Really?" She says and i can see tears running down her cheek... I walk over to her, and she looks at me and all of a sudden, a smile appears on her face... "The tumor... It is not cancerous..." She whispers... I look at her shocked as this is not what we had expected at all... "Okay... Okay... Okay... We will see you tomorrow..." She says and as soon as she had hung up i wrapped her in my arms... "It is benign..." She mumbles and i hold her a little tighter. 

"Okay... and know what?" I ask and she takes a deep breath as she pulls out of the hug... "Well, we are not out of the woods yet... He needs to be operated on... They have to take out as much as possible so it will not cause damage to the brain..." She says wiping her tears away and i take in a sharp breath... The fact that is is a benign tumor is good news but still he has to have surgery which scares me...

The next few days go by in a blur. Appointments, appointment and more appointments... It is scary to hear how they will cut out the tumor... It is scary to hear the risks, but we know we have no choice... If the thing keeps growing it could damage... It had to go... 

But the upside was that Jack did not have to have radiation and chemo... It would mean that maybe... And it was a big maybe he could go to school in the new school year... Jack was a trooper... He didn't seem scared at all... He loved the attention. When news got out among our friends, he got send a lot of presents and Mackie and Seb had promised to be there in the hospital... 

"Hey man..." Mackie said hugging me as they had just arrived... Tomorrow was the day that Jack was going into surgery and tonight we were going to have a big family dinner... And to Jack Mackie and Seb were family to... The fun uncles... They had called every day and talked with him for hours... Mackie stepped aside and i hugged Seb... "Thank you for coming..." I say and they both smile... "Of course... No where else we would rather be right now... We love the little bugger..." Seb said and i smiled... "But uhm we have a little confession to make..." Mackie said and i look confused... They point outside and there are 2 cars, and their doors open... I chuckle, smile and cry at the same time... "We thought he might want to have some superheroes there..." Seb says patting my shoulder and i chuckle... 

"Jack is going to go crazy..." I murmur as Scarlet, Robert, Renner, Ruffalo and Hemsworth walk up to the house... But then i see another face and i am surprised... "Holland?" I ask looking at Mackie and Seb smirking... "Yeah... We can put up with his diva behavior for a day or two... But you know kids love the kid... So, we thought... Why not... Special circumstances..." Mackie says and we all chuckle...

All of a sudden Ava appears just as the other walk onto the porch... She looks stunned... Scarlet immediately walks over to her, and they hug while i greet the rest... It is emotional to see them all her knowing they probably have dropped work and such to be here... 

Jack is ecstatic and in disbelief that they are all here for him... We order pizza and just hang around the living room, eating laughing and entertaining Jack... He has the night of his life surrounded by family and his favorite heroes... Mackie and Seb were right... Holland was a hit... He did tricks jumping up and down entertaining Jack and Carly's kids... He even defended Tom when it came to the mocking of Mackie and Seb who were smirking... Telling them they were not nice... 

I am sitting beside Ava holding her tight... We were both aware that the surgery was not without risks, we had many conversations about this with the surgeons and although we didn't want to think what could go wrong, we both knew... She puts her head on my shoulder... "He looks so happy..." She whispers and i chuckle... "What is not to love... All his favorite heroes in one room..." I whisper and kiss the top of her head... "I am scared Chris..." She whispers and i sigh wrap my arm around her... "I know angel... I am to... But let's stay positive... He will pull through and will be okay... He will recuperate and go to school like he so badly wants... He will learn and grow and before we know it, he will leave us to go to college... He will drive us crazy as a teenager... And he will be a kid... A happy healthy and sweet kid..." I murmur and she wipes away a tear... 

When Ava and i tuck him into bed he smiles and tells us he loves us... He is well aware of the risks to... The doctor said it was best to be honest and transparent... Ever since he knew he kept telling us he loved us so much... Especially to Ava... He was extra clingy when it came to her... And to his little brothers... The other night we found him sleeping on the couch in the temporary nursery... He wanted to be close to them... 

After everyone has left and we all had gone to bed Ava and i had just laid there... We both couldn't sleep... But eventually we did, and morning came way to soon... Ma would stay home with the twins... We wanted to have all our attention focused on Jack... We had driven to the hospital, and he was admitted... They had prepped him and an hour before the surgery everyone showed up... 

They all showered him with affection and 5 minutes before it was time, they gave us a moment alone with him... We hugged and kissed him told him how much we loved him and that we would see him soon... Then he got rolled away by the nurses... Ava had cried and cried until she could not cry anymore... She was so scared, and it took everything in me to keep it together...

Then everyone joined us in his room... The wait had started and the tension in the room was palpable... But i was so thankful for all the support... My brother and both sisters... Renner, Ruffalo, Downey, Hemsworth, Scarlet and Tom... They were all here for us... Mackie and Seb were getting everyone coffee and breakfast... I knew why... Both of them were nervous and wanted to be helpful, Jack had wormed his way into their hearts to...

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