Chapter 65

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While i showed Shanna, Carly and Lisa around the house. The guys were unpacking everything from the truck... Shanna and Carly hadn't seen the house at all and Lisa hadn't seen the changes yet... I smile at the midnight blue on the walls and i just love it... I love everything about this place and i cant wait to move in...

"This place is amazing..." Shanna said smiling and i smiled back... "Yeah our own little slice of heaven..." I whisper and Carly hugs me taking me by surprise... "You two are going to be so happy here..." She said and i chuckled hugging her back... "And there is plenty of space for kids..." Lisa said all giddy and i looked at her a little stunned as Carly let me go... "Ma... Stop... They probably first want to move... Get married and enjoy some time just the two of them before they start a family..." Carly said and Lisa chuckled... "I know... I know... No rush..." She said winking at me and i blushed... Carly was right... Chris and i wanted some time just the two of us before we would start a family...

"Let's start with sleep overs from your kids..." I say winking at Carly, and she chuckled... "I am going to hold you to that..." She said and i laughed... We walked back to the guys and to my surprise they were almost done bringing everything inside... We weren't going to unpack today... We would do that if we had moved Chris his things in and our furniture had arrived. Doing it all at once...

"So, what do you say we fire up the grill at our place and have a family barbeque..." Ryan said squeezing Chris his shoulder and i smirked knowing that there was no way he would say no to that, but he looked at me with a questioning look on his face and i started to laugh... "Are you seriously looking at me for permission?" I said and he blushed while everyone chuckled... I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck giving him a kiss... "You are so cute..." I whisper and he grinned...

We went to Carly and Ryan's house and the kids arrived a little later from the babysitter... Stella immediately crawled in my lap talking about her day and i smiled listening to her... "Are you sure you want to wait..." Chris whispered in my ear as Stella ran off to play and i chuckled... "Yes, i am sure... I just want some time just you and i... Is that selfish?" I ask him and he shakes his head... "No... Not at all..." He whispers and kisses me... "You dont mind waiting a little... I know you really want to be a dad..." I whisper and he smiles... "Yes, that is true but first i want to settle in our place, get married and enjoy some time just the two of us..." He whispers and kisses me again and i smiled... 

Chris got called away to help Ryan at the grill and i smiled watching him laugh and joke with Ryan being his goofy self... "God you and my brother have got it bad..." Scott said sitting down next to me wrapping an arm around my shoulder and i chuckled leaning into him... "He just makes me happy..." I whisper and Scott smiled kissing the top of my head... "I am so happy for you two... I am so happy he finally got his head out of his ass..." He said and i grinned... "Me to..."  I say and we both laughed making Chris look at us... I winked at him, and he smiled before turning his attention back to Ryan... 

"Do you want to scare the living daylight out of Chris later...?" Scott whispered in my ear and i giggled... "Is the pope catholic...?" I whispered back and we both grinned... "Thank god some things never change..." Scott said smiling and i looked at him confused... "What do you mean?" I ask and he sighs... "I was scared that our friendship would change..." He says blushing and i sigh... "Scott i can't promise that it won't change at all... But i am always going to be your friend... And i am always in for scaring Chris..." I said and we both laughed and giggled again...

Chris appeared and looked at me squinting his eyes... "What are you two up to...?" He says and we both look at him grinning... "Nothing..." We said simultaneously and this made us both laugh again... 

I stood up and smirked at Chris... I kissed him before i winked at Scott and made my way inside to see if i could help... I smirk as i text with Scott setting up a plan... I ask Carly if i can help and she asks me if i can gather some plates and other utensils and bring them outside... I smile as Chris rushes towards me to take some of the plates off of me... "Such a gentleman..." I say smiling and he grins. I kiss Chris to distract him from Scott sneaking in the house... "Can you help carry some of the other stuff outside?" I ask in my sweetest voice and Chris nods... 

He walks in front of me and as soon as he steps through the door Scott jumps out yelling and Chris jumps screaming out and i double over laughing high fiving Scott and Chris drops himself to the floor grabbing his stomach... He is laughing and i smirk... "Gottcha..." I grin and Chris looks at me smirking "I am going to get you both for this..." He says looking at me and i smirk... "Yeah, yeah, yeah..." I say rolling my eyes and Scott helps him up... He pushes Scott who is still laughing holding up his phone having filmed the whole thing... 

"I am going to get you for this angel..." He growls stalking over to me and i giggle backing up... He is about to jump at me when i turn around and run off into the backyard squealing trying to get away... "Grab you Aunt Ava..." Chris yells at the kids... "No stop your uncle Chris..." I squeal and i smirk as the kids listen to me and not him stopping him making me get away... I run around the pool and when Chris had finally broke free from the kids... "Come here angel... I just want to kiss you..." He says in his sweetest voice and i laugh... Everyone is looking at us seeing how this is going to unfold and Scott is just laughing still filming everything... "Dont listen Auntie Ava he is lying..." Stella squeals and i laugh... "See you can't even fool a child..." I say smirking as Chris starts to walk around the pool and i do to... 

Everyone is laughing as Chris starts to run and i get away from the pool running around hiding behind Scott... "This was your idea Scott... You better protect me..." I squeal as Chris reached us, but Scott betrays me and steps aside... "Sorry Ava..." He said smirking and Chris grabbed me lifting me up... "Traitor... I will get you for this..." I squealed as Chris threw me over his shoulder walking to the pool... "Chris no..." I squeal and he slapped my ass... "Oh yes..." He said and i know he was smirking... "Christopher i dont have dry clothes here..." I squeal... "I am sure you can borrow some of Carly..." He said and i tried to break free as everyone was now looking at us... Lisa, Carly and Shanna had come out to see all the commotion was about and are laughing to... 

"Christopher... I will do that thing you like..." I whisper and he stops for a second lowering me in front of him... "Hmmm... Let me think..." He says and just as i think he is going to let it go he gives me a little push... "Nope..." He says and i fall back in the pool squealing making everyone laugh... I come up gasping for air... Chris is laughing and smirking at me as he watches me, but he is so distracted that he doesn't see the little girl always in my corner and Stella appears behind him and i nod... 

Chris looks behind him to see what i am looking at but before he noticed what is happening Stella pushes Chris with everything, she got making him fall in the pool... "That is my girl!" I yell and i laugh as Chris comes up and Stella is giggling... "Dont worry i think you can borrow some clothes from Ryan..." I say laughing and swim over to him and push him back under... He grabs me lifts me up and throws me away making me laugh... 

"Okay kids time for dinner better get out the pool and get changed..." Carly said smirking as she appears on the edge of the pool... We got out and Chris pulled me in his arms kissing me passionately before we dried off and got upstairs to change in the clothes Carly had put out for us... 

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