Chapter 127

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36 weeks pregnant... I feel huge and uncomfortable all the time... Lisa has been here since i was 31 weeks... She has been a godsend. When Chris was filming, she was helping me out so i could stay at the house were i was relatively comfortable... More comfortable than the trailer on set.

 Filming had ended only a week ago and yesterday Mackie and Seb had left... I had cried my eyes out as i didn't want them to go but they had other stuff lined up... Obligations they couldn't get out off... 

I was just done... I was irritable, uncomfortable and tired... This pregnancy was no picknick and if it was up to me, it was my first and last... We were going to have 2 boys and with Jack, i was happy being a boy mom... I was worried about the fact that we didn't have a nursery yet, it made me restless... Not here because this house we are staying at is just a rental and back home we didn't have one for the obvious reason we haven't been there in a while... I missed our house in Boston and if i could i would fly home today... But i was not allowed to fly anymore. As soon as the twins were allowed to fly we would go home... And i couldn't wait. 

We did have everything we needed for the first few weeks here. I had done a lot of online shopping and had it delivered at the house in Boston... It was not like i had other things to do during the day... But still i didn't have a space to nest in, like the doctor had called it me so she understood i was restless... I couldn't distract myself by making a nursery for our boys... Good news was that our boys were happy and healthy... It was just a waiting game now... But the doctor had said after 37 weeks if the boys were not here, yet we could see what the best options were...

I waddle into the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water... I tried to take a nap but i can't find a way to get comfortable and i am exhausted... I just want to sleep but the boys had other ideas kicking me like their own personal punching bag... It was a little bit painful... Just a few hours of sleep would make me so happy... 

Chris is sitting at the counter with Lisa and when i looked outside Jack was playing in the yard... "Everything okay angel...?" Chris asked and i gave him a death stare... "I hate you..." I growl and he looks at me stunned for a second while Lisa doubles over laughing... "Why? What did i do?" He says acting all innocent as if he doesn't know... "This..." I growl pointing at my massive belly... 

Chris laughs and shakes his head. "I am pretty sure we did that together angel..." He says smirking and i give him a death stare... "Oh god... Where did i go wrong raising you... Do you have a death wish?" Lisa asks him still laughing and this makes me laugh a bit... "Just say, i am sorry and beg for forgiveness..." Lisa says laughing and Chris looks at us both... "Unbelievable... My wife and my mother ganging up on me..." He mumbles...

"Aaah is that making you uncomfortable..." I say smirking and he smirks... "I am sorry angel... Is there something i can do for you to make you more comfortable..." He says bowing to me... "Chris Evans at you service..." He says and i chuckle... "You know... There is one thing you could do to make me more comfortable..." I say with a smirk on my face and a twinkle in my eyes...

"Uhm angel... My mother is right there..." He whispers and i roll my eyes... "Seriously... Now you go all shy... The man who ran home to tell his mother when he had sex for the first time..." I say and Lisa giggles... "I am pretty sure she knows we have sex..." I say pointing at my belly again... "I am not the virgin Mary, you know..." I say and both Lisa and Chris laugh hard... 

"Never mind... I am tired anyway... Your boys are being a pain in my ass..." I mumble and Chris chuckles... "What if we lay down and i cuddle with you... I can rub your back and you can use me as your pillow..." He says and i sigh... "Unless you can get the boys to calm down in there i am not interested..." I mumble as i am being stubborn. "I dont know what i want... Or yes i do... I want to sleep but the boys have other plans..." I mumble letting out a deep sigh as i mindlessly rub my belly and Chris sighs to... 

"Come on grumpy... Let's see if we can make it so you can sleep for a while..." He says taking my hand... "Fine..." I mumble and Lisa smiles, wishes me a good nap and that she will save me some dinner if i am still asleep then... "Sorry for being grumpy..." I mumble as Chris walks me to the bedroom. He sighs and kisses my temple... "It is okay angel... You are uncomfortable and tired..." He says and i sigh... "I just want them out... I am done... I just want them out of me already..." I say as we walk into the bedroom. 

"I know angel... I am sorry you are feeling so uncomfortable. Let's try to get you a little comfortable..." He says and i nod. He helps me get into bed before laying down beside me and pulling me into him... He rubs my belly and i hum... "Boys you have to be nice to mommy... She needs some sleep..." He says talking to my belly... I wince as they kick even harder... "Damn..." He mumbles and i groan... I am so frustrated that i start to cry... "Oh angel... Shhh..." Chris whispers trying to comfort me with his one hand rubbing my back the other rubbing my belly... 

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