Chapter 39

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"Chris..." I whisper looking at him a little unsure of what is to come... "Just open it angel..." He whispers smiling and my hands are shaking as i take the little black box in my hands... I hold my breath and i struggle to open the box... Chris just watches me as i am getting more anxious... I finally get the box open and i look at Chris who just smiles like some idiot back at me... "Go on..." He says smirking and i take a deep breath opening it all the way and i look at the content in shock... 

"I dont understand..." I whisper as i look at a key... Secretly i am a little relieved because i thought it would be a ring and i dont know if i was ready for that... "What is this Sappy...? The key to your heart..." I joke... Chris laughs and smirks but shakes his head... "The key to my house..." He whispers and i look at him confused... "Sorry i still dont understand..." I whisper feeling incredibly stupid and Chris smiles taking my hand in his again... 

"I wanted to ask you a question... Ava... Angel... We know each other for a long time already and although we are not together long i can't imagine not waking up next to you... So, i was wondering if you wanted to live together... Move in and wake up together every day..." He says and i look at him with tears in my eyes and totally in shock but a warm feeling spreading through my body... "But... But... I need space and..." I say and his face drops the smile disappears and i shake my head as i realize how that sounded... 

"Oh god no... Sappy i didn't mean it like that... I meant i need space for an office and stuff..." I say and he lets out a sigh of relief and the smile appears again... "That is not going to be a problem angel... I will give you all the space you need and if you need more we move and get a house together... Or if you would like it more i can move in with you..." He says and i smile with tears in my eyes... "Are you sure...?" I whisper and he smiles and nods... "Ava... It took me a long time to get my head out of my ass when it came to you... And now that i finally did i want to wake up to you every day... Come home to you every day... So, what do you say angel..." He says a little anxious... I nod and smile through my tears... 

"I would love that... We can get a house together... A fresh start a place for the both of us..." I whisper and he smiles stands up walks over to me and he kisses me passionately... "I like the sound of that..." He whispers and he crouches down in front of me and pulls out another black box and gasp a little... "Dont worry angel it is not a ring... Not yet..." He says with a smirk and opens the box... I gasp again as a little silver chain appears with a small pendant with a sparkly diamond... "Chris..." I whisper grabbing his face in my hands and kiss him again and he smiles... "It is just as bright as you..." He whispers and the tears start to come... "Oh Sappy..." I mumble and he laughs... "That is going to stick huh..." He says and i nod smiling at him through my tears... "I think it will..." I whisper and he smiles as we both know i am not talking about the pet name... 

He takes the necklace out of the little box, and he stands up stepping behind me... I shiver as he puts it around my neck his touch giving my goosebumps... He leans down and plants a kiss on my cheek before sitting down again and i look at him and smile looking down, playing with the little diamond... It is absolutely beautiful... 

Chris sits down smiling at me and we eat our desert and i can't help but have the biggest smile... "So, i was thinking when we are done filming, we go on vacation... And when we come back, we go house hunting... I will call Tara so she can set some things up for when we get back to Boston." Chris says smiling and the thought alone of looking for a new house makes me excited... "I like the sound of that..." I say and he smiles... We talk about what we want in a house.

I giggle... "Tara is going to have her work cut out for her..." I say and Chris smirks... "She can handle it..." He says shrugging his shoulders... "We can always tare my house down and build something new..." He says and i look at him shocked... "Then we can make it just the way we want..." He says and i sigh... "Let's look for a place first and if nothing comes up, we can do that..." I say and he nods... We finish our desert and Chris calls the driver and he pays the bill... 

He holds out his hand helping me stand up and he pulls me in his side his hand resting on my hip... We walk to the entrance waiting inside for the car to pull up as i see some paparazzi standing outside... A car pulls up and i dont know where they are coming from, but some security guys clear our path and Chris looks at me a little anxiously... "Dont let go of my hand and just dont answer their ridiculous questions..." He says and i nod and smile... "Dont worry... I won't... They dont scare me..." I whisper.  The door of the car opens so we can get in immediately and Chris takes a deep breath taking my hand in his and i squeeze it a little giving him a reassuring smile as he looks at me...

I dont know why but they really dont scare me... Somehow in spite of all my insecurities i dont care what people will say about me and Chris... As long as he loves me i can handle it... As long as he is by my side i couldn't care less what they will ask of think... I know they caused problems for him in previous relationships and i won't let that happen... I will not let them break us up... I am on cloud nine after this amazing date and nothing they will say will get me off this soft and comfortable cloud... 

"Okay let's go..." Chris says taking a deep breath... "Dont walk too fast Sappy... I am in heels..." I say and he chuckles, and we walk out to the car... Cameras are flashing, and they are yelling loudly trying to get some reaction, but we ignore them... He lets me get in first and he steps in after and after the door closes i grab his face and kiss him... "I love you Sappy..." I whisper and he chuckles shaking his head... "I love you to angel..." He murmurs back... 

"But Mackie, Seb and Scarlet are going to have a field day with that pet name..." He groans and i laugh... "But i like it..." I say pouting and he sighs... "You are lucky i love you..." He groans and i smirk... "I love you too Sappy..." I say with a smile on my face, and he chuckles and shakes his head... "What am i going to do with you angel..." He mumbles and i smirk... "I have a few ideas Sappy..." I whisper and he smirks... "Do you now...?" He says and  i nod smirking before attaching my lips with his again...

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