Chapter 76

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We pull into the road leading to the house and i take a deep breath... "Home..." I hum and i smile and turn to the sleeping boy in the back... "Should i wake him... I dont want him to wake up in a strange environment and get scared..." I whisper. Chris nods and i gently shake Jack a little. "Wake up sweetheart... We are home..." I say and Jack groans a little but opens his eyes rubbing them as he looks outside... 

We pull up to the gate and Chris presses the button opening it and we drive up to the house and Jack lets out a little gasp... "What do you think bud...?" Chris asks as Jack just looks at the house in amazement... "It is so big..." He whispers and i chuckle... I can't even imagine how big this house must look to a little boy... "Other people life her to?" Jack asks as if he can't believe it is our home and i shake my head... "No sweetheart just Chris and i... And now you... This is now your home to..." I say smiling and Jack looks at the house again... 

We park the car in the garage and Chris walks around the car opening the door for me letting me out and Jack giggles... "What are you giggling about bud..." Chris says smirking as he helps Jack out of the car... "Why do you open the doors for Ava all the time... Is she not allowed to open the door?" He asks and Chris laughs... "Because i am a gentleman and chivalrous..." Chris says and i chuckle... "Chivalrous?" Jack asks and Chris smiles... "Polite... I love Ava very much so i want to make everything easier for her..." He says to Jack winking at me and i blush... He puts Jack down and i smile as he offers Jack his hand and Jack takes it in the other hand the stuffed dog. "Ready to go inside?" He asks Jack and Jack nods his little head... We walk inside the house and Jack takes it all in... 

"Do you want a tour or ice cream first?" I ask him and his face lights up... "I can really have ice cream?" He asks and i smile and nod... Chris lifts him up putting him on one of the bar stools at the counter... He kisses his little head and says he is going to unload the car and i nod... I go to the fridge opening the freezer... "Chocolate chip, Vanilla, Cookie dough or Strawberry..." I ask him and Jack thinks about it... "You can pick more flavors sweetheart..." I say and his face lights up... I swear it is the cutest thing ever. 

"Chocolate chip and strawberry..." He says a little shy and i smile and i make him a bowl before i make Chris and i one... I put the bowl in front of me and he smiles and starts to eat immediately as if he is scared someone is going to take it away. Chris walks in with a few bags. He puts them down and i point to the bowl. 

Chris smirks and sits down next to Jack... "What flavors did you get...?" He asks Jack who smirks at him. "Chocolat chip and strawberry..." He says stuffing his face... "Easy bud you will get brain freeze..." Chris says and Jack looks at him confused but slows down his eating... "After you have finished your ice cream we will go and pick you a room, okay?" Chris says and Jack nods smiling... "I will start dinner after that... We will have to cancel our reservation..." I say to Chris who smirks and nods... 

"What do you like for dinner?" I ask Jack but he looks at me like this is a weird question... "Do you like lasagna?" I ask going for a safe option and he nods and i smile... "Then we will have lasagna for dinner..." I say and Jack's face light up... Jack patiently waits while looking around taking everything in as Chris and i finish our ice cream and i put the bowls in the dish washer... We walk upstairs and Jack points at the pictures... "That one is funny..." He says pointing at the photo of Chris, Seb and Mackie taken in their tuxes laughing at the beginning of filming... "Ava made all of these..." Chris says smiling proudly and i blush... 

We arrive upstairs... "So, this is our room..." I say and i smile as he looks in... "If you need anything or if you are scared you can always wake us up... Okay bud..." Chris says and Jack nods a little... "You won't be mad..." He whispers and i get down to his level... "No sweetheart... You can always come to us if you need something okay..." I say and he smiles and hugs me... 

"Now to the most important part..." I say smiling standing up again and i take his hand... "You get to pick between these 4 doors..." I say smiling and we open the doors one by one... I smile as he picks the room with the little nook i think in his mind it looks like a castle tower... I show him the bathroom that comes with the room, and he looks at me confused as i tell him that it is his bathroom... But he says nothing and looks around... 

"Now if you and Chris go and unpack your stuff than i will start on dinner..." I say and i want to walk out but Jack takes my hand... "Can mommy's picture be on the wall with the others...?" He asks a little shy and i smile and nod... "We will put it up after dinner, okay?" I say and he gets the biggest smile on his face... "Okay! Come on Chris... We have to get my stuff..." Jack squeals running off and downstairs and i smile and look at Chris who grins... He walks over to me and wraps his arms around me and kisses me passionately... "Are you happy?" He whispers and i nod and smile... "I am enormously happy... In one day i got a husband and a sweet little boy..." I whisper and kiss him passionately again... 

"CHRIS!!" We hear being yelled from downstairs and we both chuckle and Chris sighs putting his forehead against mine but with a smile on his face... "Get used to it Mr. Evans... Kids have incredible bad timing..." I say laughing and he groans and kisses me again... "Just wait until he is asleep Mrs. Evans..." He growls slapping my ass and i let out a little yelp... "Good thing he picked the room at the other side of the house..." I mumble before we both walk downstairs Chris grinning from ear to ear... Jack is trying to lift everything. to take upstairs... "Wow buddy let me help you..." Chris says helping him. I smile and walk to the kitchen to start on dinner as i hear Jack running upstairs again... 

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