Chapter 12

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"You guys are already going?" Chris asks as the game is over and Josh and i are getting ready to leave. "Yeah, i have an early morning tomorrow and Ava has a lot to catch up on at work..." Josh says and i nod... "Aahw come on let have a drink together..." Chris whines and i roll my eyes... "Not for me i want to go home but if you want to stay i can call an Uber..." I say to Josh, but he shakes his head... "No have to be up a 5 so i am going to take you home..." He says smiling at me and i smile back... I can feel Chris his eyes bore into me as he seems annoyed that we are leaving... 

I say goodbye to Scott, and we agree to text tomorrow to set a date for lunch... Josh takes my hand, and we walk out making out way to the car... Josh takes me home and like with our dates before he walks me to the front door... I get my keys and Josh takes my hand and i look up at him and smile... "I had fun... I hope you had fun to even thought football is not your thing..." He says and i smile... "I had fun..." I say and he smiles... He pulls me into a hug and i let out a sigh resting my head on his chest listening to his steady heartbeat... After a second i look up and he looks back at me and i smile... He seems to get nervous and pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and leans in hesitating for a moment... But a few seconds later i feel his lips on mine in a sweet soft kiss... When he pulls back i smile, and he smiles back at me... "I will call you tomorrow..." He whispers and i nod... 

He waits until i am inside and i watch him walk off with a big smile of his face and i chuckle... I put my keys in the bowl and walk to the living room and drop myself on the couch... 

The next day i just work alone my assistant had the day off for a family thing... I work on the fashion shoot photos and around 3 i send them to the client and i decide to call it a day after that... I had finished quicker then i thought... I drive into town to pick up some supplies and make my way home... I had texted Scott during my lunch, and we decided to meet up on Friday... I had been texting back and forth with Josh and every time my phone dinged i catch myself smiling...

Tuesday i am in my office early i have a shoot for a girl's sweet 16 and i wished i hadn't taken the job... She is a total nightmare a spoiled brat nothing is good enough and she is driving me insane so i call for a break... While we take a break, she looks at the pictures i have taken and had put up and she pauses at a few of Chris... "You took these?" She asks and i look up from my laptop to see where she is talking about... "I did..." I say and she looks at me shocked... "You worked with Chris Evans...?" She says in shock and i nod... "Wauw..." Is all she says and i chuckle... "What is he like...?" She asks and i sigh... "He is nice..." I say and all of a sudden, my assistant comes in smirking and throws something in front of me... I look down and i see it is the Men's Health magazine... 

"The pictures look amazing they really picked some good ones..." She says still smirking. But i just look in shock as on the front page is one of the ones i had taken of him looking directly at the lens while lying in the tub his legs over the edge his arms to... Memories of him getting up out of the water making his way over to me flash my mind... I shake my head scolding myself for the dirty thoughts again... I think of all the ways i could have let him take me... I mean i have different setups in that warehouse... Couches, chairs, tables, bathroom... Or just up against a wall... I shake my head again pushing it out of my mind because i already can feel my core heat up... 

 I open the magazine and get to the article and smile as they picked a favorite of mine in front of the mirror... It is like he is looking straight at you and his blue eyes pop off the page... I chuckle seeing the ones i had taken were i asked him how Seb was doing and the one in the bathtub with his eyes closed his head leaning back... It looks almost pornographic... "You took those to...?" We heard a voice say and i had forgotten the girl was still here... "I did..." I say and she curses under her breath... 

"Okay time to continue..." I say as i dont want to talk about Chris anymore and we walk back into the studio... She must have been impressed now because she is taking my directions more serious and an hour later, we are done...I let out a sigh of relief when she finally had left and i open the magazine again and smile seeing my name under the pictures... I sigh and feel a sudden wave of dread... As much as i know i am keeping a distance for my own good... I missed him as my friend... I felt so proud of the pictures i had taken and my first thought was to call Chris to talk about it but i couldn't... I mean i could but that would only make it harder on both of us... 

All of a sudden, my phone rings and i smile as it is Josh so i answer the phone... "Hey, can you meet me for dinner tonight...?" He asks getting right to the point sounding a bit strange... "Yeah sure... Wanna meet at the diner?" I ask and he agrees... He says he needs to go and after we say goodbye i hang up and look at my phone confused... He sounded weird... I sigh and shake it off and start working on the pictures from the girl i had taken this afternoon wanting it to be done and send to her so i didn't have to deal with her anymore...

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