Chapter 10

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The week flew by... I had a fun dinner at the diner with Josh... Worked on the photos of Chris and on Wednesday they were ready and i sent them to Megan... I got a response thanking me and they looked amazing, and the magazine was going to love them... The next day the money came in and i almost had a heart attack at all those zero's... 

Chris kept calling and texting me and after a while i was so fed up i blocked his number... I had a few other photo shoots one for a couple for their pregnancy announcement which was fun... One for a family who wanted a family picture and i had one wedding were i would be there all-day taking pictures...

Today i had a fashion shoot for a clothing line and all day i was surrounded by models and makeup and wardrobe people... It was fun... But being around models all day right now was a little bit of torture... But the money was good it would look good in my portfolio so i powered through and i must say the results so far are stunning...

High light of that day was the fact that the model Chris had been dating and was incredibly vile to me when he dumped her was there to... When she saw my face and noticed i was the photographer all the blood drained from her face... She never gave me the time of day, so she had no idea what i did for a living... Knowing that the photographer is your best friend sort of speak she tried to butter me up pretend like nothing had happened getting on my nerves and pulling me out of my focus... 

I pulled one of the people in charge of the models apart and told them with no uncertain terms to keep her away from me... I had no problem taking her picture but i did not want her in my aura... It was not my intention, but they dismissed her immediately and send her packing and although it felt good and like some sort of victory... part of me felt guilty for getting her fired from this job...

But the mood significantly changed as soon as she walked out and i came to find out nobody really liked her. The mood in the room immediately changed and people were more relaxed and smiling and laughing... 

"Somebody got roses..." One of the girls chirped and i turned around to see this massive bouquet of roses being brought in and walked over to me... "For me?" I asked a little in shock and the man nodded handing them to me... I tell them to put them on the table in the middle of the room and i sign for them and the man leaves... "Somebody has an admirer..." One of the models said smiling at me and i chuckled... I took the card and my mood plummeted immediately as i saw they were from Chris... I tore up the card and threw it away and people looked at me worried... "Okay everyone can take a rose home after we are done here... I dont want them..." I said and i took a deep breath putting a smile on my face as everyone just looked at me stunned... "Let's continue..." I said and everyone went back to normal...

I pushed Chris out of my mind and continued with the shoot and at the end of the day it was a success... I gave everyone a rose until they were all gone and together with my assistant i cleaned up the chaos... 

The next day another package arrived and i almost threw it away until i saw it was from Josh and i smiled opening it... I chuckled as i pulled out a Patriots jersey... "For the game... So, you know who to cheer for... Can't wait to see you Sunday... X..." It said and my smile grew... "You've become very popular..." My assistant said smirking and i chuckled... 

My Saturday was spend hanging around my house relaxing after a busy week... Josh and i had been texting back and forth all week and it made me smile every time i heard my phone ping... With Josh it was easy... He makes me feel good and not like i was worthless... Chris was pushed further back into my mind and with his number blocked i could finally breath again... 

The magazine had reached out telling me they loved the photos, and they would be published Tuesday and if they could reach out in the future for more jobs... Of course, i said yes as this was a great opportunity... But i couldn't help but feel a little guilty... If Chris had not wanted me to do this i would never have had that and i hated the fact i felt like i owed him something... 

I sigh and walk to the fridge groaning as i was all out of groceries... I sigh and grab my keys and bag and make my way to the car to go to the store... I walk around deep in my own thoughts when i bump into someone and without looking i apologize... When i finally do look my blood drains as it is Lisa and Scott... "Ava sweetheart..." Lisa says pulling me into a hug Scott doing the same after she lets me go... "I feel like we haven't seen you around in ages..." Lisa says and i blush... "I am really sorry... I have been busy with work..." I say and it is not a complete lie... 

We talk for a bit and i can't help to nervously look around hoping Chris won't pop up out of somewhere. While Lisa gets pulled into another conversation by someone, she knows Scott looks at me with a sad look on his face... "Dont worry he is not here..." He says and i dont intend to let it be so obvious but i immediately relax... 

Scott wants to say something else, but Lisa turns back to us... "You must come to Sunday dinner..." She says inviting me and i blush... "I really would love that but i got other plans..." I say looking at the ground blushing even more... "You really can't change them...? We haven't seen you for so long..." Lisa asks and i shake my head... "No i got a... Date..." I mumble and Lisa smiles... "Ooehw who is the lucky guy..." She asks with a big smile on her face and i dont want to lie... "Josh... He is taking me to the game...." I say and Scott his expression changes and becomes a little darker and i wonder what that is about... 

"Well, you have fun and maybe we will see you next Sunday..." Lisa says smiling and i nod... "Yeah maybe..." I mumble knowing that that is a lie because i will not go over there knowing Chris is there... I know Chris is in town for just one more month until he is back to filming for Marvel and will be gone for months... I decide i will go over to dinner then so i will avoid Chris... "Well, we need to go... But it was nice seeing you again and we can't wait to see the pictures you have taken of Chris..." Lisa says smiling as she hugs me again before walking on giving Scott and i a moment...  

Scott hugs me to... "He is a mess without you..." He whispers in my ear and i groan... "Scott... I know you love your brother... But i can't... I really can't..." I whisper back before i let him go... Scott nods seeing how serious my face is... "Let's meet for lunch next week..." He says and i sigh... "No talk about Chris i promise... Ava you are my friend to..." He says and i nod... "Yes... Yes, you are... Okay text me and we will set it up..." I say smiling and he nods a smile now on his face... We say goodbye and i get the things i need before getting back home...

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