Chapter 67

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"There she is!!!" I hear being yelled and i smile as Mackie and Seb walk in... "Sebby! Mackie!" I squeal running up to them and i hug Seb first and he lifts me up hugging me... "Hello sweetheart!" Seb says kissing my cheek as he puts me back down and i smile and hug Mackie who swings me around making me laugh... "You knew they were coming?" I ask Chris and he shakes his head smiling... 

"Well, this is a nice surprise..." I say and hug them again... "Hold on... Hold on... What is this!" Mackie says grabbing my hand holding it up for Seb to see and i blush and Chris gets a big grin on his face... "Well, I'll be damned... You put a ring on it..." Mackie said slapping Chris his shoulder and Chris nodded with a big grin on his face... "Look at that our boy is finally growing up..." Seb said pretending to wipe tears away and i chuckled as Chris groaned... "Well congratulations you guys..." Mackie says and Chris and i both smile.... " Yeah, we are really happy for you..." Seb says and i blush. 

I chuckle and step beside Chris hugging him from the side... Chris wraps his arm around me and plants a kiss on my head... "Other than our family nobody knows so please keep it to yourself for now... The paparazzi is already all over her..." Chris says tensing up a bit and i put my hand under his shirt lightly scratching his back to relax him a bit... 

"Yeah, we saw..." Seb says and i blush... "Come on change of subject... I am fine..." I say and they all 3 look at me... "Who wants a drink..." I say and Chris nods and i smirk... "Are you sure sappy?" I ask and Mackie and Seb chuckle at the pet name... "Nothing cures a hangover then another drink..." He says smirking and i chuckle... "You guys sit down and i will get us drinks..." I say and i kiss Chris before i walk off to the kitchen... I grab some beers for the guys and make myself a rum and coke... 

I order some pizza's and walk into the living room and hand them their beers... "I ordered pizza..." I say and Chris smiles as i crawl into his lap... "So, when is the big day?" Seb asks and i Chris chuckles... "We are moving first... Next week our new furniture arrives and after all that we are going to set a date..." Chris says and i smile planting a kiss on his cheek... "Moving?" Mackie asks and i smile... "Yeah we bought a house together... We can give you two a tour tomorrow..." I say all excited and they all smile and nod... 

"But talking about the wedding... I wanted to ask you two something..." I say blushing and Chris smiles knowing what is coming next... We had talked about it because i wanted to know if he was going to be okay with it and Chris was... 

"I uhm... Well..." I said taking a deep breath and Chris rubbed my back to comfort me smiling... "Well... I dont really have a good relationship with my parents... I dont even know if i want to invite them to the wedding yet... So, i was wondering if you guys wouldn't mind walking me down the aisle..." I whisper blushing and Seb and Mackie look at me stunned... But their faces turn into a smile... "We would love to sweetheart..." Seb says and i smile... "Yeah of course we would love to... And in case you change your mind we can drive the getaway car..." Mackie says joking with a big grin on his face taking a sip of his beer and i chuckle... "That is not happening Anthony..." I say smiling and kiss Chris who smiles at me... "You better not..." He growls and i chuckle... "Never..." I whisper and kiss him again... "AAAAAAHW..." Seb and Mackie exclaim and i giggle...  

"But we still can go to the bachelor party, right?" Mackie asks and Chris chuckles... "Talk to Scott about that... He is going to be the best man... He just doesn't know it yet..."  Chris says and i smile... "You know what this means... Right Evans... We need to have a talk about your intentions with Ava..." Seb says and i laugh... Chris rolls his eyes... "Look what you have done..." He says smirking at me and i giggle... 

I crawl off his lap and walk over to Seb who stands up and we hug... I smile as Mackie walks over and they both hug me... "Thank you..." I whisper... "Dont worry we got your back girl..." Mackie says and i get a little emotional wiping away a tear... But i giggle as they both kiss my cheek simultaneously... 

The doorbell rings and i excuse myself to go get the pizza's... I smile as i hear the guys laughing and joking. I open the door and pay for the pizza's and walk back in and put them on the coffee table... "You know we will see her in her dress before you..." Seb says smirking at Chris and i chuckle as Chris groans... "Dont remind me... She is adamant i dont get to see it before our wedding day..." Chris sighs and i smirk... "I dont get to see you in your tux either you know..." I say and he rolls his eyes... "You have seen me plenty of times in a tux..." He says and i giggle...

We talk a bit about the house and the wedding but slowly we switch to other topics and i go and get the guys another beer and to refill my drink. I walk back in and crawl back in Chris his lap... I smile as this doesn't faze Seb and Mackie anymore... They are used to it from our time in Atlanta...

"Are you guys going to Roberts party?" Mackie asks and i look at Chris who becomes bright red... "I totally forgot to tell you about that..." He says looking at me... "Do you want to go?" He asks and i blush and shrug my shoulders... "If you want to go..." I say and he smirks... "It will be fun... Roberts parties are always fun..." He says and i smile... 

"He won't mind if you bring me?" I ask and he shakes his head... "I get to bring a plus one and i dont think he will forgive me if i leave my fiancé at home..." Chris says and i smile... "Okay..." I whisper and Chris his face lights up... "You are going to love it... It is only Marvel actors... Originally it was the original 6 but over the years the party got bigger... Everyone from the Marvel group chat is invited..." Chris says smirking and i smile... "Sounds fun..." I say taking another sip of my drink... 

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