Chapter 85

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I am nervously cleaning the house... Lisa will be here in a few minutes to watch Jack as some people from the foster agency will come over for a talk... We had explained to her what was going on and she was more than willing to come and watch Jack.  We didn't want to go over there... We didn't want to have to leave Jack alone in the house with Lisa... We wanted to be close by just in case something came up... It is not that we dont trust Lisa to watch him, but it was for Jack, leaving him alone in the house with someone seemed too early... Besides them coming here was going to show them his new living situation and how well he is doing here... But above all i didn't want to go back to that place... The place where we were deceived.

I had spent the morning cleaning up my office so we could have the talk there in private without little ears being able to hear... I had tried to put Jack down for his nap, but he didn't want to sleep so i just let him play... I was so nervous that i had cleaned the whole house while he played by himself just in case... Chris his lawyer was going to be here for the meeting... He had come over yesterday and he managed to get the foster agency to agree to a sit down... I wasn't there as i was too emotional to act rational i was just numb at the thought they could take him away and i just didn't want to leave his side... I just played with him the whole day trying to keep it out of my mind that this could be the last day together... 

But according to Chris threatening with a lawsuit because it was not our fault that we were duped by one of their workers apparently did the trick... I think the fact that we mentioned a lawsuit scared them as Chris is well known and well liked and it will look bad on them... The press that would come with this case would not be good for them... 

I had to say Chris had gone above and beyond and he told me that were not giving up Jack without a fight... Yesterday we had spent the whole day making calls arranging things for our fight to keep Jack...  We had called his doctor from the hospital, and he had been by yesterday to check on Jack's health per the lawyer's request... It was so we could show documentation that he was doing much better since he was here... And he did... The doctor was amazed at how good Jack was doing... Jack had let him examine him and he had even been weighed and in the short amount of time he had been here he had put on weight... He looked healthier, happier and above all stronger... The doctor said he his eyes were no longer dull and sad... He was chatty and even showed the doctor his toys and room... Not per our request but because he wanted to... 

The doctor had said he was willing to testify if we ever had to go to court and he told us some of the nurses who heard about was going on were willing to testify to... The doctor explained that ever since we came into his live, he had been happier and that it was not in his best interest to take him away from us... He was stunned to hear what had happened, but he had taken a guess on why she would have done it...

He told us that he had heard rumors of social worker supplementing their income by doing shit like this and then blackmailing the foster parents for money to keep the kid... Or asking for money to look the other way on made up problems... But he said it were rumors... So, he didn't know for sure... We were just stunned but above all we felt stupid... We were so blinded by our eagerness to take him home that we were oblivious to her deceit... We thanked him for taking time out of his busy schedule but he assured us it was no problem... He said if there was anything else to just call... We certainly underestimated how much they cared about him in the hospital... We underestimated how happy they were for Jack that he was being taken in by us...

Our lawyer said we made a good chance to keep him as we were a stable family for Jack... We had the money and means to take good care of him, and Jack obviously loved it with us...  The buzzer of the gate goes off and i see it is Lisa so i buzz her in... I walk to the front door to let her in... Chris was getting ready... He had been on the phone all morning with his team just in case this came out in the open... It was so that they were prepared to put out a statement if necessary... 

Lisa walks up to the front door and immediately pulls me into a hug... "It will be okay sweetheart... They are not going to take him... He is our family, and we will fight to keep him that way... We all love him... He has wormed his way into our heart's sweetheart... We will help you guys in any way we can..." She says and i cry a little... But i quickly pull myself together knowing Jack is running around playing oblivious to all that is going on... Even if he did, he pretended not to... He played with his Legos or was running around with his stuffed dog Maggie playing...

"Thank you..." I whisper... "I dont know what i am going to do if they take him... I am so scared... We can't lose him... We love him..." I whisper and Lisa sighs... "You have to be strong sweetheart... You have to fight..." She says and i nod... All of a sudden Jack appears and squeals... "Grandma!" He squeals and we both freeze as he calls her grandma... "Hey sweetheart..." She says getting down to his level and hugging him tightly when we both snap out of it and i have to swallow a few times to make sure i dont start crying... 

"You called me grandma..." She says and Jack nods... "Stella said that you were grandma..." Jack says and we both smile... Chris appears and looks at us confused... "What is going on...?" He asks and i walk over to him and kiss him passionately catching him by surprise... "He called her grandma..." I murmur into the kiss, and he gets the biggest smile on his face... "Really?" He asks and i nod... 

The buzzer of the gate goes again, and Chris checks and tells me the lawyer is here... He says he has put everything together... We are ready to fight... Fight for our boy...

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