Chapter 90

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"You look so pretty mommy..." Jack says and i look at him and smile... "Thank you sweetheart... You look very handsome to..." I say smiling and get down to his level and kiss his cheek... "Let's go find your dad..." I say and take his hand and walk to the living room.

We are in Chris his house in LA... I had been her once or twice, but Jack had been running around in amazement... The house is much different than the one in Boston... It is more... Hollywood... We walk into the living room where Chris is waiting for us and when he sees us his face lights up...  

"You look beautiful sweetheart..." Chris says standing up and kissing my cheek. "My two charmers..." I say and Jack smiles... "I already told her dad..." He says and Chris chuckles... "Are you two ready to go...?" He asks and i nod and so does Jack... "Can i bring Maggie?" He asks a little unsure and i smile... "Of course... Go get her..." I say and he smiles and runs off to the room he was sleeping in but Chris and i knew he would probably end up in bed with us as this is a new environment... 

"You really look gorgeous sweetheart..." Chris says and i blush and he smirks kissing me passionately... Jack comes running back in with Maggie and i smile as Chris lifts him up and we walk to the car that was waiting for us... Jack loved it as he could sit between us, and he was asking the driver a hundred questions... The driver patiently answered all his questions and Chris gave him a big tip when we arrived. 

We walked around the back like we were instructed... Jack was a little shy and Chris was carrying him on his arm... Most of the guest were already there and so caught up in their conversations that they didn't notice us... "Dad that is Iron man..." Jack squealed and all of a sudden all of the faces were pointed at us and i blushed, but Jack was totally fixated on Robert... 

"I really should lay off the beer because i am starting to see things... Does anyone else see the kid on Evans's arm..." We heard a voice with an Australian accent say and i chuckled... "Hello everyone... This is Jack... Our son..." Chris says and everyone looked at us stunned for a moment... "And i believe everyone already knows Ava aka Mrs. Evans..." Chris said smirking and i blushed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder... "WHAT!"  There was being yelled and people came over smiling congratulating us and introducing themselves to Jack who was a little overwhelmed...  But Jack his face lights up and he seems to relax a little more when Seb and Mackie come over... "Hey buddy..." Seb says and they high five... "Looking good my man..." Mackie said high fiving him to and Jack giggled... 

"Okay now that everyone greeted each other you got some explaining to do Dorito..." Robert said and Jack giggled... "Dorito?" Jack asked and Chris chuckled... "Yeah i always call Chris Dorito little man...It is a nickname i gave your dad..." Robert said smiling as everybody is still watching us... "Explain Evans... You can't just show up with a wife and kid and not explain..." A voice with an Australian accent said and i looked up and saw Hemsworth smirking at us... "What is there to explain... Ava and i got married... Dont worry we are still going to have a wedding... And we adopted Jack..." Chris says and i smile as he pulls me closer... Jack starts to squirm, and Chris puts him down and he immediately hides behind me... 

2 boys come running up and stop in front of me and i smile as Jack shyly peaks out from behind me... "Hi i am Sascha and this is my brother Tristan... Do you want to play?" They ask and i smile at the boys and look at Jack who looks at me... "You can go play sweetheart..." I say and he steps out from behind me... "I am Jack... This is Maggie..." He says holding up his stuffed dog and i smile as they run off... 

"You guys adopted him..." Seb said smiling and i smiled back and nodded... "Yes... Yes, we did..." I say and we explain to everyone what had happened... There are smiles and congratulations all around and they understand why we had gotten married without anyone there... "Well, you better still have a damn wedding... I already prepared a toast... And we practiced walking her down the aisle..." Mackie yelled and we all laughed... "Dont worry boys... It is still happening..." I said smirking... 

"Well i can understand why you adopted him... He is a cute bugger..." Hemsworth said and i smiled proudly... Once everyone was caught up, they dispersed... Chris was going to get me a drink... "He really is cute..." Scarlet said linking her arm with mine leading me to a table to sit down... "Yeah he really is... He is really opening up... He really made his way into our hearts..." I say and Scarlet smiles... "So, he is sick?" She asks and i shake my head... "He was... He is doing good at the moment the cancer is gone... But there is no guarantee it is not coming back..." I say and she takes a deep breath... 

"I can't imagine your kid being sick..." Scarlet says and i sigh... "He is so strong Scar... You should have seen him in that hospital bed... He had no one... Mom died of an overdose... Dad is unknown... He didn't have anyone to hold his hand other than the nurses and doctors... We just fell in love with him and want to give him the world..." I say and she smiles hugging me... "If there is anything you need... Let me know..." She says and i smile... "Thanks... That means a lot... It is an adjustment and certainly not something we had thought about doing so soon but we are loving it... He has started calling us mom and dad since a few days and he is just so sweet... He is getting stronger and better every day..." I say and she smiles... "Just wait until he is in his teens and mouthing off..." Susan, Robert's wife says joining us and i laugh.

Chris comes over and hands me my drink and he kisses me before joining the guys around the barbeque... The party is fun... Jack is having a blast with the other kids, and they are so sweet and patience with him as he sometimes can't keep up... I keep it at two drinks before i switch over to alcohol free... But i am having a good time chatting with everyone... To my surprise everyone has seen the photo book and loved it...

I smile as Chris is having fun and laughing with everyone being his goofy self... "Girl, you got it bad..." Mackie says sitting down next to me and i smile... "I really do..." I say smiling and he grins putting his arm around me... "Mom look!" Jack yells as he is carrying an Iron man helmet thing and i look shocked... "Jack where did you get that!" I yell scared that he took it from the house... "Calm down momma... I gave it to him... Got to get them when they are young..." Robert says laughing and i let out a sigh of relief while the rest smirks... Chris grins at me and i blush a little. 

"Dont corrupt my son Downey..." Chris yells a little drunk and i chuckle... "Dad! Can we put it with the shield..." He yells running over to Chris and Chris gets down to his level. He takes the Iron man helmet and puts it on his little head... After a while he drops it off with me to go play again and i am now wedged between Mackie and Seb each having an arm draped around my shoulder... Chris just looks at us and shakes his head as Mackie and Seb grin... Chris calls Jack over and whispers something in his ear and he giggles and walks over to me.... 

"I am coming to save you..." Jack said smiling and Seb and Mackie chuckled... "I dont need saving sweetheart... But that is really brave and sweet of you..." I said kissing his forehead and he smiled turned around... "Dad she doesn't need to be saved..." Jack yelled and i smirked at Chris as everybody laughed and Chris turned bright red... 

The party went on and Jack is sitting in my lap as he is tired out... Chris was still having fun and he didn't seem to be ready to leave yet... I didn't want to rush him as he was happy to see everyone again... I didn't mind having Jack in my lap... I loved having him in my arms... I was just so happy that he had a great time... The other kids had been put down in one of the bedrooms of the house, but Jack refused as he was scared and i didn't want to force him... Chris looks over to me and smiles... He shakes some hands and walks over... "Ready to go home?" He asks and i smile and nod... "Wauw you are really taking this family life serious..." Hemsworth said patting his shoulder and i chuckle as Chris nods proudly... 

He takes Jack from my lap and i stand up... We say goodbye to everyone and made our way back to the car Chris had called... Jack is out like a light on Chris his arm and i smile as he takes my hand... 

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