Chapter 82

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"Listen to me bud... If you are uncomfortable just come find me or Ava... Okay..." Chris says to Jack as we had parked in Lisa's driveway... It was a beautiful sunny day, and we were at her place for the family barbeque... We had a talk with Jack about our plans this morning and he was excited but also a little nervous... I couldn't even imagine what was going through his little head and i was wondering if we did the right thing by having him meet the whole family...

But i knew he had to meet the family someday... With how close the Evans clan is we might as well get it over with as they are going to be a big part of Jack's live... He has been with us for a few days now and at home everything went great... He started to get more and more relaxed and a kid just a kid... 

It even came with a little temper tantrum because Chris had told him no when he wanted to keep playing with Legos when it was time for dinner... Chris dealt with it... But i couldn't help but be happy about it. Because it meant that he was not as focused on food anymore. That he was not scared he was going to go hungry again... But we both agreed a routine was important, so this included a regular dinner time... Chris dealt with it amazingly though... He had calmed Jack down explained to him that he could play again after dinner. We had a lovely dinner after which he went back to play again.  

Chris gets out the car walks around and opens the car door for me before he goes to get Jack out of his car seat. I look at the house and i can hear Carly's kids screaming in the yard... 

Chris helps Jack out of the car and wants to put him down, but he clings onto Chris and i smile... "You carry him... Ill carry the bag..." I say and Chris nods... Everyone is already here as i wanted to make sure Jack had taken a nap before so he would have enough energy to play with the others... 

"You dont have to knock?" Jack asks as we just walk in and Chris smiles. "No bud... I used to live here as a little kid so we dont have to knock..." Chris says smiling and i chuckle as Jack looks at him in shock. "You lived here?" He asks and Chris nods smiling... "I will show you the bedroom that was mine when i was little like you later okay..." Chris says and Jack smiles and nods... We walk into the backyard were everyone is sitting, and the kids are running around... 

"Hello everyone..." Chris says and everyone looks our way... "Hello..." Everyone says back at once and Jack looks at me and he stretches out his arms towards me... I put the bag down and take him from Chris and Lisa walks over hugging Chris before she turns to me and Jack. 

"Hello Jack... It is nice to see you again... Do you remember me?" Lisa says and he looks at her and nods... "Can i get a hug?" She says and he smiles and nods again and i put him down and he walks over to her and hugs her... When they are hugged out, he walks back over to me and holds on to my leg hiding a little... I smile as Stella is the first one to come up all the grown-ups stay seated to not overwhelm him and the boys are playing soccer...

"Hi... I am Stella... What is your name..." She says with the biggest smile on her face... "Jack..." He softly says peaking around me at her... "Do you want to build sandcastles with me?" She asks and this piques his interest, and he looks up at me... "Go ahead sweetheart go play... It is okay... Have fun..." I say smiling and he steps out from behind me. Stella takes his hand, and they run to the sandbox... I look up and everyone is smiling, and Chris kisses the side of my head... "He is going to be fine..." He whispers and i nod and smile as Stella is talking a mile a minute and i can see Jack relax in front of my eyes... 

We walk over to the rest and the first to hug me is Scott... "Hello sis..." He says spinning me around and i laugh... He puts me back down and goes to hug Chris when Shanna and Carly both hug me... "He is cute..." Carly says and Shanna nods... I look over to Jack who is totally caught up with Stella and building sandcastle while Carly's boys still play soccer... 

Ryan comes over and hugs me and shakes his head... "Welcome officially to the mad house..." He says and i giggle... "We heard that..." All the Evans siblings say simultaneously and i laugh hard while Ryan grins at them... We go to sit down, and Chris pulls me closer to him as we sit down at the table... He drapes his arm around my shoulder and kisses my temple... I look up at him and smile... We hear Jack laugh with Stella and i smile and tear up a little as he seems to have fun... 

We fall in a conversation and explain how it all came down to adding Jack to our family... The whole day goes extremely well, and Jack even plays soccer for a little bit with Ethan and Miles... While he is doing that Stella crawls in my lap and i hug her tight... "Did you have fun playing with Jack?" I ask her and she smiles at me and nods... "He is really nice... Are you and Uncle Chris really married?" She asks and i nod... "So, i am not going to be flower girl?" She asks... "Of course, you will be... We are still going to have a wedding sweetheart..." I say and her face lights up...

When it is time for dinner i gather all the kids to get them cleaned up and i smile as Jack seems like he has always been here... Like he belongs... He sits with Carly's kids at the kids table eating and laughing... But eating with others is making him eat really fast and i am worried. I walk over hug him and kiss his cheek taking him away for a little bit... "Calm down sweetheart... They won't take your food and if you are still hungry after this there is more food..." I whisper and he looks at me and blushes... "It is okay sweetheart... I just dont want you to get sick from eating too fast..." I whisper and he nods... 

I let Jack go back to the kids table and i sit back down again... "Problems with food?" Carly asks and i nod... "I think he always had to eat fast to get food at all... Eat when you can... It is getting better at home... But with new people he just shoves everything in..." I whisper and Carly sighs... "Poor guy... Can't imagine what he has been through..." Carly says and i sigh and nod... "Dont worry Ava... He is so lucky to have you guys and will overcome it..." She says and i smile with tears in my eyes...

After the barbeque is done, we sit around for a little while but i can see Jack is tired and getting a little cranky... I dont want to end the day on a bad note so i look at Chris and he seems to be thinking what i am thinking... "Sorry guys we are going home... Jack is getting tired, and we want to leave on a high note..." Chris says and they all understand... Chris goes to collect Jack and i smile as he lifts him up... "He is really good with him..." Scott says smiling as he hugs me, and we watch Chris and Jack... 

Chris walks over with Jack on his arms and kisses me... "I am going to show him my childhood bedroom really quick..." He says and i smile and nod... "I will gather our things..." I say and he nods and walks off... Scott helps me to get everything and after Chris and Jack got back, we say goodbye...

We are not even on our way for 5 minutes or Jack is asleep... Chris takes my hand and kisses the back of it and i look at him with a big smile... "See everything is going to be okay... He loved playing with the others..." Chris says and i nod... 

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