Chapter 78

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Chris pulls me in his lap on the couch... I kiss him and smile... "Why did he cry at dinner?" Chris asks me softly... "Did i make him cry?" He asks looking at me guilt ridden and i sigh and shake my head... "No baby... I think that before he got to the hospital, he didn't get to eat a lot or had to compete for food or something like that... I think he still has the mindset of eat when you can and i think we shouldn't be surprised if we are going to find food hidden away..." I say and Chris looks at me shocked... "You think he has been starved?" Chris says and i shrug my shoulders... "I dont know but there is something about food... So, we just have to be patient and let him know that he can always ask for food when he is hungry and make sure he eats properly..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "Well, that is easy..." He says and i smile kissing him again... 

"Now on the not so easy stuff..." I whisper and Chris looks at me confused... "Your family..." I say and he grins... "They are going to be so shocked..." He says the grin growing on his face and i sigh... "Chris... We need to tell them... But i dont want to overwhelm Jack..." I whisper and Chris nods... "What if we invite ma tomorrow to introduce her to Jack... And we dont have to tell my family we have gotten married... We can just have a wedding later if that is what you want..." Chris says and i shake my head... 

"I dont want to lie... We told Jack that we got married and what if he blurts it out... I dont want your family to feel like we are keeping secrets..." I say and Chris nods... "You are right..."  He whispers and i smile and kiss him... "Besides... I dont want to hide the fact that today was a good day... The day you became my dear husband..." I whisper and he groans... "I like the sound of that angel..." He growls and i giggle as he pulls me in for another kiss...  "And i want to talk to my parents first without Jack there for i even entertain the idea of introducing Jack to them..." I whisper and he nods... "Okay... You call the shots in that... Whatever you say i will support you in that..." Chris says and i kiss him passionately. "Thank you..." I whisper and take a deep breath...

"Then there is Roberts party..." I whisper and Chris smiles... "We can take him with us... It is in two weeks and the others bring their kids to... We dont have to stay late but i would love to go and introduce everyone to my wife and kid..." He says and i sigh... "I am not saying no... But we have to put Jack first and if he is not ready for it, we have to think about him..." I whisper feeling a little guilty and Chris smiles and runs his finger through my hair... "You are such a good mom..." He whispers and i blush... "Okay we will see how he is adjusting and if he is not ready for it, we won't go..." Chris says and i sigh... "You can go if you really want to..." I say because i know he was really looking forward to it, but he shakes his head... "No... We go as a family... Or we dont go..." He says and i nod... "Just know... You can i dont want to keep you from seeing them..." I whisper and he smiles... "I know angel... But i rather be here... What else do you got..." He says smirking and i chuckle... 

"Well, we need to find him a pediatrician... We need to think about his schooling... I dont want him to miss too much... I know the doctor said it is no shame on letting him miss some school and i agree... But i dont want him to fall behind that he can't be in a school with other kids his age... So i was thinking... What if we hire a tutor to homeschool him... To get him slowly up to speed so when he goes back to school, he can be in a class with kids his age..." I say and Chris nods... "You have thought it through... Let's give him a month or so to settle into life with us..." Chris says and i nod...  "I can ask Carly which doctor she uses..." Chris says and i nod smiling... 

"Maybe homeschooling is not so bad... I know that some of my fellow actors who have kids are homeschooling during filming... There is a little classroom on set... I think that it is not such a bad idea... He is around other kids... I hate to be away from you two for months..." Chris says and i nod... "Okay..." I say smiling and he looks at me a little stunned... "Okay?" He says and i nod... 

"I dont think it is good to be separated for that long either... I hadn't thought about that... So okay... Homeschooling it is... For now... But i want a tutor... I dont want to do it myself... I am not equipped for that..." I whisper and Chris chuckles... "A tutor it is... I am not going to the hell of having to learn everything i learned in school again to teach it to Jack let's leave that to a professional..." He says grinning and i laugh... 

"Okay that is enough talk Mrs. Evans..." He says grinning and i let out a little yelp as he stands up lifting me with him and walks us up the stairs... "Oh god dont make us fall..." I say clinging onto him, and he grins... "Never angel..." He says and we reach the top of the stairs. He kisses me... "See easy peasy..." He says and i giggle as he walks us in the bedroom... He drops me on the bed and i giggle... He walks to the door and closes it softly and i grin as he stalks back over to me... He crawls over me and kisses me passionately... "I love you Mrs. Evans..." He says and i smile... "I love you to Mr. Evans..." I whisper and he kisses me again... He is about to pull the shirt over my head when there is a little knock on the door... 

"Ava...? Chris...?" A little voice says and i chuckle as Chris hangs his head but with a smile on his face...He gives me a quick kiss and gets of the bed and opens the door as i sit up... In the doorway stands Jack with his stuffed dog he is in tears... "Hey bud what is wrong...?" Chris says picking him up and he walks him over to me and sits down on the bed and Jack crawls over to me and i pull him in my arms... 

"Did you have a nightmare sweetheart?" I ask taking a guess and Jack nods his little head... "Yes..." He says sobbing... "Do you want to talk about it?" I whisper but he shakes his little head... "It might make you feel better..." Chris says but Jack is just crying unable to speak and i rock him back and forth holding him tight... "Do you want to sleep in the bed with us bud..." Chris asks and Jack looks up at him surprised and he stops crying... "I can?" He whispers and Chris smiles and nods lifting him out of my arms and i get of the bed to go and get changed in the closet... When i come back Chris has tucked him in in the middle of the bed and i lay down beside him while Chris gets changed to... 

"You are not mad?" Jack asks me and i shake my head pulling him closer to me... "No sweetheart... Sleeping in a new place can be scary... And nightmares are scary to... But you are safe here sweetheart... No one is going to hurt you here..." I whisper and i smile as Chris walks back in... "I am going to lock up the house and such..." Chris says and i nod... Chris leaves and i cuddle with Jack who seems to calm down more... Chris walks back in and gets in bed on the other side of Jack and he cuddles up to me and Jack... Jack giggles as he is squished between us... But it doesn't take long before he is asleep and i look at Chris who has a big smile on his face... "Sorry... I know you had other plans..." I whisper with a smile on my face, and he chuckles... "It is okay... He needs to know he is safe..." He whispers and i smile leaning over Jack and kissing him before laying back down and closing my eyes and soon i am drifting off to sleep to... 

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