Chapter 41

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"What do you need for the photoshoot..." I am being asked by someone whose name i can't remember... "Not much... I have the space... the equipment all i need is people for wardrobe and makeup and well models..." I say pointing around the table making the others look up from their lunch... "And maybe a general idea what they want for photos..." I say and the person nods taking notes and says he will get back to me before walking off...

 "You have the space?" Mackie asks and i nod... "Yeah i was planning on using the garage back at the house..." I say and they all look at me... "What?" I ask but they all shake their heads with a smile... "Trust me i know what i am doing..." I say with a smirk on my face... I feel my phone buzz and pull it out rolling my eyes declining the call putting the phone away again... The all look at me confused as i dont answer and i sigh... "Nothing important i will call back later..." I mumble but Chris looks at me and i know he doesn't believe me...

"How can you call back an unknown number angel..." Chris whispers in my ear and i blush knowing i have been caught... Over the last few days, the calls had escalated... They became more frequent and instead of being met with silence the person on the other end of the line was now laughing... It was a bone chilling laugh... But i do think i know who it is... It makes sense seeing as they started right after the news of me, and Chris came out in the open. 

I think it was Josh but i could not proof it and i was sure Chris was going to think i was crazy... I didn't know how to tell him... I wanted him to be able to concentrate on filming with all the stunts so he wouldn't be distracted and worried... This would only worry me more seeing as i didn't want him to get hurt... 

"I'll answer the next time that they call..." I mumble avoiding looking Chris in the eyes... I made a mental note to put my phone on silent no more buzzing... Chris looks at me trying to figure out what is going on and i force a smile and cup his face kissing him earning us gagging noises from the rest of the table... "Okay... We will talk later..." Chris says kissing my nose making me giggle before he gets up to go back to set... I sigh and smile watching him walk away... Because even that he made look good... What did they say...? I hate to see you go but i love to watch you leave...

Sometimes i can't believe it... Tomorrow is the photoshoot... After that a few more days of filming and then it is done... Time has gone way to fast... It was exhausting but amazing... The shoot was going to be tomorrow because today was Scarlets last day on set and after the photoshoot, she was going home... 

I was counting down with in the back of my mind a week of nothing just me and Chris locked away in a cabin somewhere in the mountains surrounded by snow and woods... Just relaxing in front of the fire... Not having to do anything just relax... and well you know... 

I sigh as my phone buzzes again and i pull out my phone decline the call and put my phone on silent... "You know you can talk to him right about whatever is going on... Or one of us if you prefer that..." Seb says appearing in front of me making me jump as i thought he had left to...

"Jeezz you scared me..." I say breathing heavy and he blushes... "Sorry..." He mumbles and i shake my head... "It is fine... And i am fine Seb... Nothing i can't handle..." I say smiling. Seb nods... "As long as you are sure..." He says and i nod... "I am sure..." I say and Seb hugs me again catching me by surprise before walking back to set... 

I take a deep breath... After filming i will discuss it with Chris... Or maybe i just get a new number and it will be over... It walks back to set and take a few pictures and smile as Chris winks at me not paying attention to Mackie who is talking to him... I wink back taking a photo and he smirks... He pulls Mackie, Seb, Scarlet in the frame and they pose for a photo... 

"Ava?" I hear and turn around to see Alex standing there... "I have sent the pictures you had taken yesterday of the kids to their parents..." He says and i smile and nod... "Thank you..." I say as he hands me the USB i had put them on so he could send them... It was adorable... These little kids posing dressed as their favorite Marvel character... I think it was for make a wish... It was a little sad really... But i wanted to give the parents a keep's sake of that day so i had Alex ask for their emails and have him send the pictures...

The day goes by and before everyone is done i walk to Chris his trailer to get a shower seeing as it has been hot and humid all day... I want to wash all the sweat and dirt off of me... I undress and grab the clean clothes i always bring with me laying them out and step in the little shower turning on the water not caring it is cold first... "Ava?" I hear a voice and i smile as i hear Chris walk in... I would invite him in the shower but there is no room it is that tiny... "Shower! I'll be right out!" I yell back at him and hurry up a little so i will not use all the hot water... 

A few minutes later i dry myself off wrapping the towel around me and walking out the shower to see Chris standing there with my phone in hand... "How long has this been going on...?" He asks with a shocked yet annoyed look on his face as he presses the speaker button and the sinister sound of laughing fills the trailer...

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