Chapter 17

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I am pushing my food around on my plate while Josh is talking about his work... I hadn't been able to get a word in and although i tried a few times he kept interrupting me and talk over me... I had invited him over for dinner to tell him about me leaving for 6 months... 

I was dreading it a little scared for his reaction especially because Chris would be there... But it was what i wanted and i was excited about it... Word got around in the Marvel cast and i had gotten congratulations left and right all saying how excited they were to work with me and to see me again... 

Josh kept rambling on and i just nodded along... I dont know why i was so scared it was not like we were serious... We hadn't slept together... We only kissed and we never had... The talk... About what we are... I didn't even really know if he was seeing other people although i dont think he was... But i had to bring up i was going to work with among others Chris... The man he was nervous about the man who made him insecure... 

I dont know how to do this and i knew i had to tell him tonight because tomorrow i would be busy packing my stuff... All my equipment was already packed all i had to do was pack a suitcase for myself... Sean and Melissa had everything handled at my studio and i knew it was in good hands... The day after tomorrow Seb and Chris would be picking me up... Seb had come from New York yesterday to stay with Chris before we would fly to Atlanta... 

"Do you have more beer?" Josh asked as he finished the beer he had now and i sigh... "I do... But i have to talk to you first..." I said and he looked at me with glassy eyes... He already drunk more than i liked... I got the impression he was planning on staying the night but i was not ready for that... Especially when he had too much to drink... But he brought his own 6 pack and already drank them and now wanted more... 

"What about..." He said slamming the empty bottle down on the table and i jumped a little... I took a deep breath and he looked at me with a grin on his face... "So..." I said taking another deep breath...

"I got a call a few days ago... From the Russo brothers who are working on the next Marvel movie..." I said and Josh got all tense and his face turned red... "The photographer that normally works with them has broken his leg... And they thought of me to replace him..." I say and i took a deep breath waiting for Josh his reaction... 

He scoffs... "The weren't thinking of you... Chris told them to hire you..." He said scoffing again and i looked at him. "I asked and that is not the case..." I said and he scoffed again... "They are lying... I mean why would they ask you?" He said and i look at him in shock the dismissal of my work by him stung... 

"Maybe because i am good in my job... Know almost everyone on set and they will feel comfortable with me..." I said and Josh stood up and i could see he was getting angrier by the second... "Come on Ava... You can't be that naive..." Josh said and i sighed... "Can you please sit down..." I said but he shook his head pacing up and down... "Look i know it is a long time i am going to be away... But you can visit me... I will have days off... I think... It is a really great opportunity for me..." I said and he shook his head... 

"No... I know you said i have no say in your business and i am fine with that but i am putting my foot down you are not going... This is just Chris attempting to get what he wants... You can have all the little scandalous photoshoots you want... But here... In Boston..." He said and i looked at him shocked... 

"Little photoshoots...? You are putting your foot down?" I said getting more agitated and he nodded... "You are not going... You belong here..." He said and i sighed... "This is all Chris his doing... I won't let him take you from me... You belong to me!" He yelled looking like a crazy person and i tried to get him to sit but he wouldn't... 

"Josh... Chris has nothing to do with this... He didn't even know that the guy broke his leg or that the Russo brothers had approached me..." I said and his head snapped towards me... "You talked to Evans...?" He said and i nodded... "I wanted to..." I started to say but before i even know what was happening i see a fist coming at me and i tumble backwards of my chair... 

I am in shock... My face hurts and i put my hand over the part his fist landed... I look at Josh who looks at me breathing heavy his chest heaving up and down his face not something i recognize anymore... He just looks... Evil... "Get out..." I say my tone clear as my face starts to really hurt the shock wearing off... "Get out!" I say again and he seems to calm down... "Ava i... I am sorry... I am so so sorry... But..." He started to say coming closer to me but i crawled back pushing the other chairs out of the way in an attempt to get away... "Get out..." I said again... "No... I am not leaving... We need to talk about this..." He said coming closer... "Oh now you want to talk... Get the fuck out of my house and NEVER come back..." I said my tone dark as the shock had now warn off completely and my head hurt... It hurt so bad and i think i already felt it starting to swell... 

"Ava pleas let's talk about this... We can get passed this i never meant to hurt you... But you made me so angry..." He said but i had enough... "GET OUT... GET OUT... GET OUT!!!" I started to scream so loud that i know that neighbors could hear it and he looked at me in shock... 

"Fine... Go be a little whore for Evans and his buddies... If you are lucky the take turns... I heard they like that sort of thing in Hollywood... You and your fat ass can go to hell your worthless anyway... Nothing more than a common whore... Dont get any ideas... You only got this job because Evans wants to get into your pants..." He said venom dripping from his voice and i just didn't recognize him anymore the nervous sweet guy from our first date that was a complete gentleman was gone... He stomped out of my house slamming the door behind him and i scrambled on my feet running to the door locking it...

I let myself sink down to the floor and started to cry... After a while i pull myself up and look in the mirror and gasp... My eye is already starting to bruise and i swear my nose used to be straight... I touch my nose and wince... "Yep definitely broken..." I mumble and sigh... I take my phone as i know i need a doctor and for a moment i contemplate calling Chris but i dont... I dont think that would be wise... I am not going to call Scott because he will definitely tell Chris and although i am aware he will probably see it might be better if we are out of state... I decide to just call an Uber not wanting to explain to anyone what happened the shame starting to set in...

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