Chapter 131

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I am fighting to stay awake... I am exhausted and still a little in a daze... Or a blue cloud... The delivery went so quick. And who says you forget the pain lied... Fuck it hurt, but it was worth it... They are perfect... Our little ones are perfect just like their big brother... Chris told me to get some rest... The doctor and nurses told me to get some rest but i couldn't... Jack was coming by with Lisa and i wanted to be awake for that... 

Our twin boys are sleeping in their little crib. I had already fed them with a little difficulty. I couldn't get Aiden and Owen to latch at first which was a little frustrating... The nurse said to keep trying and if it wouldn't work that there was no shame in bottle feeding. They are perfect, both of them have their dad's eyes...  How to tell them apart?  Owen has a little birth mark on his shoulder... 

"Angel you should get some sleep..." Chris whispers as i am having trouble keeping my eyes open. He is sitting next to me in the bed his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we are looking at our boys who are asleep. "No not until Jack has come by... I dont want to miss it." I mumble and just as i had said it there was a knock on the door... Chris got off the bed and i sighed missing his arm around me... He walked to the door and opened it... Lisa walked in with Jack with a little bag and big balloon... 

"Hey bud..." Chris said getting down to his level and hugging him... "Are my brothers here?" He asked not bothering to say hello getting straight to the point. Chris nodded with a big smile... "You want to meet them?" He asks and Jack nods enthusiastically a big smile on his face... Chris stood up lifting Jack with him and greeted Lisa who then walked over to me... 

"Hello momma... Congratulations... How are you feeling?" She whispered kissing my cheek and i smiled... "Tired... Very tired..." I mumble and she smiles... I look over to Jack, Chris and our little boys..." 

"So tiny...They look funny..." Jack whispers and he and Chris giggle... "You want to know their names?" Chris asks him and looks at Lisa. Jack nods again with a big smile... "Yes, please dont let us wait any longer..." Lisa says rubbing her hands together. "That is Aiden Sebastian..." Chris said pointing. "And his name is Owen Anthony..." Chris says and Jack laughs... "Like Uncle Seb and Uncle Mackie..." He says almost squealing and Chris nods... "The names are perfect... They are both perfect..." Lisa says teary eyed looking at the boys...

"You want to say hello to mom?" He asks and Jack nods holding up the bag... "Grandma and i  have a gift for mommy..." He says and Chris smiles and walks over to me putting him carefully down next to me... Chris walks over to Lisa to comfort her as she is a bit emotional and to let her hold the boys for a bit. 

"Hello sweetheart..." I say pulling Jack in my arms hugging him tightly... "Hi mom... Are you sleepy?" He asks and i chuckle... "A little sweetheart..." I say and he smiles. "I made something for you mom... Grandma helped..." Jack says shaking the bag and i kiss the top of his head and hug him even tighter. "Thank you, sweetheart..." I whisper and take the bag from him... Jack is excited and can't sit still... I open the bag and look inside and then pull it out... 

"You made this?" I ask him and he nods a proud smile on his face... "With grandma... I picked all the these..." He says pointing at the squares... In the bag was a quilt with all kinds of different fabrics and i recognize fabrics of the first clothes we ever bought him and didnt fit him anymore. "It is beautiful sweetheart..." I say hugging him again and kissing the top of his head a tear running down my cheek. Jack has the biggest smile on his face. The quilt is beautiful and i absolutely love it. 

"I cut them all out and grandma put them together..." He says and i look up at Lisa who is smiling at me holding one of the little ones... "Thank you..." I whisper fighting my tears and she smiles... "No thank you sweetie..." She says and i smile... Chris takes Aiden from her to switch him out for Owen... I smile and watch her hold her the boys looking at them with a big smile on her face. 

Jack crawls off the bed to go look at his brothers again and i smile and listen to their talking... Jack is already asking when he can take them home... A smile appears on my face... We can go home... I finally can go home... Our own home, God i miss our home. "We can go home..." I mumble and Chris smiles and nods... "Yes angel... When it is safe to travel with them, we will fly home..." He says and i smile at the thought... I want to go home and set up a nursery... Make a space for our little boys... I want to spend quality time with the family introduce them to our new additions... I can't wait... I can't wait to have a little family time with all my boys... 

I yawn... I am really tired and try to keep my eyes open, I am fighting to stay awake but i fail... "Just going to rest my eyes for a bit..." I murmur as i can finally sleep without being kicked. I feel Chris plant a kiss on my forehead... Jack is talking to Lisa, but it doesn't register anymore... I am already half asleep my body is taking over... "Sleep angel... You deserve it... Love you so much..." He whispers... "Love you to... Love all my boys..." I murmur back before i fall asleep...

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