Chapter 102

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I look into the mirror smiling... It is a hot summer day... The sun is out... The back yard looks amazing... People have been working so hard to make this day special... I am so happy i chose a simple dress that was not to hot... It may be simple but i love the dress... Scarlet had done my makeup... And it looked amazing... Not too much as i normally never really had on much makeup...  I really felt like a bride... I felt beautiful... "You look amazing Ava..." Scarlet said smiling and Tara and Melissa nodded agreeing with her... I smiled and blushed a little... "Thank you..." I whisper and take a deep breath... "Why am i so nervous...?  We are already married..." I ask them and they all chuckle...  

There was a knock on the door and Tara walked to the door opening it and Seb and Mackie appeared... "Wauw... You look beautiful Ava..." Seb says hugging me and i smile blushing... "Chris is a lucky man..." Mackie says hugging me after Seb had let me go... "Stoooop... You guys are going to make me cry and i dont want to ruin my makeup..." I say and they both grin...

"We are here to walk you down the aisle... We were told it is time..." Seb says and i take another deep breath... "Just like we practiced..." Mackie says and i laugh... "We better not fall this time or i am going to die of shame..." I say and they both smirked... "We got you... Dont worry..." Seb says and i nod... 

The girls hugged me to get ready to walk down the aisle first. I took a deep breath and Mackie and Seb each held out an arm for me and i giggled taking them... "You two look very handsome..." I say and now they both blushed and we walked out of the bedroom down the stairs to the back door... We watched Tara arriving at the altar last and i took another deep breath... "Oh wait..." Seb said and he let me go for a second to fix the back of my dress, so the veil is flowing behind me... He steps beside me again and i smile kissing his cheek... "Thank you..." I say and he smirks... Then the music started, and the door was opened... 

I smile as Chris and Jack are standing at the altar both in matching tuxes and i have to fight my tears... I smile as Chris is wiping away a tear and Jack points to me looking up at Chris all excited... My boys... My sweet, sweet boys... 

I smile at the people who are smiling back at me and when we are at the front row Lisa winks at me and i blow her a kiss... She has been amazing the last couple of days... True to her word she stayed in the house as i slept until Chris and Jack were home...  She had been by every day since helping out... I was just drained and if it wasn't for her i think i would have looked like a zombie today... She made me feel so loved... It was a kind of love i had never gotten from my own mother and i was so happy to have her in my life...

Jack had crawled into bed with me as soon as they had gotten home... He wanted to cuddle as he was sad i was sad even though he didn't know why i was sad... It was so sweet, and he wouldn't let me go as he told me it was going to be okay... My little sweet boy was comforting me... My sweet, sweet boy wanted his mom to not be sad... Chris had crawled into bed with us and just held us both... And with both of my boys next to me everything was okay... Jack slept with us that night and it made everything so much better... I might not have parents... But i have this amazing husband and the sweetest little boy any mother could wish for... 

We reach the end of the aisle and i smile as Chris is wiping away another tear... "Wauw mommy you look so pretty..." Jack squeals and i smile as everyone chuckles... Seb lets me go and he kisses my cheek before taking his place... I turn to Mackie who is grinning... "Are you sure? I have a car ready to go..." He asks smirking and i giggle... As everyone laughs "Mackie dont make me come down there..." Chris growls making everyone laugh even harder and Mackie looks at him grinning... "I am sure Mackie... Never been so sure about anything in my life..." I say and he smirks... 

He kisses my cheek and hands me over to Chris with a smirk on his face..."Kissed her before you did..." He says to Chris and i giggle again as Chris rolls his eyes... Everyone laughs again at their antics... Chris helps me step up onto the altar... "You look amazing angel... Absolutely breath taking... Your just wauw... So beautiful..." He says his voice filled with wonder and i blush... "Mommy... Look i have the same clothes as daddy..." Jack says twirling around making everyone chuckle and i smile and lean down kissing his cheek... "You look so handsome sweetheart..." I say kissing his cheek... "You both do..." I say as i stand up straight again... Chris smiles and kisses me...

"Evans!" We are not there yet! Behave..." I heard Robert say and i smiled as he stepped in front of us... "They always kiss... They kiss a lot... A lot!" Jack squeal making everyone laugh... We take our places, and the girls fix my dress and i thank them... I look at our guests and take a deep breath before looking at Chris who only seemed to have eyes for me... "You look really handsome..." I whisper and he smirks again... 

Robert clears his throat and Chris and i both chuckle looking at him as he shakes his head but with a smirk on his face... We had called him when we had set a date and asked him if he was willing to be the one to marry us... He was thrilled and i was curious what he was going to say as we gave him the freedom to make it his own... As long as he made us say i do, and gave us space to each say something... We were okay... 

"Are you guys ready?" Robert asks and we both nod... 

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