Chapter 151

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Lisa pov...

I am making a dessert after dinner had been over and everything had been cleaned up. Although i am happy to have all my kids and grandkids under one roof i am not happy as to why... Poor little Jack. The apple of his parents' eye... Their oldest is sick again... I could see that Ava had been crying and Chris said it was bad when he came back down with the twins... 

She was not crying but on auto pilot right now... She was rocking Owen who was fussy while Aiden was asleep in Chris his arms... Jack was playing with the other kids in the backyard. I think he wants to pretend everything is okay for as long as he can. He is the only one who truly knows what is coming... Everyone was in shock when Chris and Ava told them he was sick again. 

I would pray for them tonight before i went to bed. I felt even more guilty of how i treated Ava a little while ago. But she was forgiving, and we had talked it out. Still i wished i could do more for her right now. But i was scared. Scared to overstep again. 

Whatever they need from me right now i will give them. Watching the twins. Staying with Jack in the hospital. Cooking, cleaning or providing a shoulder to cry on nothing would be too much. We would get them through it as a family. Jack needed to get better because i dont know how they both are going to deal if he passes... 

I shake my head. I must not think like this. He is going to be okay. He is a strong and amazing boy... He has been through too much for this to be the end. If anyone deserves a happy healthy life it is Jack. 

We had dinner together and Ava had cleaned up. I told her i could do it, but she wanted to do it. I guess she could use the distraction. Now she was sitting there with Owen in her lap who now finally had calmed down. But she looks like a zombie... She is not talking. Just staring ahead deep in her own thoughts. Chris is holding her hand as it is a subtle way to comfort her... 

The love he has for his family is so great and i know he will move heaven and earth to get them through this. He would die for Ava, and it makes me so proud that he has become such a good man. I just wished i could take their pain away...

"I can't imagine how they are feeling right now..." I hear and i look up seeing my daughter Carly beside me looking equally worried at Chris and Ava... "Things like this makes you realize that in a blink of an eye your world can be turned upside down..." Carly whispers wrapping her arm around my shoulder. I nod... "Are you okay?" She whispers and i bite back the tears and i shrug my shoulders... "No not really. But it is not about me right now. We have to be there for Ava, Chris and the boys now..." I whisper and she sighs and nods... 

"We have to think positive thoughts... He will get through this." Carly says and i sigh and nod... We stand there watching Shanna, Scott and Ryan trying their best to distract Chris and Ava who just look numb. 

The kids come running in giggling and laughing. Chris and Ava put smiles on their faces and Jack kisses Ava's cheek... He seems so in tune with Ava's feelings he then kisses his brothers, and my heart grows a few sizes. It would be cruel to deprive the world of this wonderful and gentle soul... 

"Who is up for dessert..." I say plastering a smile on my face and as the kids cheered Carly chuckled... I laugh as they all come running and i give them each one dessert. They sit down at the table and i see the muddy footprints leading into the kitchen. Normally this would bother me. But today it did not. It seems silly to be bothered about that. It is not important. I take the rest of the deserts handing them out, but Ava shakes her head... "No thank you..." She whispers and i sigh. "Sweetie, you have barely eaten anything..." I whisper and Ava sighs and gives me a forced smile... "I am not really hungry..." She whispers and i dont push. I walk back to the fridge and put her dessert away. Maybe she will want to eat it later. I watch my family on the table... Any other would see a happy family. Only people who really know us would say it is too quiet. the only ones being loud are the kids...

"Maybe this time Iron man will visit you in the hospital..." Miles says giggling and i chuckle as everyone chuckles. "He is so much better than Captain America..." He continues giggling taunting Chris. Everyone now laughs out loud as Chris rolls his eyes... "Watch out buddy... Dont make me come over there..." Chris says in a joking matter. "Can we come and visit in the hospital?" Stella asks a little sadness in her voice... "We will have to see sweetie... But if Jack is okay with that and the doctor's and you mom say it is okay, we will make sure you get to visit..." Ava says running her hand through her hair... 

I wonder if they have told other people yet... I dont think so, it has not even been 24 hours... I wonder if i should, but i decide against it. In my opinion they could use all the support they could get. But it was not up to me to decide. But at most i thought they should tell Sebastian and Anthony as they were such a big part of Jack's live. But i guess that was not a number one priority right now. And again, it was not up to me.

After Ryan had taken the kids home and Ava had put the twins and Jack to bed, we sit at the kitchen table... "So, what are they are they doing tomorrow...?"  Carly asks and Ava sighs as she is leaning against Chris... "They are going to do a new CT scan to see if the spot has grown. And to see what the best course of action is for the biopsy..." Ava whispers and Chris kisses the top of her head... "Biopsy?" Scott whispers confused and Chris nods... "They drill a little hole in his scull to take a piece of it." Chris ads and everyone stays silent letting it sink in Ava tears up again... 

 When everyone has left, and Ava and Chris have gone to bed i clean the mud and chaos in the kitchen. I could not sleep anyway... The idea that they were going to drill a hole in Jack's skull was the stuff of nightmares. But eventually i go to bed knowing i have to take care of the twins tomorrow. I need all the energy i could get...

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