Chapter 144

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Chris pov...

I sigh as i step in the house... Carly's words still ringing in my head... Ma is in the kitchen humming like nothing happened a smile on her face which irks me for some reason... Carly's words hit me even harder seeing ma so unbothered... Even i had to admit that ma had a strange reaction to the vasectomy news. The more i think about it ma had become a little overbearing... Maybe Carly was right and i should find a place for us temporarily... I pull out my phone and text Tara maybe she can help. I look at ma who is still humming with not a care in the world and it annoys me knowing that Ava is probably still upset. Knowing her she is blaming herself. 

I walk upstairs and sigh as i walk into the room the boys are staying at... There she is her face all red and puffy from crying, but she is asleep on Scott's childhood bed... I only then notice that she looks so tired, big dark circles around her eyes and i feel guilty for not noticing sooner. She has been holding everything together. She arranged everything for the house. She has been juggling the twins and Jack while picking out bathrooms and kitchen stuff. All while struggling with not being able to breastfeed anymore scared that she will not bond enough with the twins or scared she is not giving Jack enough attention... She didn't have enough milk after 2 weeks of breast feeding... The boys were hungry, not getting enough to eat and we had to decide to change to formula... Then i remember how happy ma seemed about this news as all she had to say was that she could finally feed the boys to... How she always took Jack away when Ava was playing with him or reading a story... It hits me like a ton of bricks... How could i have not noticed it all sooner... 

The more i think about it. The more i realize little things that on itself is not a big deal but put them together and i realize that ma had been taking over slowly but surely... Probably not out of malicious intent but it being in her nature to take care of everything and being around her all the time in her house probably didn't help... 

My phone dings and Tara tells me she can help and that i will like it... That she will be by in a minute... I close the door to let the boys and Ava sleep. I walk downstairs... "Is Ava still feeding the boys?" Ma asks when i walk into the kitchen and i shake my head... "No... She and the boys are asleep..." I mumble before taking a deep breath... "Oh she is sleeping? I thought we could have a little conversation about her totally uncalled for outburst..." Ma says and i take a deep breath again... This is not going to be pretty. 

"Ma... Tara is coming over to help me find a place to stay while the house is getting done seeing as we are going to add on the house to create more space so it will be longer before we can move back in..." I say holding my breath... "What? Why... You can stay here. I love having you here... Is this all because of Ava... You are seriously going to move somewhere else temporarily because of that... When you stay here i can help because Ava obviously is struggling..." She says and i sigh as my blood starts to boil again when she claims Ava is not doing a good job with the boys... "I know you want to help ma... And i love you for that but we need some family time with just the boys... We have been running ever since we landed in Boston and i think it is beneficial to have a space to ourselves. It is not personal but i think it is for the best..." I say and ma looks at me annoyed...

"So, i am not part of the family anymore after everything i did for you and Ava... I stood by her in the last weeks of her pregnancy and took care of Jack and now you want to take the boys away from me?" She says and i look at her stunned... "Ma... You know we appreciate everything you have done for us... I know you love Ava like your own daughter and i know you love having us here. I dont want you to take this the wrong way but you have become a bit overbearing... Ava was struggling with not breastfeeding anymore and you practically jumped up and down full of glee telling that you could feed the boys now and she didn't have too anymore... Like she was no longer needed... When she is playing with Jack you interrupt and take him away. I know you mean well, and Ava knows you mean well, and she hasn't said anything about it but i think you flipping out about the vasectomy was just the last drop... I think we need a little distance to keep our relationship healthy..." I say and she looks at me stunned... 

"I only want to help..." She mumbles tearing up... "I know ma... And we both appreciate everything you have done, and we both love you so much... But right now, it is not helping... You get that dont you?" I ask her and she shakes her head... "I just love having some life in this house again... I love the chaos... It just reminds me when you all were kids... I loved taking care of all of you so much... I miss that... But i understand and will back off... I get it you need family time without me lurking around... I was just loving it all... And i guess i went a bit overboard... But you are my little boy... And i want you to be happy... I just love being part of the chaos and having little kids around..." She says and takes a deep breath.... 

"But can an i ask you something and you will be honest with me..." She whispers and i nod... "Are you sure about the vasectomy? What if things with Ava dont work out and you meet someone new who still wants kids... I know she has been through a lot with the pregnancy... But she is the one who doesn't want to do it again... So why should you be the one to get snipped... We can help her recover from the hysterectomy... We will be there for her..." She mumbles. I stand up and start pacing, up and down the kitchen while running my hands through my hair... 

"Seriously ma...!" I say a little louder than i had intended and she looks at me with big eyes... But i dont care... "I was the one who suggested it... Not her... I want the vasectomy. She never even brought it up until i did... All she said was she loves the boys, and it was worth it, but she will not be doing it again... That is when i said that i would go for a vasectomy... Why put her to any more trauma and bodily changes when it will so much easier for me.... Besides.... There is not going to be someone else... Ava is the one and only we gotten married and exchanged vows... I take them seriously... She is the one... The love of my life... I get it... Dad and you got divorced, he left and started a new family... But i am not dad... I will not walk out on my family to start a new one. Ava and the kids are my family... Get that in your head or get ready to be cut off... So, if i were you, i would choose you words really carefully... I love you mom... But i will do whatever it takes to make sure my family is happy and healthy... Even if that means going low or no contact with you... Again, we are appreciative of everything you have done for us but that doesn't give you the right to dictate and take over our lives... I am not a little kid anymore..." I growl and she looks at me stunned and is about to say something when there is a knock on the door. 

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