Chapter 38

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"Well go on... Open the door..." Scarlet says and i look at her nervous and she smiles... I take a deep breath opening the door and Chris is standing there with flowers and in a suit... He smiles with a twinkle in his eyes and i blush as he holds out his hand to help me down the step as i am in heels... "Wauw you look amazing angel..." Chris says pulling me into a breath-taking kiss... "Have fun kids..." Scarlet yells from the trailer and i reach with my hand behind me slamming the door shut and Chris chuckles... "You look very handsome Mr. Evans..." I whisper and he grins... 

"Are you ready to go?" He asks and i sigh... "Where are we going?" I ask and he grins... "It is a surprise..." He says and i sigh again... "I promise you will love it angel..." He says and i smile... "Okay..." I say and Chris hands me the flowers... "These are for you..." He whispers and i smile... "They are beautiful..." I whisper and he smiles... "Not as beautiful as you..." He says and i look at him lifting my eyebrow and we stare at each other for a second before bursting out laughing... "To sappy?" He asks and i smirk... "Maybe just a little..." I tease him and he grins...

He takes my hand, and he walks us to a car. He holds out the passenger door for me... He helps me get in and kisses me before closing the door. He walks around and i smile smelling the flowers... I put them on the back seat so i dont have to carry them around because i have no idea where we are going... He starts the car and when we are on the way he takes my hand in his holding it and rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand and i smile... But Chris looks nervous and i dont know why...

"Are you okay?" I ask and he looks at me and smiles... "I am good... Why?" He asks and i smile back at him. "You look a little bit... Nervous..." I say and he chuckles and brings my hand to his mouth kissing my hand... "Just want everything to be perfect..." He mumbles and i sigh...

"Chris... As long as you are there it is perfect..." I say with a grin on my face, and he now looks at me with a raised eyebrow before looking at the road again... "What?? I thought we were doing sappy today..." I say and we both burst out laughing again and he seems to relax a bit... 

A little later we arrive at this fancy restaurant and Chris gets out walks around the car helping me out and kissing my hand as he does and i smirk... "Keep this up and your pet name will be sappy..." I whisper patting his cheek and he laughs... He hands the keys to the valet and holds out my arm for me to take and we walk inside... "Fancy..." I whisper and he smiles... "I know you dont need fancy but every now and then..." He says and i smile... "It is lovely..." I whisper and his smile grows bigger...

The host leads us to our table immediately as other people are still waiting and i blush as they are looking at us some women giving me death stares... I try to ignore it, but it makes me feel a little self-conscious... "Ignore them angel... They are just jealous at the most beautiful woman in the room..." He whispers in my ear and i snicker... "Okay sappy... I dont think they are jealous because of that..." I whisper and he rolls his eyes... "Well, they should... Because to me you are..." He says and gives a little kiss on my temple... We arrive at our table in a little corner of the restaurant and i am relieved as it a little more private then in the middle of the restaurant... People can still see us, but the lighting is softer... More romantic... 

Chris pulls out my chair and i kiss him before sitting down and he sits opposite from me... "So, what brought this on..." I ask and he smiles... "Well i wanted to take you out and i knew that you would love this place..." He says and i blush because he is right... It is so romantic and although i normally dont need all this fancy stuff it was quite nice... 

A waiter comes over and hands us a menu and we order a drink... Chris orders a beer and i wonder if he will be driving us back but i push it down, he knows how i hate drinking and driving and i trust he will not be driving back... I order a cocktail and he smiles at me... "Dont worry... I won't be driving..." He says and i smile as it is like he can read my mind... "Seb and Mackie are going to get the car and a driver will come and pick us up... I just wanted to drive us here..." He says and i smile and nod... "I was not worried..." I whisper and he takes my hand and kisses it and i blush as he laces our fingers together... 

"You have been here before?" I ask and he nods... "Yeah with Mackie and Seb..." He says and  i smile... "How romantic..." I say smirking and he chuckles. "So, what is good here...?" I ask and he smiles... "The salmon... I think you would love it..." He says and i smile... We look over the menu and when the waiter brings our drinks, we order... The waiter leaves and i smile as Chris takes his glass and we toast... "To us..." He says and i smile... "So sappy..." I whisper and he grins... "Admit it... You like it..." He says grinning and i blush and nod... "I kind of do..." I whisper admitting it and he smile gets bigger... "But i am going to call you Sappy from now on..." I say smirking and he groans... "Noooo... I can already hear Mackie and Seb mocking me..." He complains and i laugh... 

"Oh come on Sappy... They wont..." I say smirking knowing damn well that they will... "Chris Sappy Evans..." I say smirking at him while i take another sip of my drink and he chuckles... "You're lucky you're cute..." He mumbles and i giggle... Our first course is being served and it looks amazing and i smile as the conversation flows as we eat... "So, when we go back what is the plan?" I ask and he looks at me confused... "For filming?" I ask and he sighs... 

"When we come back, we are going to film all the stunt work... And then we are done..." He says and i look at him worried... "Can i ask you something?" I say and he nods... "Is it true they film the stunts last in case something goes wrong..." I say softly and he sighs and gives me a little smile... "Yes, that is true... But dont worry angel... Nothing will go wrong we have an amazing team..." He says and i nod... "I know... I know... But i can't help but worry a little bit..." I whisper and he takes my hand... "I promise to be careful angel..." He says and i smile blushing... 

"Sorry i dont want to be overbearing..." I whisper and he smiles... "Dont worry angel i love that you care..." He says and i chuckle... We finish our first course and the waiter take our plates... The main course arrives not much later and i smile at the beautiful plate with salmon... We eat... Talk laugh... I feed him a bite and he feed me some of his and i chuckle... "What...?" He asks and i shake my head... "Angel...." He says smirking and i blush... "I like this side of you sappy..." I whisper and he grins... 

"So how are you liking working on set?" He asks and i smile... "I love it... I got so many amazing shots... And i can't wait to do the official photo shoot..." I say smirking and Chris chuckles... "Oh yeah and why is that...?" He asks and i smile... "I get the polished versions of all the characters in front of my camera..." I say and he smirks... "I get to order you guys around and such..." I say and he laughs... "I get it you like ordering people around..." He says and i smirk and nod... "Yup..." I say with an evil smirk... "You're going last... I got something special planned just for you..." I say with a twinkle in my eyes, and he laughs... "Can't wait what you're coming up with..." He says and i smile... 

We finish our dinner and Chris wants to see the dessert menu and i chuckle... "Is that even allowed?" I ask giggling... "You won't tell right..." He says and i chuckle... "Never... Your secrets are safe with me..." I say smiling and he smirks taking my hand planting another kiss on the back of it... "Do you trust me?" He asks and i look confuse but nod... "Of course..." I say and he smiles... "Would you mind if i order desert for you?" He asks and i shake my head... "I dont mind..." I say smiling and he smiles back at me... "Good..." He says and something is off... He has this boyish grin on his face that twinkle in his eye and i know something is up...

"Chris what is going on...?" I whisper a bit in shock as a few moments later the waiter comes with my plate and puts it in front of me and next to my desert is this little black box... "Open it..." He whispers and he smiles at me and i sigh... "Chris i..." I say my voice shaky, and he grins... "Just open it angel..." He whispers and i take a deep breath...

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