Chapter 87

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"Mrs. Evans... I get that you are emotional and that clouds..." Ms. Cameron says and i shoot her a look shutting her up... "Dont you dare... Dont you dare and tell i am emotional and therefore not thinking straight... I am thinking very straight... And i find it rather insulting that you are thinking that it is clouding my judgement... Because my judgement is very clear..." I say and she swallows hard start to turn bright red and shuts up sitting back in her chair... "My husband and i are very clear... We want Jack... We love Jack and will take good care of him... That is all you need to know..." I say and Mr. Kenda sighs while Ms. Cameron doesn't even dare to look at me anymore...

 "I am going to ask you again Mr. Kenda... What is it going to be..." Chris says and Mr. Kenda nods... "Okay... I will ask the court to allow you to adopt..." Mr. Kenda says letting out a sigh... 

"I am happy to hear that you decided to do the right thing... You can send the paperwork to me and i will submit it to the courts... We will take it all out of your hands..." Our lawyer says... "And to be fully transparent... This conversation has been recorded... So, i advice you to pull through..." Our lawyer says and Mr. Kenda just nods looking absolutely defeated... Something tells me that he had not expected it to go like this today... Hell, i didn't expect it to go like this today... I dont know where it came from but i was just done and didn't want to have to go through all of this in the future... I wanted to be able to concentrate on raising Jack... 

"You will have the paperwork soon... I will make sure of it..." Mr. Kenda says looking at our lawyer before nodding to us... "Good i will show you out..." Our lawyer says and we all stand up... Mr. Kenda doesn't say a word and just walks out, and Ms. Cameron lingers for a second and looks at me and it seems like she is a totally different person without her boss here... "Jack is really lucky to have you both... I am sorry for the stress we have caused you or that i insulted you Mrs. Evans... That was not my intention... I wish all the kids in the foster system had someone who will fight for them like you two do for Jack... I wish you all the happiness in the future..." She says and i smile and thank her... She walks out and as soon as she has closed the door behind her Chris pulls me in cups my face and kisses me passionately... "Where did that come from angel... Fuck i thought i was going to have a heart attack..." He says letting out a nervous chuckle before kissing me again and i smile... 

"I just knew the moment he said he could just fix things he was trying to sweep everything under the rug... I just knew that this was our chance... And although we agreed to wait until Jack was ready his overall wellbeing outweighed that we wanted him to want this... I hope that one day he will understand that..." I whisper and Chris kisses me again and hugs me tighter... "My beautiful strong wife... He will understand... Nothing has to change other than that on paper he is our son... We will just be carrying on like we have..." He whispers in my ear and i smile... "Thank you for not stepping in... I know we had not talked about it beforehand and i am sorry for springing this on you without talking about it first." I whisper and he chuckles... 

"Angel... Adoption was always in the cards... It just happens quicker than we originally thought... But he is ours... We will love him and take care of him... Even if he will never call us mom and dad, we will be his parental figures... And love him no matter what..." He says and that is the moment i start to cry and Chris holds me... I calm myself down when there is a knock on the door and the lawyer walks back in with the biggest smile on his face grinning at us both... 

"Damn Ava... That was fucking amazing..." He says loudly with the biggest grin on his face... "Woman i dont know where that came from, but you had them by the balls figuratively speaking of course... You were calm... Clear and direct... Congratulations... You are a mother... Mama bear with her claws out when it comes to her son... I will let you guys know when the court date will be... Chris you got a good one... Keep it that way..." He says and Chris smirks... "I know and i dont plan on letting her go ever..." He says kissing my temple as his arm is draped over my shoulders... "Maybe next time warn me before you throw such a curve ball..." He says winking at me and i blush... 

"Sorry... I just didn't want to deal with them anymore... I dont trust them... I want what is best for Jack and we are what is best... They only care about their reputation and i worked with that... It just suddenly became so clear to me... I was trying to have Jack tell us when he is ready but in order to be able to fully protect him i knew we had to make the decision for him...  And although Mr. Kenda said he would make it happen i wont rest easy before a judge has signed the adoption papers..." I say and he nods... "Why do you think i told him to send us the paperwork... But the fact that he knows the conversation has been taped will make him push through... Dont be surprised if he has the papers on my desk tomorrow..." He says and i smile... 

"I dont care what it cost... Just make sure it is being done quickly..." Chris says and the lawyer nods... We show him out and Chris buzzes the gate open for him closing it after he has left... 

"And...?" We hear a voice behind us and see Lisa standing there with Jack in front of her... We both nod and she smiles, and Jack looks at us... "I can stay...?" He says in a small voice, and we look at him shocked... We had tried so hard to keep it from him... Chris gets down to his level and Jack walks over to him hesitating for a minute... "Yes bud... You can stay... Forever..." He says and Jack throws his little arms around him hugging him tightly... "But we need to talk to you bud... Because some although nothing is going to change... On paper it will... It is all really complicated... But it is like this... We are going to adopt you..." Chris says and Jack's face lights up... "Really?" He says and we both nod... "Yes sweetheart... Really..." I say and he walks over to me and i lift him up and wrap him in my arms... 

"Sorry... He figured it out himself..." I hear Lisa say to Chris... "It is okay... Everything is going to be okay... Jack is here to stay..." He says and i smile hugging Jack a little tighter... "I love you mom..." Jack whispers and i freeze... "I love you to my sweet sweet boy..." I say as tears stream down my face and i look at Chris and Lisa who have tears in their eyes to... Chris walks over to us putting his arms around us hugging us both... "I love you to dad..." He says and we just hug and cry happy tears... "We love you to bud... So so so much..." Chris says hugging us tighter and Jack and i start to make groaning noises... "Can't breathe..." We say in unison and Chris laughs letting us go... 

"Okay this calls for a celebration with..." I say looking at Jack and a smile grows on his face... "Ice cream!" He squeals and i laugh as we make our way to the kitchen...

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