Chapter 73

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We get greeted by the social worker who seems in a hurry from the moment she shook our hands... Her name was Ms. Jeffries... She hurried us to her office as if she was late for something it irked me. "So, you guys want to foster Jack... Jones... Oh no Williams... Jack Williams..." She says and i am getting more irritated that she has to look up his name and doesn't know it by heart... Chris notices and gives my hand a little squeeze... "Yes... Foster and eventually adopt..." Chris says and she looks at us and nod pulling out some papers... "You told me over the phone you were getting married this morning..." She says and we both say "Yes..." We hand our marriage certificate over to her... And she checks it over...

"Okay well since you called i did i quick check and i see no problems to why you shouldn't be fostering him..." She says and she pulls out a few papers... "We will do the usual checkups...  But you can sign here and then you can take him home... If the doctors say he can of course..." We both look at her shocked... "Thats it?" I say not knowing what to think of this and she lets out a little scoff... 

"What had you expected... No one has come forward wanting him in over 2 years... And with him being sick it is even more difficult finding him a home... Did you two really think you two would be turned down... You are like my dream couple... Successful stable and for some reason willing to take on the financial burden of a sick kid... My only condition was marriage and you 2 took care of that..." She says and i look at Chris who looks equally shocked but shrugs his shoulders... 

"We get to take him home..." He whispers and i sigh... "What about talking with Jack if he wants it..." I whisper and the woman scoffs again... "Jack doesn't have a choice... He should be thankful that you are willing to take him... And it will be one kid less for me to have to take care off..." She says and i just can't believe my ears... What an awful woman... I just can't believe she is a social worker because she is not social at all... I shake my head and grab the pen and sign the papers... I hand the pen to Chris, and he smiles kissing my temple before signing the papers... 

She goes to make copies of the paperwork and i sigh looking at Chris... "What if he doesn't want this... I dont want to force him... She isn't even coming with us to talk to him... We can just pick him up..." I whisper and Chris kisses me... "We will deal with that when it comes to it angel... And i have no desire to have her there... The less contact with her the better..." He says... and i nod... "Yeah at least he doesn't have to deal with that awful woman again, maybe it is indeed better she is not coming a long..." I mumble and Chris scoffs... "Yeah... She is..." He starts to say but the woman walks back in, and he bites his tongue... We stand up and she hands Chris the paperwork... She also hands us a file with his history...  

She shakes Chris his hand... "Nice doing business with you... Me or a colleague will come by your place to check in..." She says and she sticks out her hand for me to shake but i just scoff and walk out... I just couldn't bring myself to shake her hand because the woman disgusted me... Business... She saw Jack as business...

A few seconds later Chris follows, and he takes my hand pulling me into him and in the middle of this busy office kisses me... Really kisses me not caring who sees or what people might think... "Let's go talk to Jack..." He says and this brings a smile to my face and i nod... 

"I just can't believe it was this easy... Like anyone can walk into there and foster a kid... I know people know you... and of course we are blessed financially... But she doesn't really know us... What if we had been awful people..." I say as we are in the car on the way to the hospital... "It's like you are married and have money... Here... have a kid..." I say frustrated and a little pissed off... Chris chuckles... 

"We still get visits and stuff angel..." He says and i sigh... "She was just horrible... She didn't even know his name... Jack Jones... Oh no Jack Williams... Oops..." I say and Chris grins... "Most important is that we can take him home if he wants to..." Chris says and i sigh closing my eyes taking a deep breath... "You are right... I know you are right..." I mumble and he takes my hand kissing the back of it... 

We park the car and walk up to Jack's floor... "Let's talk to his doctors first... I want to know what treatments he gets still and i want to know what we need to think about and what to do and not do..." I say and Chris nods... With paperwork in hand, we walk to the front desk of the children's floor of the hospital... Asking to speak to Jack's doctors handing her the papers to show her why we can... The face of the nurse lights up... "You guys are going to foster him?" She asks looking at the paperwork and we both nod and smile... "If he wants us to..." I whisper still not sure if we did the right thing signing the papers without talking to Jack... 

She calls for the doctor and smiles at us... "This is the most amazing news i ever gotten here... If any boy deserves it, it is Jack..." She says and we both smile... A doctor walks up to us smiling... He takes us to his office... 

It pretty much comes to this... He has to have regular checkups because there is a chance the cancer comes back but for now, he is good... He can come with us and do all the things a normal boy does... To just keep an eye on him and if we think something is up to bring him in immediately... He tells us he is behind school wise as it was not a priority, so we needed to look into that, but according to the doctor the most important thing he needed right now was stability and learning to be a kid again... That it would be no shame to let him skip a little school and let him start in the new year... We took it all in and i made some notes... I asked if he had allergies or anything like that, but the doctor shook his head.  And then it was time... Time to go talk to Jack...

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