Chapter 96

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"Oh... my beautiful wife..." Chris said his speech slurred as he hugged me... "Hey sappy... Are you having fun?" I ask and he kisses me making me giggle... "I still can't believe you pulled this off... You are a sneaky one" He mumbles into the kiss and i chuckle... I giggled as he squeezed my ass... "Sappy... Behave... People are looking..." I whisper and he smirks... 

"Look the other way! I am going to kiss my wife!" He yelled and people laughed as he kissed me passionately and i giggled into the kiss... "You are sooooo amazing... I am so lucky you gave me a chance...." He murmured into the kiss... "I think you are a little drunk..." I whisper and he giggles... "SSSSht..." He whispers putting his finger on his lips... "It is our secret..." He said smirking at me...

"Talking about secrets... You are a naughty girl putting that picture on the cake..." He says with a grin on his face and i smirked..."You should be happy... I wanted to put another picture on it at first..." I say and he smirks... "Bad girl..." He says and i grin... "I think you like it when i am a little bad Mr. Evans..." I whisper and he nods... " Oh... Very much so..." He said and i laughed... 

 "Where is Jack..." He whispered and i laughed... "Sappy... I put him to bed 3 hours ago... You even kissed him goodnight..." I said and he pouted... "Oh..." He said and sighed... "I love him so much..." He said and hugged me and i smiled... "He loves you to..." I whisper and holding him... He starts to kiss my neck and i giggle... "I love you so much..." He growls in my neck... "Christopher behave... We have guests..." I say and he releases me with a pop... "Yeah and now you are marked as mine..." He said with a grin and i rolled my eyes... "You mean our wedding rings dont proof that?" I say and he smirks... 

"Hey lovebirds! We are going to build a fire in the fire pit..." Seb yelled and i smiled as Chris took my hand and pulled me toward the firepit... He sat down on one of the lounge chairs and pulled me sitting in front of him between his legs wrapping his arms around me and i leaned back against his chest... I had changed in something more comfortable as the party died down and most of the guests had left. 

I smile looking around the fire... Seb, Mackie, Scott and Tara are the only ones left... "So... When is the wedding going to be?" Tara asks me smiling and i chuckle... "We are going to set a date soon... Dont worry..." I say smiling... "You better... Scarlet and i have already been spitting ideas for a bachelorette party..." She says and i grin... "You have?" I ask and she nods... "It is going to be awesome..." She says and i giggle... 

"You picked Scarlet and Tara as bridesmaids?" Chris said letting out a little groan and i nodded with a smirk on my face... "Tara is going to be my maid of honor... Scarlet and Melissa my bridesmaids..." I say and Chris groans but with a smile on his face... "You are going to be so drunk..." Chris said and i giggled... "Well, it is my bachelorette party..." I say and Tara grins... 

"Hey, wait a minute... Wait a minute... But you are no longer a bachelorette..." He said making everyone laugh... "You are no Bachelor either... So, you're not having a bachelor party?" I ask and he wanted to say something but did not and took a sip of his beer as i could hear his mind spin... "We can have a party together..." He said grinning and Tara, Scott, Seb and Mackie all yelled no making me laugh... "I dont think we are getting out of it sappy..." I say and Chris sighs... "No strippers..." He murmured in my ear and i laughed hard making everyone look at us... "Fine than neither can you..." I say and he kissed my neck... "Deal..." He said... 

"Hello! What deal... You guys can't make deals about your parties..." Mackie said whining... "You guys are not even in charge... Scott is going to be... He is going to be my best man..." Chris said and Scott started to smile... "I am?" He says and Chris chuckled... "Oops i wanted to ask differently... But yes of course... You are my brother..." Chris said and i smiled as Scott looked at him with an even bigger smile... "We will help you plan..." Seb said patting his shoulder and i chuckled... 

Secretly i was happy that Scott was best man... He would know i wouldn't feel comfortable with strippers and such things on their party... I would not want strippers at my own party... I had no desire to see other men naked... I sigh and nestle myself more in Chris and he wrapped his arms tighter around me... And the idea of some other girl dancing naked for Chris made me sick... "Dont worry angel... I dont want to go to a strip club..." He murmurs in my ear and i hum...

"Who is going to take your wedding photos...?" Scott asked and i laughed... "I dont know yet... We dont even have a date yet..." I say and Chris kissed my neck again making me hum... 

It was around 3 when everyone left... We had called them a cab to take Mackie and Seb to their hotel and Tara and Scott home... Chris was confused why Seb and Mackie or Scott and Tara did not stay the night as we had plenty of room... But i couldn't tell him of my plans for tomorrow... 

When everyone has left i help Chris up the stairs and to bed... He is a little more helpful this time but is still giggling as i undress him and help him in a shirt... "Today was amazing angel... Way too much but amazing... You spoiled me..." He murmurs as he finally is in bed under the sheets and i smile cuddling up to him... "That makes me happy sappy... You deserved it... An amazing day for an amazing man..." I say and Chris giggles... "And you say i am sappy..." He mumbles already half asleep...

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