Chapter 57

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"You... You... want to marry me?" I ask him as if i want to make sure that i didn't misunderstood him... Chris smiles and nods... "I know i dont have a ring and i know you deserve a better proposal... But God i love you... I love you in a way i never loved anyone...  You complete me angel so why wait... We are going to live together and i realize that i want to live together as man and wife... I want to make it official... What do you say angel... Will you make me the happiest man on earth... Will you marry me...?" He says running his hand through my hair. 

"Hmmm... Let me think for a second..." I whisper with a grin on my face, and he squints his eyes at me... "Think about what angel..." He growls and i giggle... "Well first off all... You aren't even down on one knee..." I whisper smirking letting out a chuckle and he chuckles to... "I can fix that..." He says and he gets of the bed and i bite my lip as he is now standing naked beside the bed... 

But i squeal as he pulls the blankets off om me and grabs me and lifts me out of the bed putting me on my feet... He grins as i am now standing naked next to the bed to... He hesitates for a second looking around... "Wait here... Dont move..." He says and i watch him run downstairs... I stand there next to the bed naked and hear him rummage downstairs... I look around wondering what he is doing when i hear him talk to himself and i giggle... It feels like he is hastily running around almost in a frenzy...

I wonder if i should put on some clothes while he is downstairs, but he told me not to move... I was getting cold though... I was just about to walk to my suitcase when Chris came rushing in again... He has the biggest smirk on his face and i chuckle. 

He steps in front of me and sinks down on one knee and i laugh because it this is so ridiculous but so sweet... He takes my hand in his and smiles... "Ava Watts... Angel... Love of my life... Will you make the happiest man alive and marry me...?" He says pulling out a makeshift ring from a piece of rope which he had tied in a ring shape with a little bow on top... I smile at him tears threatening to roll down my cheeks...

"Yes... Yes, i will marry you..." I whisper with tears in my eyes, and he smirks as he slides the makeshift ring around my finger and i giggle... I smile lean down and cup his face pressing my lips on his... "I love you Sappy..." I whisper and he groans but with a smirk on his face... I giggle as he plants a kiss on my stomach and i run my hand over his buzzcut... I let out a soft moan as he kisses lower and lower and when i look down, he is smirking up at me before he plants a kiss on my core...

I let out a yelp as he pushes me and i fall back on the bed... He crawls over me pushing me further on the bed settling between my legs attaching his lips with mine in a breath-taking kiss. I moan into the kiss as he without warning sinks into me making me gasp and moan... "I love you to angel..." He whispers into the kiss and i wrap my arms around him as he lowers himself on top of me melting our bodies together... 

I wrap my legs around his waist locking him in as he starts to grind into me... "Oh god Chris..." I moan as he hits my sweet spot... He groans as i squeeze my walls hard around him and he buries his head in my neck... "Fuck angel you are going to unman me..." He groans and i moan as he snaps his hips forward... Chris picks up the pace snapping his hips forward grinding into me... It feels like he wants to seal the yes with an orgasm quickly... Desperately... Yet it feels so loving... He kisses me over and over as his hands touch me everywhere he can. 

"God i love you angel... Can't wait to make you Mrs. Evans..." He growls before sucking on the skin in my neck marking me as his... "Can't wait until i can call you my husband..." I moan as i am in heaven. My orgasm is right around the corner, and it doesn't take long before i come around his cock digging my nail in his back... "Chris..." I whine the orgasm sourcing through my body my eyes rolling in the back of my head... 

He grunts and growls as his body jerks and he comes filling me up... We lay there for a minute as we are catching our breaths... He rolls off of me and pulls me into him. "I love you angel... You make me so happy..." He whispers and i smile. "I love you too Sappy... And you make me very happy to..." I whisper and Chris lets out a single chuckle... 

My stomach starts to growl and Chris chuckles... "Come on let's make some breakfast..." Chris says and i sigh and nod... I know i should eat but i am just so comfortable laying in his arms... 

We get out of bed and i put on a shirt and nothing more... I smile as i look at the little rope around my finger... Chris had already gone downstairs to start breakfast. I just smiled... Still in a bit of disbelief that he asked me to marry him... But i feel happy... So happy... I love Chris so much and he loves me... 

I walk downstairs and smile as Chris is cooking and i bite my lip again, he wears nothing more than sweats... I start to wonder was this going to be my life... Him and i in our little slice of heaven we had just bought back in Boston... Mr. and Mrs. Evans on the door... Maybe even a few kids in the future... 

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