Chapter 62

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Carly, Ryan, Scott and the kids had just left... Chris is showing them out and i am laying on the couch flipping through the channels... I was drained... It has been a busy but fun day minus the whole paparazzi thing... I groan as i flick through the channels and see my face appear on the screen... Thank God i dressed up a bit... I shouldn't be watching it but i can't help it... 

"That is a clip of Ava Watts, Chris Evans his most recent girlfriend... She was out on the town in Boston... As you could see she has been instructed well, not reacting to the paparazzi at all... She had been seen with Chris his sister Carly and her daughter Stella eating ice cream they seemed to have a great time until the paparazzi showed up... So, i think i is safe to assume that they are still together..." One of the girls says...

"Yes, there is even a rumor that they are living together, and did you notice how she was hiding her hand... Do we hear wedding bells this soon into the relationship? Maybe it is a good reason to hit the gym and lose a few pounds... I mean dont get me wrong she is beautiful... But imagine her a few pounds lighter... She would be perfect for him... And if being with Chris Evans is not motivation enough to lose weight i dont know what is..." One of the other girls says, and the others all seem to agree with her... I roll my eyes wanting to slap their faces through the screen. 

"Regardless of their relationship status the couple doesn't share much of their private life... We do know she was the photographer of the bathtub photos for which we all thank her... Am i right ladies..." Another one says grinning and they all giggle as little schoolgirls...  

"Dont forget she was the photographer on the Marvel set...  Where she was staying in the same house with Chris, Sebastian and Anthony... God that sounds like a dream imagine spending day and night with those 3..." Is said and they all giggle again making me smirk... "Yes, bitches and none of them would give you a second glance... Or at least not the morning after..." I growl at the screen like an idiot...

 "They have been spotted arriving and leaving the set together and she was with them in Washington were Chris and Ava had been spotted having a romantic date... That was the first time they seemed to be more than just friends as we have seen them together in the past but always with other people around them... Never holding hands or anything like that... It really seems they were good friends first and it grew into something more..." One of the girls chirps in an annoying tone...

"Yeah, and maybe, it is a good thing that she knows of the Hollywood lifestyle but is not fully engulfed by it... I mean he always says he is just a normal guy from Boston and wants that big Boston family... And he once stated he is an ass man and we both know she has enough junk in the trunk... Maybe that makes up for all the other flaws she has..." One of the girls says and they all laugh and i just want to kill them... The way they talk about me with no regard to if i would see this or not... Not giving one damn what kind of effect this has on me... Dont get me wrong... I am happy with myself but hearing people so blatantly talk about your body is harsh and not easy to deal with...

"Do you girls think it will last...?" One of them asks and some of them shake their heads and one of them nods... "I have heard from a close source to them that they are really serious, and that Chris has never been happier... He seems to put his player ways behind him and is now totally focused on Ava and his family loves her and we all know how important his family and their opinions is to Chris... Especially his mother and from what i heard Ava and his mother are close... The bigger question will be if the relationship is going to withstand all the media attention... It will not be easy for her..." The girl says and i can't get over the hypocrisy... "I wonder why..." I mumble letting out a sigh as they start to talk about the next item and i groan turning the TV off throwing the remote on the couch...

"Are you okay?" Chris says walking in hearing me groan out of frustration and i shrug my shoulders... "Can i ask you something..." I say and he nods... "Will you be honest..." I say and he looks confused... "I will always be honest with you angel...." He says and i take a deep breath... "Do you want me to lose weight..." I ask him and he looks at me shocked... "What no...! Where is this coming from...?" He asks and i sigh... "Nothing never mind..." I mumble but Chris is not letting it go...  

He pulls me up and sits down pulling me in his lap... "What is going on angel..." He whispers kissing my lips and i sigh grab the remote and put on the TV again... "They are what is going on..." I say as the screeching voices of the women fill the room again... Chris sighs and looks at me worried... "Angel... Look at me...  I love you... I love all of you... Every curve every soft part of your gorgeous body... I love, love, love it all... You dont have to lose weight... God i love how you feel under my fingertips... I love when your ass jiggles... I love that there is something to hold on to... God you are so sexy..." He says smirking and i blush... 

"I love you angel and i dont care what others say... I love you and i always will... You are the most beautiful creature walking on earth... In fact, i liked it so much i put a ring on it..." He says grinning and takes my hand kissing my ring. I roll my eyes but giggle... "Dont listen to those shallow air heads... They dont know what they are talking about, and they could never be you... You are beautiful and smart... Kind and caring... You are the whole package, and they are nothing... They have to talk shit about others to make themselves to feel good..." He says and he kisses me passionately... 

"My only regret is that i not stepped up earlier..." He whispers and i smile... "Maybe it wasn't our time yet... Maybe if we had gotten together earlier it would not have worked out..." I say and he smiles... "Whatever... I have you now and i am never letting you go..." He says grinning and i squeal as he throws me on the couch crawling over me and kissing me passionately... "Now let me show you how sexy you are angel..." He growls and i giggle again...

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