Chapter 100

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I take a deep breath as we pull into the driveway of my parents' house... Seeing the wedding is going to be in just over a week i can't put it off anymore... I had called them yesterday and they had begrudgingly agreed to a visit from me... I had told them i had some news and i wanted to tell them in person... 

The last few weeks had been crazy busy and chaotic...  I was exhausted... I had been shopping for a dress with Lisa, Shanna, Carly, and Stella... Because of the time frame we had to disappoint our maid of honor and Chris his best man and inform them there would be no bachelor and bachelorette parties... 

We were going all out on the wedding, and it was a lot to put together in 4 weeks so throwing bachelor and bachelorette parties in the mix was just too much... Flowers, food, Drinks, cake, the dress, Chris his suit and the suits for his groomsmen and Ethan and Miles, Flower girls dress for Stella, Bridesmaid dresses... Invitations... Entertainment not only music wise but also someone to watch the kids so we all could enjoy the day without having to worry about the kids... Someone to marry us but because we are already married, we didn't have to make it someone official... Jack was going to be Chris his honorary best man together with Scott... He was so excited... 

But now we were at my parents and i was a nervous wreck... Jack was at Carly's as i didn't want to bring him along... "It is going to be okay angel..." Chris whispers taking my hand kissing the back of it before he got out and walked around the car and opened the door for me... We walk to the front door hand in hand and i take a deep breath... "I'm sorry..." I whisper to Chris before ringing the doorbell... 

A few minutes later the door opens... My mom appears, and she looks between me and Chris... "Mom..." I say and i give her a stiff hug... "Hello Ava..." She says sounding cold as ever... "This is Chris... My husband..." I say and she goes white as a sheet... "Mrs. Watts... Nice to finally meet you..." Chris says and he sticks out his hand for her to shake... But she ignores it... "Just come in before the neighbors notice..." She says and i roll my eyes... I always felt like my mom was ashamed off me because what would the neighbors think of her disappointing daughter... 

We follow her into the living room where my dad is sitting in his chair... I could swear he is glued to his chair... "Dad..." I say and he doesn't even look up... "Hello Ava... So, what is the news..." He says letting out a deep sigh still glued to the TV... "I wanted to introduce you to my husband..." I say and this seem to grab his attention and he looks up... 

"Husband..." He scoffs... "You finally got someone mad enough to marry you..." He says and i roll my eyes to fight my tears... "Mr. Watts..." Chris says and my dad finally rises out of his chair... "You...? You married my daughter...?" He says and Chris pulls me into him and i can feel he is tense to... "I did... Best day of my life..." He says smiling and he gives me a little squeeze... 

My dad then looks at me... "You managed to marry a rich one to..." He says and i can feel the anger rise inside of me... "Mr. Watts... I dont want to be rude being in your home and all... But i dont like what you are implying there... Ava does very well for herself... She doesn't need me or my money... She does very well on her own... But we love each other that is why we got married... I dont like it when you insult her..." Chris says and my dad looks at him and starts to laugh... "How well can someone do with shooting pictures..." He says as if it is the most hilarious thing ever... "Anyway... When did you get married..." My dad says looking at me... "A few months ago..." I say taking a deep breath... 

"But we are going to have an official wedding next week..." I say and my dad scoffs... "Are you pregnant?" My mom says... "You must be because you are bigger than the last time i saw you... Did you not take my suggestion to have a talk with a dietitian..." She says and i can feel Chris is starting get really angry and tense... "Your brother was always in such good shape..." She says and i look at her... "Yes, because my brother was a junkie who snorted so much dope that his body was eating itself..." I growl and my mom looks at me angry... 

"Dont talk about your brother like that... He was always such a good boy..." She says and i scoff... "He was such a saint always taking care of us... Helping around the house... Unlike Ava here... He always helped us..." She says looking at Chris a smile on her face as she thinks of my brother... A smile she would never have while thinking about me... "I want to go..." I whisper as i am almost in tears... "Okay..." Chris says and he takes my hand but before we go i take a deep breath and i need to get it out because this will be the last time i ever see them... 

"Okay i am done... I tried... I really tried... But i dont deserve this... I dont deserve to feel like crap every time i talked to you... I have to accept that i never will be good enough... That still in death my brother is the golden child... I did everything right in life and still i am the black sheep... My brother stole from you... Lied and deceived you... You almost lost your house because of him and who helped you out... "ME!!! Not him... He couldn't care less if you would be living on the street... I paid off your debts with the job i could possibly not make a living off...! Me! I did that... And did i get a thanks... NO... I was still the unwanted daughter...  Why... Why... What have i ever done to deserve this treatment... WHY!" I yell and my parents look at me in shock... 

"You know what dont bother... I dont even want to know..." I say now with tears in my eyes... "Because whatever the reason it is bullshit..." I say with tears in my eyes and my dad looks at me with venom in his eyes... My mother is crying but i dont care... "It is your fault he got hooked on that stuff...!" My dad yells at me and i look at him in shock... " How on earth was it my fault!" I yell back... "He was such a good boy until you were born...That is when he changed..." My mother says hysterically crying and i just look at her stunned... 

I know my brother was much older when i was born... He was already 14 and because of that i always sort of knew i must have been an accident but to hear that just me being born is in their eyes is to blame for my brother's addiction is just too much... "We should have just fucking gotten rid of you..." My dad growls and i just am stunned...

"Well, you get your wish... Iam just done... Dont ever come to me for anything... I came here to extend an invitation to our wedding... Part of me was hoping that it would make you happy and finally accept me... But i can see now... It is never going to happen and i was a fool to even try for so long... You are not welcome... Congratulations... You lost both of your kids... You two are dead to me... I dont have parents anymore... You are not welcome at my wedding... You are not going to be part of my family... You will never meet our son... Dont call asking for anything..." I say and my dad scoffs... 

"You have a son?" My mother says and for a moment i see hear ice cold demeanor change and for just a second she seems like she has a heart... "Why didn't you bring him along...?" She asks and i scoff but before i can say anything Chris interjects... "Because he doesn't need to see his mother being treated like crap...!" Chris growls before he takes a deep breath... "It is okay Chris... Let's just go and i have my closure now... At least i tried one final time..." I whisper and Chris sighs... 

"You guys are awful... Ava is the most beautiful, sweet, smart and caring woman i ever met... And that is despite of you not because of you... You two should be ashamed of yourselves... Shame on you... You disgust me... Pathetic excuse of parents..." Chris says taking my hand and we walk out leaving my parents behind stunned...

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