Chapter 95

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I smile walking around... People are laughing and talking as we are waiting for Chris, Scott and Jack. I am keeping an eye on the cameras and when i finally see the car coming through the gate i ask everyone to be quiet... It is all behind the house out of view when you pull up to the house... I walk inside and open the front door to let Chris, Scott and Jack in... 

They get out the car and i smile as they are all smiles and still hyped from their day. They walk over to the front door and Chris kisses me looking me up and down a little unsure... "You look nice angel... Are we going somewhere...?" Chris says and i smile. "Did you have a nice day?" I ask ignoring his question looking at them and they all grin and nod... "Chris had a little fangirl moment with Tom Brady..." Scott says smirking and Chris blushes... "Did not..." He mumbles and i smile... "It is okay sappy... I have a little fan girl moment every time i see you..." I say winking and he grins... "Ew gross..." Scott says and i laugh... 

"So... There is one more surprise today... But for that you need to put this on..." I say holding up a blindfold... "Angel... More surprises?  You spoil me too much..." He says and i chuckle... "Just go with the flow sappy..." I say and he sighs and puts the blindfold on... 

I bend down and whisper in Jack's ear that he needs to help Chris to the backyard and to not spoil the surprise... "I help you dad..." He says and takes Chris his hand and i chuckle as he slowly leads Chris through the house towards the backyard... 

Scott and i follow giggling and Chris lets out another sigh... We walk into the backyard, and everyone is smiling and holding their breaths... "Okay sappy... You can take off the blindfold..." I say and Chris does...

"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone yells and Chris looks around in shock... Everyone starts to sing happy birthday and i smile as Chris is just stunned... I step beside him and take his hand giving him a little nudge... "Happy birthday Mr. Evans..." I whisper and he looks at me and kisses me... "How... When..." He mumbles and i chuckle... "I'm not telling..." I say smirking and he chuckles before turning towards everyone as they finish singing... Jack has already run off to play with Carly's kids... 

Everyone looks at Chris waiting for him to say something, and he clears his throat... "Wauw... I dont know what to say... Thank you all for coming... I had no idea..." He says and everybody chuckles... "I just can't believe you all kept it a secret..." He says and i smirk... 

"Everyone there is plenty of food and an open bar... So please feel free and enjoy..." I yell out and people cheer..." Chris hugs me and kisses me again... "Thank you angel..." He whispers and i smile... "Anything for you sappy... Happy birthday..." I say again and he smiles... Our little moment doesn't last long as Chris his sisters and mother come up to congratulate him... I smile and go to get myself a drink... 

"Mrs. Evans..." I hear a voice say and i smile as Robert hugs me... "Mr. Downey..." I say smirking and he chuckles... "You pulled it off..." He says and i chuckle... "Yes... Thanks for your help getting everyone here..." I say and he chuckles... "Anything for Evans... He is a good man..." Robert says and i nod... "Yes... Yes, he is..." I say and Robert smiles... "He really is happy... I never seen him this relaxed and just... At ease... He has always been a bit of a nervous nelly... But ever since you two got together it is like a calm has come over him..." Roberts says and i smile... "He is our rock..." I say and Robert smiles... "Family life suits him..." Robert says smiling and i blush... 

"So, i heard you have been asked to come and be our photographer again..." Robert says and i nod and sigh... "Yes... I haven't made a decision yet... It are long days and we have Jack now... I know there is a little classroom, but the days are long and i dont want to pawn him off to strangers all day... So, i just dont know..." I say and Robert nods... "Look... We really want you... You make us feel comfortable... The Russo's really liked having you around... Your work is impeccable... So, whatever it is you need... We will make it happen... It is rare in our line of work to have someone you feel comfortable enough around... So again... Anything you need..." He says and i blush... "I will talk with Chris about it..." I say and he smiles and nods... 

Robert kisses my cheek, and he walks off...I look around and smile... Chris is talking with Scarlet, Renner and Hemsworth... Their kids running around with Carly's kids and Jack... "Well, if it isn't Mrs. Evans..." I hear and i look to the left and see Mackie and Seb standing there... "I swear to god you guys are always together... It makes one think..." I say smirking and hug them... 

"We are not always together!" Seb says rolling his eyes and i chuckle... "Dont pretend you dont like my company Stan... That hurts..." Mackie says smirking patting his shoulder and i giggle... "You two need girlfriends..." I say and Mackie smirks... "Dont you have some single girlfriends?" He says and i shake my head... "Nope... They are all taken..." I say and Mackie smirks... "Married?" He asks and i laugh... "Seriously Mackie..." Seb says rolling his eyes and Mackie laughs... "Dont be jealous blue eyes... You will always be number 1..." He says laughing and Seb groans and walks off... "Bye Sebastian...!" Mackie yells after him and i laugh even harder as Seb flips him off before joining some other people in their conversation... 

"You are terrible..." I say smirking and Mackie chuckles... "I know... But it is so easy and fun to get him riled up..." Mackie says smirking and we order another drink... We toast and sit down on the bar stools... I am perfectly happy and content people watching... Chris is having a blast laughing and joking with his high school buddy's, family and friends... Jack is having a blast to and that makes me even more happy... He is loving having other kids around to play with... He is well liked and gets along with everyone... My boys are having a blast and that makes me happy...

"Want to help me with the cake..." I ask Mackie and he nods... We walk inside and get the cake and put it outside on the table... Mackie chuckles as he sees the cake... It is a massive cake with a photo of Chris on it on the photo Chris has the biggest grin on his face and only i know why... It is a photo taken on our vacation in the cabin... It is a photo i had taken while i was flashing my boobs at him... 

"What was he looking at?" Mackie asks studying the cake and i chuckle... "You will never know Mackie... You will never know..." I say and then turn my attention to the party... "Everyone can i have your attention! And can i have my gorgeous husband come over here..." I say and Chris blushes as he walks over... 

I put the number candles on the cake lighting them... "Make a wish sappy..." I say and everyone chuckles... He closes his eyes for a second before blowing them out... "What did you wish for!" Hemsworth asks and Chris grins... "Not telling! Or it won't come true..." He yells back... Chris smirks at me and shakes his head... "What?" I say faking innocence...

"I can't believe you used that picture..." He mumbles before kissing me and i grin... "I love that photo..." I murmur into the kiss, and he grins... "I love what made me pull that face..." He said and i laughed... 

"Want to share with the group...?" Scott yells and we look up at everyone... "NO!" We quickly say simultaneously, and we burst out laughing. 

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