Chapter 125

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I look stunned at the big ass trailer in front of me... "Chris... This is not my trailer..." I whisper and he chuckles... "No i gotten you a better one... One where you are going to be more comfortable, and it has this big bay window so you dont feel shut out too much..." He says and i look at him and chuckle... "You mean you can watch me..." I say and he grins... 

Since i had gotten home from the hospital Chris had been treating me like i had been off glass... But i understood and for now just let him... He had been worried and i wanted him to see that i really was taking it seriously... He had been amazing though so attentive and caring... 

"Mommy can i stay with you today?" Jack asks pulling on my dress and i sigh... Jack had been so scared and didn't want to leave my side... He gotten more wind of the situation we eventually thought... "Okay sweetheart... But just for today... Tomorrow you have to get back to school again..." I say and Chris wants to protest but i shoot him a look and he swallows his words... I didn't want Jack to feel too much, and he wasn't... He was turning 9 soon and he had grown so much and was no longer this small vulnerable kid he was in the hospital... He was this sweet kid that was caring and funny... And so smart... He was doing so good in school catching up incredibly fast... 

"Sappy... It is going to be okay... We can have a relaxing movie day in the nice comfortable trailer with Airconditioning..." I whisper and kiss Chris... "Mommy!" Jack says letting out a sigh... We both chuckle and look at Jack who is looking annoyed... "What do you say we are going to watch dad's movies..." I say smirking to Jack and while Jack cheers Chris groans, but a little proud smirk appears... Jack loves his movies, and he will never admit it but that makes Chris proud...

"Just remember Gary and King are still around to get you anything you want... Just text them... And i will come get you both for lunch..." Chris says and i nod... Chris helps me up the stairs into the trailer and i groan... "Chris i am not going to lay in a bed in front of the window as some sort of zoo animal..." I say and he looks at me annoyed... "Look... I promised no more work and i would take it easy, but this is too much... I dont want to be on display for everyone to see... Like some beached whale..." I say letting out a sigh and he shakes his head... "You are not a beached whale... You are beautiful..." Chris says annoyed and i sigh... "You know what i mean..." I say as i am not going to give in... He wants me comfortable. Well in front of that window i will not be comfortable...

"You want me comfortable, right?" I ask him and he sighs... "Yes..." He says and i take a deep breath... "With that i am not comfortable..." I say and he gives in... "Fine i have them put the couch back in..." He says and i smile and kiss him again and again Jack protests...

"Come on Jack i am guessing there is a bedroom where we can watch movies while your dad arranges the bed to be replaced with a comfortable couch..." I say and as Chris points to the back of the trailer Jack runs off... Chris pulls me in his arms and kisses me... "Are you sure you will be okay with him here?" He asks and i smile and nod... "I am going to watch my gorgeous husband in his movies while spending time with my son... The only thing that would make it better is that you would join us, but you have to work..." I say and he chuckles and shakes his head smiling before kissing me again... 

"Now go... And act that Amercian ass off..." I say squeezing his butt and he chuckles again... "Okay... But promise me if you need anything call King or Gary and i will see you at lunch..." He says and i smile and nod and as he walks of i smack his ass making, he laughs and shake his head again... "Love you angel..." He says and i smile... "Love you too sappy..." I say and he disappears... I sigh and walk to the bedroom where Jack is already in bed and had put the TV on... He must have kicked off his shoes as one is laying far away from the other and i chuckle... I dont bother picking them up scared i wouldn't be able to get upright again...

"Is there room for me?" I ask and Jack smiles and nods... I kick off my own shoes and crawl next to him pulling him in my arms so we can cuddle... The babies start to kick, and Jack puts his little hands on my belly and giggles... "You can talk to them... They can hear you..." I say and Jack looks at me as i am crazy... "Really?" He asks and i nod and smile... "Yes..." I say and Jacks face lights up... "You have to come out so we can play..." He says to my belly and i laugh... "Jack sweetheart... When they are born, they can't really play yet..." I say and he looks disappointed... 

"But you can read them stories... and help with bath time..." I say and this cheers him up a little... "When babies are born, they are very little and dont do much yet other than eat, sleep, cry... And poop..." I say smirking and Jack giggles... 

"Mom... When are we going to go back home again?" He asks and i smile... "Not in a little while sweetheart... When dad is ready with work and the babies are born, we go back home... Why are you missing home?" I say and he nods... "A little... I miss playing with Ethan, Miles and Stella..." He whispers and i smile... "Well maybe we can have them over for a few days... I will call Carly tonight..." I say and this brightens up his mood a bit... "So which movie are we going to watch of your dad..." I ask and he chuckles... "Can we watch the funny one again..." He whispers and we both giggle and put on the losers again...

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