Chapter 37

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It is almost the end of a long day when Scarlet comes up to me with a big smile on her face... I look back at her a little hesitant... She and Chris had been giggling and secretive all day and i had to distance myself to not lose my mind... It was our last day in Washington... Tomorrow we would fly back and our time in Washington would be over... 

"Ava... You need to come with me..." She says with a face splitting grin and i look at her confused... "Why...?  What is going on?" I ask her and i didn't think it was possible, but the grin got even bigger... "Just come with me... You will find out soon enough..." She says taking my arm dragging me away... "Scar i am still on the clock..." I say protesting looking over my shoulder as Joe yells action... Chris and Mackie are still working and i wanted to take a few action photos, but Scarlet shakes her head... "No you're not..." She says and i am even more confused... She drags me into her trailer while i keep protesting all the way there to her amusement... There were two other women are waiting who i recognize from makeup and wardrobe...

"What is going on?" I ask again and she chuckles grabbing some stuff... "You need to take a shower..." Scarlet says handing me the stuff and pushing me towards her shower... But i push back having had enough of this weird behavior and feeling myself get anxious and annoyed... "I am not doing anything if you dont tell me what is going on..." I say and she sighs... 

"I can't tell you, but Chris has something planned and we are supposed to help you get ready... He even got you a dress..." She says smiling and i groan because buying a dress is something that normally has me stressed with my size not everything looks good on me and i am really picky at what i like and what not... Scarlet seems to notice, and she gives me a reassuring smile... "Dont worry Mabel helped him pick something out... You will look amazing..." She says her eyes softening and the woman apparently named Mabel nods and smiles...

"Fine..." I mumble and get in the little bathroom to take a shower... I can hear Scarlet and the other two women giggle and i try and listen to see if they give something away but nothing... They are talking about which shoes go with the dress and what to do makeup and hair wise... I roll my eyes not knowing what to think of it, but it is better to go with it... This is probably why Chris and Scarlet have been giggling and secretive all day and i feel a little stupid and ridiculous for being so annoyed but above all insecure... 

I sigh as the hot water runs over me and i wash my hair... It has been sunny all day and i had been sweating out in the burning sun so having a shower was nice... I sometimes showered in Chris his trailer after a long day but most of the times we went home immediately... Or to the hotel here in Washington...

I wash myself and after i am done i dry myself off and put on the underwear where the tags are still on... I wonder if Chris had bought these to... I look in the fogged-up mirror and wipe it clean and look at myself... If he did buy it, he had taste... I liked it... I feel sexy... I wrap the towel around me not wanting to step out in my underwear and Scarlet smirks at me as she sees me... Feeling a little insecure i wrap the towel around me a little bit tighter and blush feeling uncomfortable with them staring at me with those grins... I didn't like that they knew something that i didn't especially as it contains to me...  

I am being put in a chair and i watch everyone talk about what to do with my hair and makeup again... "Do i get a say in this...?" I ask a little annoyed and yet amused... They look at me and seem to be stunned for a second... "Sorry we are used to doing what we think is best... One of the women says blushing... "What would you like?" She asks and i sigh... "What is the dress...?" I ask and she takes the bag opening it revealing the dress and i sigh... It is beautiful sparkly and short but not to short... I really like it and hope and pray that it will fitt and looks okay... "Hair up... Makeup not too much... Nothing shocking i still want to be me..." I say and they all nod smiling...

I dont know how long i have been in this chair as they do my hair and makeup but when they are done Scarlet hands me the dress and i go behind a curtain and put it on... I ask Scarlet to help me zip it up and i smile looking in the mirror... "Chris picked well..." Scarlet says smiling and i blush... "He did..." I whisper... "There is nothing you can tell me...?  It is driving me crazy..." I whisper and she smiles... "Dont worry it is going to be a good surprise..." She whispers hugging me and i sigh... "I hate surprises..." I mumble and Scarlet chuckles. She hands me a pair of shoes with these high heels and i put them on and look in the mirror again... I smile as i am happy with what i see... 

I walk to my bag and take out my perfume spraying some on and they all look at me smiling... "Chris is going to have a heart attack... You look to die for..." Scarlet says and the other nod in agreement. "Here just to finish off the look..." Mabel says handing me a handbag and i nod and smile grabbing my everyday bag and getting some stuff out to put in the handbag... "I will give you bag to Mackie and Seb to take home with them..." Scarlet says and i nod and smile... 

There is a knock on the door and the girls smile... "He is here..." Scarlet says and i take a deep breath...

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