Chapter 123

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I vaguely am aware of being wheeled into the ambulance as i am just exhausted... The throwing up had stopped finally but i was still not feeling good... The nausea never had gone away and i was now shivering but sweating like an otter... I can vaguely hear Chris ask someone to please look after Jack as he is going to the hospital with me... I am drowsy... The world is spinning and i close my eyes... "Please open your eyes sweetheart..." I hear and i open up and the medic smiles at me... "Spinning..." I mumble and the medic nods... "I know sweetheart but i need you to keep your eyes open okay..." He says and i groan... "Just let me sleep..." I mumble and he shakes his head... "I can't let you sweetheart... I am sorry. You can sleep in the hospital..." He says and i sigh... Chris walks into the ambulance and sits down taking my hand in his with worry on his face... "Can you keep her talking... She needs to stay awake..." The medic says and Chris nods as i groan... "Want to sleep..." I mumble protesting and he kisses the back of my hand and i smile at him trying to take his worry away. But i dont think it is helping as i am worried to...

The door of the ambulance closes and i feel it take off... I look at Chris and i let out a weak chuckle as he is still in his suit... His hair is messy as he had been wearing the helmet... "The people in the hospital are going to have a field day..." I mumble and Chris looks at me confused and i sigh... "Captain America visiting the ER..." I mumble and he sighs... "Dont think about that angel... The most important thing is that you and the babies are okay..." He says and i hum... "I am so tired... Can i sleep yet..." I mumble and Chris shakes his head... "No angel... You have to stay with me... Let's talk about names for our boys..." He says and i hum again as i am fighting to keep my eyes open... 

"What about Matthew..." Chris says and i smirk as my eyes fall shut... "Alright, alright, alright..." I murmur in an attempt to imitate Matthew Mcconaughey and Chris chuckles... "Silly girl..." He whispers and i smile with my eyes closed... "What about Dean..." I mumble opening my eyes, but it is getting too hard to keep them open so i close them again... "Open your eyes sweetheart..." The medic says and i hum... "Still awake just resting them..." I murmur but he tells me to open them again and i sigh...  

"Who is looking after Jack?" I say letting out a sigh and he smiles... "Seb and Anthony will take him home..." He says and i feel tears starting to come... "I dont want him to be scared..." I whisper and Chris sighs kissing the back of my hand... "They will take good care of him angel..." He says and he wipes away a tear... "What about James and Jacob..." I say trying not to cry anymore and Chris smiles... "James and Jacob..." He murmurs kissing the back of my hand again... "Jack, James and Jacob..." He says smiling and i chuckle... "The 3 J's..." I murmur and Chris chuckles. "Or Joey and Jessy..." He says and i groan making Chris chuckle... "Okay i guess not..." He says and i sigh again...

The ambulance stops and the doors open and as i lift my head i see we are being met with a medical team... "Chris i am scared..." I whisper as i look at him and he kisses my forehead standing up... "It will be okay angel... They will find out what is wrong..." He whispers as the medic gives a run-down of my state... I look back at the medical team and i roll my eyes as 2 girls giggle as Chris stands up... "This is going to be just great..." I mumble annoyed as Chris walks out and the girls giggle even more... The medics roll me out of the ambulance... Chris ignores the two girls giggling and takes my hand again as the doctor order them to take me to an exam room... I try to relax but the giggling continues, and it gets on my nerves... Normally i can ignore woman eyeing my husband but today i have no patience for that... I am feeling terrible and scared and them giggling is not helping... 

I get rolled down into a room and they move me of the stretcher... I get hooked onto machines and they ask me what i have been eating and what i have been doing... I answer the best as i can but the girls are still giggling and i take a deep breath as it is distracting... I just want them to go away... I dont get what they are doing here as they dont seem to do anything... The doctor asks about any problems with the pregnancy but i dont answer... Chris answers while the girls still giggle and keep making eyes at him and all of a sudden i just explode... I have had enough... I am scared and feeling sick, and their giggling is just annoying and, in my eyes, disrespectful and rude... 

""For fucks sake...! Seriously! Can you two fucking stop...! I am lying here scared out of my mind something is wrong with our babies and feeling sick and tired... And all you two can do is giggling like some teen-age girls and making eyes at my husband?!" I say snapping and the room goes quiet everybody looking at me but i start to get dizzy and i take a deep breath... "O this is not good..." I mumble and it all goes dark and i pass out... 

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