Chapter 142

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"Who is Chris on the phone with?" Lisa asks me curiously... I look at her and debate on telling her or not... I dont know how she would take it when she is being told that her precious son is getting a vasectomy. After our little talk last night Chris is on the phone with his doctor informing as to which doctor is the best to do a vasectomy... He is not wasting time... "His doctor..." I mumble and Lisa looks at me concerned... "Is he okay? Is he sick...?" She asks and i shake my head... "No... He is not sick dont worry..." I say and she lets out a sigh of relief... 

"Then what is it... Are the boys, okay?" She asks and i smile as Chris appears behind her... "The boys are good... I am good..." Chris says and she swings around... "Then what?" She asks and Chris takes a deep breath... "I am going to get... A vasectomy..." He says and Lisa face goes white... "WHAT!? WHY?!" Lisa says yelling and Chris takes a deep breath... 

"Because Ava and i decided that isn't going to carry any more babies..." Chris says and she looks horrified... "So... get a hysterectomy... Why does he need to get a vasectomy?" She says looking at me and i look at her in shock as she looks angry. I want to say something, but Chris stops me... "No ma... She has already carried the twins... A hysterectomy will have way more effect on Ava than a simple vasectomy for me..." He says and i smile as he defends his decision... "Besides this is not here idea or decision... It is mine..." He says...

"But what if you want more babies... You always wanted a big family... Not that 3 kids aren't enough but... You always talked about the big Boston family..." She starts to mumble calming down a bit and Chris sighs wrapping her in a hug... "Who says we are not having any more kids... We just decided Ava would not be pregnant again... We are going the adoption route..." Chris says and i can see the wave of relief wash over Lisa and i feel relieved... 

"When the house is done, we are going to start the adoption process... It is going to take a while so the sooner we start the better..." I say and Lisa smiles and pulls out of Chris his hug and hugs me... "I am sorry..." She whispers and i sigh... "It is okay..." I mumble trying to not only convince her but myself to... Because the more i think about it the more her remark hurts... As if Chris is going to leave me at some point to have a kid with someone else... Or maybe it is just all in my head. 

"I am going to check on the boys... Can you get Jack up and give him breakfast..." I mumble and Chris looks at me confused and nods... I sigh and walk up and look at the twins who are still sleeping... They are in Carly's old bedroom as Jack is staying in Scott's bedroom... I sigh and sit down on the bed watching them... Am i wrong for not wanting another baby of our own.  Am i selfish for not wanting to carry another baby...? I sigh and smile as Owen puts his fingers in his mouth still sleeping... I take a picture with my phone as it is the cutest thing ever... I look at Aiden who moves his little arms above his head and take a picture of him to... 

I sigh again and feel the tears come... It hurst to think about what Lisa said so i tried to push it out of my mind. But it isn't working and tears stream down my face... Aiden wakes up and starts to cry so i pick him up... I start to bounce and try to get him to settle before i can walk down to give him a bottle... But he doesn't stop, and it only makes me cry more and i know he is hungry as it is his hungry cry... So, tears be damned i walk downstairs while my mind keeps spiraling... 

Chris is still upstairs with Jack getting him ready or whatever i guess and Lisa is in the kitchen making breakfast... I ignore her as i start to make a bottle with Aiden on my arm... "I can take him so you can make his bottle..." She says and i shake my head and then she looks at me concerned as she notices my own tears... "Here let me hold him..." She says wanting to grab him out of my arms and i turn away from her... "I got it..." I mumble but she keeps pushing... "Come on let grandma help..." She says and i snap...

"NO! This is my baby... I can hold him and make a bottle there is no need to hold him... Go ask the imaginary woman you think Chris is going to leave me for and wants to have more babies with..." I say snapping at her, and she looks at me shocked... "I... I what... I didn't..." She says but i roll my eyes... "Sure, you didn't... We all knew what you meant by it... God forbid he can't knock another woman up when he leaves me for not wanting to bare his children anymore..." I growl and Lisa looks at me stunned... "No just get a fucking hysterectomy... Put my body through even more pain and changes... Because we can't have Chris give up his precious sperm..." I say...

"What is going on?" We hear all of a sudden as i shake the bottle before warming up the milk... "I... Ava has misunderstood me when i..." Lisa stutters and i roll my eyes again... "You want to hold a baby... Hold your own..." I say pointing at Chris who looks absolutely stunned at me yelling... 

The bottle has warmed up and i check the temperature and when i decide it is good enough i stalk off leaving everyone stunned behind...

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