Chapter 110

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I am waking up from a nap in the house in Atlanta... Traveling had been tiring... So, after arriving at the house i went to take a nap... It had been chaotic with the whole statement out now... The press had gotten wind of us leaving Boston by private plane and the had been gathering around the airstrip... The internet had exploded by our announcement... Or at least that is what Chris had told me...  I had not checked... I couldn't be bothered... I already knew what people would say... I was not going to let the negative comments effect my happiness... 

"Hi mommy..." I hear a little voice say and i smile as Jack is still cuddled into me as he was when we went to sleep... "Hey sweetheart... Did you have a good nap?" I ask him as i can see he has been sleeping to... He giggles and nods, but his face turns serious... "Mommy?" Jack says and i hum... "Yes sweetheart...?" I say as he looks at me. 

"Will you still be my mommy after the babies are here... I dont have to go back after the babies are here?" He asks and i look at him shocked... "Baby no!" I say and i hug him tightly...  "You never have to go back..." I whisper and he hugs me back... "Why do you think that..." I say and he shrugs his little shoulders... "Look at me sweetheart..." I say and he blushes as he looks at me... "You are our son... We love you so much and we will never give you back... You are ours always and forever..." I say and he cuddles into me more... 

"So dont worry about that okay..." I whisper and he nods... "I love you mom..." He whispers and i have to fight my tears... "I love you to sweetheart... I love you so much... What do you say we are going to see what your dad is up to..." I whisper and he giggles... We get off the bed and walk into the living room where Chris is reading his scripts... He looks up and smiles... Jack runs over to him and crawls in his lap and Chris puts his script down... "I have unpacked most of our stuff..." Chris says to me as he hugs Jack and i smile... "Thank you..." I say and sit down next to him and cuddle into him... 

"Can i play on the playground in the back yard?" Jack asks and Chris and i both nod and Jack runs off all hyper... "Put on some shoes...!" I yell after him and both Chris and i chuckle as he yells okay back and runs back to the front door where his shoes are... A minute or so later he runs by again a big smile on his face as he makes his way into the backyard...

"He asked if we were going to give him back once the babies were here..." I murmur and i look at Chris who looks back at me horrified... "Dont worry i reassured him we were not..." I say letting out a sigh... Chris takes in a deep breath and pulls me closer... "I need to go clothes shopping with him before we get to work... He is growing out of most of his stuff..." I mumble smiling as it is a good thing... "He is getting so big..." Chris whispers and i nod and smile... "We can go tomorrow..." He says and i hum again... "Going to need new clothes soon to..." I say letting out a sigh... Chris smiled and rubbed his hand over my bump... "We can go buy you new clothes to..." He says and i close my eyes enjoying Chris rubbing my belly... 

It was still two weeks until we were expected on set... We came 2 weeks early so Jack could settle in into the house and he would be sleeping in his own bed before we were going to have long workdays... Although i loved sleeping in the bed with Jack... He was a little terror in his sleep and in order to let us all keep our sanity we thought this was for the best... We didn't want to snap or not be able to do our job because we were sleep deprived... Besides i loved to cuddle up to Chris and with Jack between us that was not happening... 

"Seb and Mackie are going to be here next week... What do you say we ask them to watch Jack and we go and have a date night..." Chris says and i push myself up and smile... I kiss him and he smirks into the kiss... "Then i am going to need a dress to..." I whisper and he chuckles... "Anything you want angel..." He whispers and i smirk... "Anything?" I whisper and he nods with a big smile on his face... 

"I want fried chicken..." I whisper and Chris laughs... "Okay... I will go get you friend chicken..." He says and i smirk... "I'll be right back angel..." He says wanting to stand up but i won't let him... "Kiss first..." I whisper and he smirks cups my face and kisses me passionately... He wants to stand up again but i smirk still holding on to him and he chuckles and kisses me again and again and again until i finally let him go... 

"I'll go ask what Jack wants first..." Chris says and i smile and nod as he walks towards the backyard only to come back out 5 minutes later with Jack... "He is coming with..." Chris says smiling and i nod smiling back at them as i stretch myself out on the couch getting comfortable... "I'll be here..." I murmur and Chris chuckles... "Let's go bud... Otherwise mommy will get hangry... We need to get her food..." He says and i just smirk... "Have fun..." I say waving with my eyes closed and i hear them walk off... Even though i am just getting out of bed i still feel tired... I am worried that i am not going to be able to keep up at the set when we start working... But i am going to try... I am excited and i know what to expect now... True to his word Chris had arranged 3 assistants for me... I thought it was ridiculous, but Chris wouldn't budge... So, i just gave in although i had no idea what 3 assistants had to do for me...

I sigh and close my eyes and i soon doze off again...

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