Chapter 111

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Chris and Jack are playing in the outdoor pool as i am laying on a sunbed in my bikini watching them as i mindlessly rub my hand over my belly... It is a hot summers day and i am lounging in the shadow that the big parasol Chris had put up for me is providing... 

All of a sudden, we hear yelling and doors slamming and i start to smile as i recognize the voices... "Jack little man come say hello to your uncle's..." I hear being yelled and i smile as Seb and Mackie step outside and Jack swims to the side of the pool and Chris with a big grin on his face helps him out putting him on the edge of the pool... 

"Uncle Seb! Uncle Mackie!" Jack squeals and runs over to him and hugs them tightly... I smirk at Chris and bite my lips watching him push himself up out of the pool water running down his body and i have to suppress a little moan as it looks so hot... 

"Wow... How long have we not seen you..." Seb says pulling me out of my little moment i was having blatantly staring at my husband and Chris seemed to have noticed and smirks as i blush... "I dont know what you mean...?" I whisper and Seb points at my belly while Mackie steps beside him with Jack on his arm... "Mommy is going to have 2 babies..." Jack squeals and both Seb and Mackie look at me with wide eyes and i chuckle... "Na-ah... This is a joke, right?" Seb says and i shake my head... "Nope... I got super swimmers..." Chris says joining us with a big smirk on his face... "Identical twins..." He says smirking and Seb and Mackie look at him shocked... "For real for real?" Mackie asks and we both nod and i blush as they keep staring at my belly... 

"OMG... Congratulations man..." Seb says walking over to Chris hugging him before he leans down and kisses my cheek... "Congratulations momma you look amazing... Anything you need dont hesitate to ask..." He says and i chuckle... "Thank you..." I whisper and i smile as Mackie who had put Jack down is hugging Chris now and patting his shoulder... He then walks over to me and kisses my cheek to... "What Seb said... Anything you need... We are your back up husbands..." He says grinning and i giggle... "I'll keep that in mind..." I say and Chris smirks and winks at me... 

"Uncle Mackie! Uncle Seb do you want to swim with me and dad...?" Jack squeals and they both laugh... "Sure... Let us get changed... Same rooms?" Mackie said looking at me and i blushed... "Jack picked your room..." I say blushing and Mackie chuckles... "No problem I'll take the other..." He says and i smile. He and Seb left to get changed into swimwear and i take a deep breath...

I open my eyes and Chris is leaning over me with a smirk on his face and gave me a kiss as we heard Jack jump back in the pool... He had become so confident in the water and was absolutely loving it... The doctors said it was a good thing as swimming would make him stronger... 

"Dont think i didn't see you staring at me angel..." He whispers and i giggle... "Well, you were very sexy pushing yourself up out of the pool Mr. Evans... I couldn't help myself... Maybe i should have my camera here" I whisper and Chris smirks.  "Do you want to join us in the pool?" He asks and i shake my head... "I am good and comfy here in the shadow... But can you get me another bottle of water...?" I say pouting and he nods kissing me again... 

"Watch Jack for me okay..." He says and i smile and nod. I watch him walk off and i giggle as he shakes his ass telling me he knows i am watching him... I look at Jack who is playing with his massive unicorn floaty and i smile... He had picked it out when we had gone clothes shopping for him... Chris comes back joined by Seb and Mackie and i whistle at them...  All 3 look at me a little stunned and i laugh... All 3 smirk and blush and i chuckle a little more... Chris walks over to me hands me the bottle of water and leans down to kiss me... "Behave angel... Dont make me have to punish you..." He growls and i giggle... Chris walks back over to Seb and Mackie who are still smirking and i can't resist...

"Sappy... Can you go get me my camera... I think i am going to need it..." I say smirking and all 3 laugh and shake their heads... "Fine... I'll go get it myself." I mumble and i push myself up... 

"Seriously?" Seb says and i smirk... "What? I need them for the family album Uncle Seb..." I say smirking and giggle and walk inside leaving them with Jack... I grab my camera from the kitchen counter and walk back out and start laughing as all 3 and Jack are posing showing off and i take a picture... "Can we play now!" Jack says and i laugh... "No... Come here first so i can put some more sunscreen on you..." I say to Jack who groans... "Mom! I want to play..." He says and i chuckle... "Listen to your mom bud..." Chris says sternly and Jack walks over to me sulking... I apply another layer of sunscreen and plant a kiss on his cheek. "Can i play now?" He asks letting out a sigh and i chuckle...

"Yes baby... Go play..." I say and smile as he is running over to Seb, Mackie and Chris who are standing on the edge of the pool so Jack can push them in... I laugh as they make a whole show about it as if they had not seen it coming and Jack is smiling proudly as one for one, he pushes them in the pool before jumping after them giggling and squealing as they are throwing him around the pool as if he is a beach ball... Jack is loving it... I get a little teary eyed as i watch them. It just makes me so happy to see Jack so happy... To see Jack and Chris so happy laughing and playing around... Chris is just amazing with him... He really is excelling in this dad role... 

I get comfortable and close my eyes and with my boys laughing and having fun in the background i slowly doze off...

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