Chapter 6

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I am setting up in my studio for a last-minute job... I am booked by some magazine to take some shots for an article... My assistant told me they had called an hour ago for a booking and i had a weird feeling about it... Normally i wouldn't shoot on a Monday but the money was ridiculously good and while i normally would do things behind the scenes she had just booked it in... Which i normally wouldn't mind but something felt off...

"What am i taking pictures off..." I say checking my cameras and she smirks at me... "Chris Evans..." She says and i look at her shocked.... "I am sorry?" I say... "Chris Evans..." She says looking at me confused... "His... team said he had such a good time working with you before that he requested you to take the pictures again..." She said hesitantly... "I mean i thought it was not going to be a problem... You guys are friends, right?" She said and i sigh... "Call them and cancel..." I said in a tone that made it known i didn't want any buts making my assistant look at me confused and worried... All of a sudden, the door opened and i groaned as Chris and his team walked in... "Too late... Sorry..." She whispered and i groaned i couldn't send them away now... That would be bad for business... 

"Ava!" Chris his publicist Megan said and pushed my anger and emotions back... "Megan... Nice to see you again..." I said smiling and we hugged... "Yes, you to... Thank you for doing this for us again last minute..." She said smiling... "Sure, no problem didn't know it was you guys, but it is fine..." I said and she looked confused at a moment... Chris wanted to hug me but i stepped out of his reach... "So, what are we looking for today...?" I asked Megan who looked at me a little confused again about me ignoring Chris... She probably didn't know any better than we were still friends... 

"It is for Men's Health, so they have to be a bit sexy, some shirtless and you know just sex them up a little... Chris has said however you want him... He is game..."  She said and i nodded and when i looked at Chris he was grinning and i rolled my eyes... "I guess you guys brought makeup and a stylist for him...?" I said ignoring Chris and she nodded and introduced me... 

"Can you show me what the wardrobe will be so i can see what we can do with it?" I said to the wardrobe girl, and she nodded and i follow her and we go over the clothes... "It is not much..." I mumble and the girl chuckled... "Chris wants to go a little more risqué... Lucky us huh... Front row seats... God i love my job..." She said giggling nudging me and i sighed... "Yeah lucky us..." I mumble... I walk back to Megan and Chris... "While you get ready i go set some things up... Give me an hour or so..." I said and Megan nodded and i walked away... "Ava!" Chris said following me and i sighed stopping and turning around... 

"Mr. Evans what can i do for you...?" I said and he sighed... "Ava... Sorry i didn't know who else to ask..." He said but i could see on his face he was lying... "God i dont know how you got so far in your career seeing as you can't lie to save your life..." I spit at him in a hushed tone not wanting to cause a scene... "Ava..." He sighed and i shook my head... "Dont worry Mr. Evans... I am a professional so i can put my own personal feelings aside... God knows i had practice but dont insult me by lying that you didn't know who else to call... And dont worry i will make you look good... You will get what you pay for but give me at least the courtesy of being honest..." I say and he sighs and nods... 

"Look i am sorry okay... The photographer really canceled, and you were the first one i could think off i would be comfortable with to do this..." He said and i sighed... "It is fine... Like i said i am a professional... Besides i can pay of my mortgage with the money for this job... So, no complaints here..." I said and walked away calling over my assistant to set things up... 

I walked through the door into the massive studio i had for all sorts of shoots... I wanted a space i could change and do with whatever i like so i bought this massive old warehouse with my first big job and had not regretted it once... I look around and smirk seeing the bathroom set up... He wants risqué... He will get risqué... 

I tell my assistant what i want and she goes to work as i look around me more... I look around deciding to just use an empty space from the warehouse for some shots and i put on some lights and screens to get the lighting exactly how i want it... Megan joins me, and we chat a bit discussing my ideas and she is on board with it and after i am done we walk back to my workspace... 

"Okay here is what we are going to do..." I say taking a deep breath before turning to his makeup and wardrobe team. "Jeans plain white t-shirt first... Make him a bit scruffy... Not to styled... or at least make it look like he is not to styled... After that we are going to lose the clothes slowly but surely and we end up in the bathroom set up in the tub..." I say and everyone nods, and Chris looks at me a little unsure... "Problem?  Mr. Evans... You dont mind getting in the tub naked right?" I say and he swallows hard... 

"Uhm no... Not really but i dont want anyone else in there for that... Just you and me... Closed shoot..." He says in a stern voice... "Of course, Chris..." Megan says before i can even react... "You're the client Mr. Evans... We will make sure you are comfortable..." I say keeping a straight face knowing it is probably not a good idea to be alone with him but what can i say... He is the client and i can understand he dont want everyone there, gawking at him especially the over eager wardrobe girl.... He smiles a little and when i look at the wardrobe girl she stares daggers at me but i dont care... Her hell is not being there when he lays naked in the tub... Mine is having to be there but i brought it on myself i didn't have to decide to put him naked in a tub... Maybe it was a mistake but i was angry when i came up with it and there was no way back now...

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