Chapter 134

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"Home sweet home..." I murmur taking a deep breath as we just had gotten off the plane... We are back in Boston... In about 45 minutes we would be home... Our home... I felt a sense of peace wash over me... Chris was putting the little once in the car while Lisa was helping Jack in the other car so he could ride with her... We needed to take two cars to get home with all our stuff... 

As we make our way home i feel more relaxed. The closer we get, the calmer i get... I am just so happy to be sleeping in our own bed and have my own kitchen and just be in our own place... Chris presses the button of the gate as we pull up and i smile as the house appears... "Home angel..." Chris says as he takes my hand and kisses the back of it... 

I am tired as traveling took more out of me than i had thought but i dont mind it was worth it... Chris parks the car and Lisa parks the car behind us... She agreed to stay with us for a little while to help out and i was so thankful... I take a deep breath as we get out and Jack runs up to me... As i am hugging Jack who is just as excited to come home as i am Lisa walks up and smiles... "You two are happy to be home..." She says and Jack and i both nod with big smiles... 

Out of the corner of my eye i see Chris walking up to the front door to open it but Jack pulls my attention back to him... "Can i play in the yard later?" He asks and i nod... I look at Lisa who looks confused. She nods to me and i stand up looking at Chris who looks like he has seen a ghost his face tense... "We can't go in..." He says and i chuckle... "Why?  Did you forget your keys?" I say snickering opening my purse but when i look up at him i know something is up... 

"No, we can't go in..." He says again and i look at him annoyed... "Come on Chris this is not funny the boys need a diaper change and i want to take a nap in our own bed and Jack wants to go to his room to play with his toys and later play out back..." I say and he shakes his head... "We can't... I am sorry angel..." He says his face still tense but also... worried...? Now i am getting angry... "Oh for god's sake..." I growl and push past him while Chris tries to stop me i hear him ask Lisa to not let Jack near the house and to keep him by the car... "Angel please dont... Just trust me..." He says hastily following me...

"This is ridiculous..." I mumble and stomp over to the front door and i walk in my hear sinking and the blood draining from my face... "Our beautiful home is ruined... Everything has been trashed and there is graffiti on the walls... Just on word... Whore... Everywhere...

I look around in shock and Chris grabs my arm pulling me outside... "We can't go in... We have to call the police..." He says but it sounds so far away... I am in shock... The house we decorated with care is now looking more like a... I dont know what as i dont have words for it... 

I can hear Chris on the phone with the police... "How..." I just whisper... We didn't get a notification from the alarm... Lisa had checked up on the house right before she had come to stay with us, and she told us the house was okay... 

I start crying the relaxed and at ease feeling i had ever since we landed in Boston gone... "Sweetheart... Breathe..." I hear Lisa say but it doesn't really register as i start sobbing uncontrollably unable to get myself under control... "Mommy?" I hear Jack say and i want to stop but i cant... It is getting hard to breath... I feel myself getting dizzy and i sink down to the floor as my legs give out... 

"Chris!" Lisa yells and i hear footsteps and two arms wrap around me lifting me up... I am put in the car as i am just beside myself... "Breath angel... Police is on the way..." He says with worry in his voice but i can't stop... I dont know why but i feel like someone is sitting on my chest... "Send an ambulance to please..." I vaguely hear... I can hear the panic in Jack's voice as he tries to get my attention and Lisa trying to calm him down and i want to snap out of it but somehow i can't... "Angel... Breath for me..." He says as i am crying without sound, tears running down my cheeks...

All i wanted was to settle in at home and just relax and enjoy the blue cloud with my boys... But that is now out of the question as we can't even go into our home... The whole house looks like a tornado had run through it... The walls had wholes and graffiti everywhere... Chairs were flipped over, and closets were ransacked. Pillows slashed leaving the insides everywhere... It was an absolute horror show... 

The more i think about it the harder it is to breath... "Ava look at me!" Chris says in a stern voice in an attempt to snap me out of it. I look up at him my vision blurry due to my tears... "Do you want to go to ma's house... She is taking Jack..." He says but i shake my head and grab his shirt... "No...! I want to stay with you..." I say and he nods and then turns and nods again and i hear a car start and drive off... Just then one of our little ones starts to cry and this finally snaps me out of it just enough to get out of the driver's seat and open the back door to get Owen out... 

I bounce up and down trying to calm myself down more as my babies need me... I hear faint sirens in the distance as Chris is still on the phone with the police looking anxiously around us on edge and alert...

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