Chapter 64

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I sigh looking around my place... I didn't really want to be here but at least i was not alone... The house i loved and always felt safe was no longer that... All i wanted was to get some of my personal belongings packed up and get out of here as soon as possible...

"Are you okay?" A voice says and i put on a smile turning around to see Tara walking in... She hugs me and i nod... "I am fine... Just a few more hours and then i never have to come back here..." I say and she nods... "You are sure you want to sell and not rent it out...?" She asks and i nod... "I am sure... I dont want anything to do with this place anymore..." I say letting out a big sigh... "Just try to think about the good memories..." She says and i nod... 

I smile as Chris appears with Scott and Ryan... "Hey Tara..." He says before turning to me... "Ma and Carly are starting in the kitchen... We will lift the heavy stuff and Shanna can help you with your office... Just tell me when you need to have the heavy stuff lifted and brought to the truck..." Chris says and i smile... Tara hugs them all and smiles. "And where can i be off service..." She asks and i smile... "Could you get all the pictures down in the hallway and wrap them and put them in a box..." I say and she nods... Chris kisses me and we all get to work as i just want out of here... The idea that Josh is still out there and having heard nothing from the police yet makes me anxious to be here... I kept looking out the window to our cars... All the police had told us was that they were investigating as it was definitely foul play... 

I tried not to think about it too much... They were investigating and we would hear it when they got something... I guess we should trust on that... 

"Have you ever thought to put a book together of your favorite pictures?" Shanna asks as she goes through a few of the prints laying on my desk... I chuckle... "You mean make a photobook of Chris..." I say and she laughs... "There must be other photos you made that you like..." She says smirking and i nod... I walk to my desk and pull out all sorts of photos of a ballerina in all sorts of ballet poses... "These i am really proud of..." I say smiling showing them to Shanna who smiles... "Wauw these are gorgeous..." She whispers and i smile... "Thanks... But i just took the photos... She did all the hard work..." I say and Shanna smiles... 

We start packing up my office and a few hours and a few breaks later we are all done... Everything i had said i wanted to take with me is packed... Everyone has worked so hard... Carly and Lisa have packed everything in boxes in the kitchen... The guys had loaded the few pieces of furniture i wanted with me in the truck and Tara had carefully packed all the decorations on the walls... The rest of my stuff was going to be picked up by a thrift store... Tara was going to arrange everything for that... I didn't have to come back here... ever... "Thank you everyone..." I say smiling and they all smile back... 

"Now let's take it all home..." Chris says smiling and i nod... "Can you guys give me a minute..." I ask and they all nod... Chris kisses me before he follows the others out... I sigh and walk around taking Tara's advice thinking about the good memories... This was the first house i ever owned and i loved it... But i was happy i was going to move... Josh had tainted it... And i was excited to start the next chapter with Chris in our new place... We were home from our vacation for a month now and a lot had happened... 

Stella's birthday party... Which was so much fun... Everyone was dressed up and Chris looked amazing dressed up as the beast... I had taken photos from everyone attending the party sending them a few prints as a keep's sake... Shanna had taken a few of Chris and i together and i loved them... We just look so happy... The photos send to the attendees were a hit, people loved them... Stella was in her element dressed as Elsa and the happiest girl in the world... Chris and i had bought her a little camera as she was so interested in what i did for a living and she loved it taking her own photos all throughout the party... 

We had the new house painted and changed a few minor details... Chris and i had gone furniture shopping which was so much fun and i just knew it was going to be beautiful... We had to wait a few weeks for it to be delivered but after that was done, we would move in... We had changed the locks... Put in a different security system with camera's all around the property and a safe as per my request. The biggest change a contractor was working on right now was putting up a fence all around the property to keep people out... This was Chris his wish and i agreed it gave me a saver feeling... The cameras everywhere i didn't mind either... A company had come and walked us through it making sure every inch of the property was covered... Nobody could come onto the property without it being on tape... The gate that would be the entrance to the property was going to be fitted with a camera and intercom system to... No having to walk to the gate to let people in... It was going to be our little slice of private heaven... I couldn't wait to move in... 

I was just so happy... And it sometimes scared me... I was waiting for the other shoe to drop... But i told myself to live in the now and to embrace the happy feeling... Chris and i are doing really good... We had talked a lot and with my friend working at my studio and liking it... Him getting along great with Melissa we decided that i would take a longer break of work in the studio... I wanted to go with Chris when he went to film again... We just wanted to be together as much as possible... We could always do our own thing in the future again but for now we didnt want to be months apart... 

I was even talking with Marvel about being the photographer again on Chris his next movie for them... Everyone who worked there had received a copy of the book i had put together and Marvel loved it so much that they had asked me to put one together for the fans to buy... We were still in talks about the details but i was excited about it... Maybe Shanna was right and putting a book together with my own photos was not such a bad idea...

I sigh and grab my bag and walk to the safe opening it and emptying it in the bag... I didn't need nosy people to ask what it all was what i had in there... I take a deep breath looking around saying goodbye... I smile and walk out and smile as the others are already gone while Chris is waiting leaning against our car... "Ready angel...?" He says wrapping his arms around me as i reach him and i smile and nod... I kiss him and hug him tighter... "I am so ready..." I whisper... "I love you Chris... I can't wait to start our new chapter..." I whisper and i look up and Chris has the biggest smile on his face... "Love you to angel... And i can't wait either..." He says kissing me before opening the door for me...

A calm washes over me the further we get away from my old place and i let out a deep sigh as my body relaxes... We pull up to the new place where everyone is already waiting... "Welcome home angel..." Chris whispers kissing the back of my hand and i smile... "Welcome home sappy..." I answer and he grins... "It is growing on you isn't it...?" I say smirking and he chuckles and opens the car door walking around and opening the door for me... "Maybe..." He says grinning and i chuckle kiss him before i get out and we walk hand in hand to the rest...

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